
Republican on how party should respond to Obama's executive action

EU’s unilateral climate policy is absurd and suicidal

Road test: Toyota Prius Plug in Tim Saunders | December 3, 2014
In town it is economical and on the motorway it is surprisingly fast.

Dems lining up behind Hillary

Power charge your phone at the café Guest Column | December 3, 2014
Starbucks and Powermat roll out revolutionary wireless charging stations to banish ‘dead battery anxiety.’

Ringside Turkey of the Year: John Boehner Jeff Crouere | December 3, 2014
Sadly, the Speaker is bereft of courage, principles and political instincts

WestJet Christmas Miracle: Spirit of Giving News on the Net | December 3, 2014

No More Green Energy Schemes for Ontario Canadian Taxpayers Federation | December 3, 2014
This faux-market scheme creates ripe opportunity for crony capitalism and corruption, while doing very little to address emissions

“Known affectionately as ‘Le Gros Bill,’ Mr. Béliveau was quite simply one of the most talented and gracious players to ever play the game

Seeking Democratic Reforms for Hong Kong

Once the House sends over a bill funding everything in government except the president’s executive action on amnesty, then Harry Reid could ignore it and create a government spending emergency

Luxe Holiday Offers in Palm Beach, Seattle and Naples News on the Net | December 3, 2014
The Brazilian Court Hotel in Palm Beach resides just steps away from the luxurious, world-renowned shops of Worth Avenue and the sapphire waters and sugar-white sands of the Atlantic Ocean.

So Republicans can respond by getting rid of them altogether and rewriting the corporate tax code

How to Make Your Own Race Riot Daniel Greenfield | December 3, 2014
The answers to Ferguson can’t be found in its streets. The problem didn’t come from there. It came from a black political establishment that lights the fuse for its own power and profit.

Amnesty Showdown Arnold Ahlert | December 3, 2014
How will the GOP respond to Obama’s executive power grab?

Media Have Dirty Hands from Ferguson Cliff Kincaid | December 3, 2014
The issues they won't address include the problem of black violence--specifically black-on-white violence--and drug use and family breakdown in the black community.

Renewables NOT Renewable Viv Forbes | December 2, 2014
Most so called “renewable” energy relies on the sun, and is better referred to as “in-exhaustible”. But at any point on Earth, wind/solar is more accurately called “intermittent energy”

Deadly High: How synthetic drugs are killing kids News on the Net | December 2, 2014
Fatal reactions from mystery substance

It is normal for countries to have a religion-based character to a state

Wake Up, Australia Viv Forbes | December 2, 2014
Our foolish green energy policies and the suicidal war on carbon fuels are killing real industry leaving us unskilled and defenceles

Is Sidewalk Counseling “Stalking”? Liberty Counsel | December 2, 2014
“It is a sad irony when a statute designed to prevent violence against women is used to prevent a pro-life schoolteacher from peacefully counseling women against the violence of abortion

Does Congress really need to add to the federal estate when the feds already own 640 million acres of land, approaching one-third the total area of the United States?

Lame Duck Congress could vote this week on more tax dollars for Big Wind

A new report by Clean Energy Canada makes some claims that do not appear to hold up under scrutiny.

Cameras... and creative editing, of course

The liberals say Ontario rates are competitive: Randy Hillier questions Minister on Electricity Rates:

Social Services Minister Helena Jaczek should support the call to re-strike the Estimates Committee

Hard to believe, but your eyes don't lie to you.

Are the DHS and FBI trying to protect troops or only to depress and demoralize them? Is this how the DHS can keep active duty soldiers from sending messages of Christmas hope to their families?

The World’s Climate Change Mafia Meet in Peru Alan Caruba | December 2, 2014
Whatever Barack Obama has to say about “climate change” (formerly known as “global warming”) is a lie. It would be nice to have a President and a government we could trust.
