
China Curbs Renewable Energy Subsidies Guest Column | August 26, 2015
Shale Revolution 2.0 Could Depress Oil Prices For A Generation

The newest concern comes from Israel, which is alleging that Iran sponsored rocket attacks into its territory from Syria last week.

The tense exchange with Ramos prompted another reporter to also ask about what happened only minutes prior.

Cruz replied that politicians should first tackle immigration by focusing on issues of bipartisan agreement, including stopping illegal immigration and “improve and streamline” legal immigration.

Combat Roles Hazardous to Women’s Health Arnold Ahlert | August 26, 2015
The astounding female injury rates that are being hidden from the public -- and women in the military

Bush will continue to pander to illegal alien voting blocs with his blarney on birthright citizenship under the 14th amendment, and O’Reilly will continue to hide propaganda in his nightly 8 p.m. bloviating

The ‘Ferguson Effect’ Spreads Matthew Vadum | August 26, 2015
An Alabama cop put in the hospital by a black felon admits he choked because he didn't want to be called racist

Why the Democrats Are So Desperate Cliff Kincaid | August 26, 2015
It would look bad for a political party backed by billionaires to nominate an open socialist for the White House

None of which they had the authority to de-classify

Dyer was seeking a partnership with the actors, hoping to increase her supply of fetal tissue products.

Our president calling Americans who dissent crazy Guest Column | August 25, 2015
Political correctness

Clearly, the time has arrived for a full governmental review of immigration and multicultural legislation—not to mention the Charter of Rights and Freedoms itself

Anchor babies/Human shields Sarge | August 25, 2015
Screw the Democrat and Republican Parties and their particular brands of self-serving Political Correctness removing us from dealing with the real problems in America.

How HUD Will Legally Enslave Your Community John Anthony | August 25, 2015
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing may be an attempt to create balanced living patterns. Rather than remove discrimination, AFFH leverages it to codify oppression

The Unconstitutional “Anchor Baby” Delusion Col. Bill Connor | August 25, 2015
The Congressional and historic record make clear that the legal concept of birthright citizenship, used by countless aliens to gain U.S. citizenship through anchor babies, is both wrong and unconstitutional.

Jeb Bush Plays Race Card on Anchor Baby Issue! John Lillpop | August 25, 2015
So, just to be clear, Jeb Bush supports the 14th Amendment for illegal aliens from Mexico and other Latin nations, but gets riled when Asians try the same trick!

Not a smidgen.

U.S. President Barack Obama addresses the National Clean Energy Summit at the Mandalay Bay Resort Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, August 24, 2015

Wine Versus Beer Drinkers- Who’s Healthier? Jack Dini | August 25, 2015
If you are a drinker and you can stick to the recommended levels, wine is better, but both wine and beer have good health aspects.

Environics Analytics Releases WealthScapes 2015 News on the Net | August 25, 2015
Analyzing Canadians’ Assets, Liabilities and Spending Power

"Tell the lab it's coming! So they don't open the box and go, 'Oh God!'"

Each one is called a "case" as not to acknowledge that the "clump of cells" they are dissecting is actually a recently killed baby.

The IEA projects Brazil's output, despite Brazilian political turmoil, growing 6.45 percent in 2016

I find it ridiculous that the Supreme Court Justices of Canada expect Elected Federal Members Of Parliament to create legislation to legalize this in any way shape or form!

The Hypocrisy of Denver’s War on Chick-fil-A Heritage Foundation | August 25, 2015
If you're craving Chick-fil-A in the Denver airport, blame the City Council for the fact that you can't get any

Scientists have turned cancerous cells back to normal by switching back on the process which stops normal cells from replicating too quickly

Predation by another species is the number one cause of extinction

She will not suffer, I assure you, from being ousted as she will revert back to her missionary philanthropic Foundation ready to, once again, enrich herself and her darling husband

Iran Nuclear Side Deals Expose Additional Flaws Roger Aronoff | August 25, 2015
Mainstream media might want to reconsider their blind support for this flawed, unworkable deal.

Never again should we neglect, marginalize our military. Never again should we forget what it takes to build our defense. Vietnam Syndrome was kicked a quarter century ago in the deserts of the Middle East. Let's vow to never let it come back
