
The funding cuts eventually resulted in the Planned Parenthood abortion business closing one of its centers.

President Obama Doesn’t Know What Free Market Means Institute for Energy Research | August 26, 2015
President Obama’s speech was wrong on many details. He was wrong to suggest that solar (and wind) will reduce electricity rates and save people money

One day, a monument will be build to honor the lost lives and potential of our Veterans, but it is not and it will not be an excuse for not doing enough for the living and suffering heroes

Police officer, 2 others shot in Louisiana town News on the Net | August 26, 2015
Tonette Thibodeaux of the Sunset police department confirms that an officer was shot but says she does not have any details.

Greater is ‘He that is in me’ America Dr. Laurie Roth | August 26, 2015
That old and broken 55 year old working on her TV show, researching talk radio options and making her next record out of the hills of Washington is me -- Laurie Roth. I’m not dead. I am most alive.

Don’t any of the presidential primary candidates go picking on Kelly because it’s bad for your presidency

Loud and Clear Politics For a Change Ray DiLorenzo | August 26, 2015
Mr. Trump has given us voice and a reason to hang in there. No teleprompters. No more taking it on the chin. No giving in or backing down. Loud and clear politics for a change

Meanwhile, Hillary and Josh Earnest are already using it to push gun control.

Illegal immigration issue is a timely reminder

Negotiations based on shaky foundations without real substance can only guarantee their eventual death-throes

Rep. Diane Black argued for the defunding of Planned Parenthood on One America News Network's "On Point" with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Imperial Emperor Goodell's case is, er, a little soft.

Prompting media nonsense that he "compared Muslims to Nazis."

Jorge Ramos - more activist than reporter.

Disgruntled TV reporter murders colleagues live on air News on the Net | August 26, 2015
Then tweets his confession and posts horrifying video of killing on social network

High-pressure oxygen for fibromyalgia Guest Column | August 26, 2015
Israeli study finds new treatment for pain syndrome reduces or eliminates need for medication.

China Curbs Renewable Energy Subsidies Guest Column | August 26, 2015
Shale Revolution 2.0 Could Depress Oil Prices For A Generation

The newest concern comes from Israel, which is alleging that Iran sponsored rocket attacks into its territory from Syria last week.

The tense exchange with Ramos prompted another reporter to also ask about what happened only minutes prior.

Cruz replied that politicians should first tackle immigration by focusing on issues of bipartisan agreement, including stopping illegal immigration and “improve and streamline” legal immigration.

Combat Roles Hazardous to Women’s Health Arnold Ahlert | August 26, 2015
The astounding female injury rates that are being hidden from the public -- and women in the military

Bush will continue to pander to illegal alien voting blocs with his blarney on birthright citizenship under the 14th amendment, and O’Reilly will continue to hide propaganda in his nightly 8 p.m. bloviating

The ‘Ferguson Effect’ Spreads Matthew Vadum | August 26, 2015
An Alabama cop put in the hospital by a black felon admits he choked because he didn't want to be called racist

Why the Democrats Are So Desperate Cliff Kincaid | August 26, 2015
It would look bad for a political party backed by billionaires to nominate an open socialist for the White House

None of which they had the authority to de-classify

Dyer was seeking a partnership with the actors, hoping to increase her supply of fetal tissue products.

Our president calling Americans who dissent crazy Guest Column | August 25, 2015
Political correctness

Clearly, the time has arrived for a full governmental review of immigration and multicultural legislation—not to mention the Charter of Rights and Freedoms itself

Anchor babies/Human shields Sarge | August 25, 2015
Screw the Democrat and Republican Parties and their particular brands of self-serving Political Correctness removing us from dealing with the real problems in America.
