
Conrad Black William Bedford | October 21, 2014
A larger-than-life Canadian

Curbing Obama Power Grabs Paul Driessen | October 21, 2014
The courts and Senate provide no checks and balances. Could a Republican Senate help?

Speech isn't free if politicians don't like it.

Obama the virtuoso manager Caroline Glick | October 21, 2014
Obama the Great...

2014 Poll Watcher Training Guide

Support America's economic potential and energy security while tamping down the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that are the popular tools of Obama's moneyed allies

Hard to hang onto Big Boo Man Status when so many of your observers know that when it comes to Ebola, Obama long ago mounted his girly bike and rode off into the do-nothing sunset

2001 video reveals Ron Klain's Ebola training background....

Farmer’s Harassment Claim Against Green Group to Get Airing Heritage Foundation | October 20, 2014
There is nothing in the conservation easement that gives the PEC the power to harass and humiliate Martha Boneta

Quarantine Quandary Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | October 20, 2014
Ebola Dose of Reality

A CNN "journalist" named John D. Sutter wants to scream "racism" and the station is eager to help. Apparently, as MSNBC has shown, that's how failing networks think they'll turn their fortunes around

The War on Police, Revisited Cliff Kincaid | October 20, 2014
New Post owner Jeff Bezos ought to relieve Balko of his position. He has become too embarrassing to keep on the payroll

The Progressive Pajama Boy Era is Over Daniel Greenfield | October 20, 2014
The progressive will continue to haunt American politics, but his current hipster incarnation is headed for extinction

Why would you ask such a thing?

America needs to be quarantined from Obama Dag Barkley | October 20, 2014
Obama knew Ebola would make it to the United States

Democratic Voting Bloc-Heads Alan Caruba | October 20, 2014
The Democratic Party depends on voting blocs of less educated, less wealthy, more knee-jerk voters than the Republican Party,

November 4: the most important election in history James Simpson | October 20, 2014
Whatever the outcome, the GOP needs to fight this with everything it has

Winner for the billboard contest Herman Cain | October 20, 2014
After several thousand entries, here are the best!


Ministers face a 180-day jail term and $1,000 fine for each day they decline to celebrate the same-sex wedding.

It is the Scarborough subway, stupid

“The wind turbine acoustic standards differ dramatically from other noise sources

Gittin’ Sumpin’ Fuh Nuttin’ Jimmy Reed | October 20, 2014
Thaddeus, a hog farmer: Government money, unemployment benefits, entitlements, including food stamps for his 'non-farming'

Big government no solution to helping the poor Rolf Yungclas | October 20, 2014
We need our government to transition social welfare programs to private non-profit organizations that seek their funding directly from the people and the businesses of America,

Arkansas US Senate Race: Pryor v. Cotton Arthur Christopher Schaper | October 20, 2014
Arkansas was one of the last Dixie-crat, conservative Southern Democratic strongholds, yet has now trended Republican

Fascism: Idaho case involves Donald and Evelyn Knapp, both ordained ministers, who run Hitching Post Wedding Chapel

Let’s Hear How They Will Do It Viv Forbes | October 19, 2014
Beyond Zero Emissions

There's a right way to do executive leadership. Obama has no clue what it is.

Health Canada and CBC Television Distort Medical Facts W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | October 19, 2014
More of us should get mad as hell about asinine bureaucracy

GOD IS LOVE by Alexander, the great poet! Chris Robinson | October 19, 2014
The Bible is my Teacher; and the chalk-board, my heart
