
And quite a few other lefties too.

Hiding Hydro Pension Problems Canadian Taxpayers Federation | August 19, 2014
Most government employees, including those at public utilities, receive lucrative defined-benefit pension deals.

The Terroirist Manifesto of Anselme Selosse David White | August 19, 2014
Selosse's wines aren't easy to find. Miniscule production and a cult-like following have brought the prices sky-high

Tea Party Growing Pains – The US Senate Races Arthur Christopher Schaper | August 19, 2014
Tea Party leaders need to focus on strong, relentless pressure on their senators, while setting up strong candidates and primary challengers for key House races

“Lest we forget.”

Gaza’s successful reconstruction is an important step in the Palestinian state building process and advancing the peace process

Ukraine’s Next Crisis? Economic Disaster Guest Column | August 19, 2014
The economy is being destroyed, yet Kiev is itself destroying any chance of bringing in Western investment to prop it up

Disgruntled DA

Solar Cycles Linked To Global Warming Pause, New Paper

It’s not cheap to raise a kid. But nor does it have to be insanely expensive.

‘Little Green Men’ Believe in Global Warming Judi McLeod | August 19, 2014
Extraterrestrials are conveniently global warming believers

Ferguson’s Old Grievances Alan Caruba | August 19, 2014
This is not the 1950s or 1960s. It is 2014 and this is getting very old.

Trampling on Coal Country families Paul Driessen | August 19, 2014
Obama and EPA are determined to destroy US coal, people's lives and welfare be damned

Pelosi’s Pariahs Judi McLeod | August 19, 2014
Pelosi made a pariah out of Tom DeLay and is now trying to do the same for Texas Governor Rick Perry

Immigration and Charity Father Paul Nicholson | August 19, 2014
State has a responsibility to protect its own citizens

“It was really a sham” Patrick D Hahn | August 19, 2014
Part 2: "IT'S A NIGHTMARE": After the Avandia debacle, is history about to repeat itself?

Spending billions of tax dollars on infrastructure projects in the face of large climate and hydrological ambiguity is unwise

With support from U.S. air power

Holder is sure to further inflame the situation

What’s Fueling Forest Fires? Institute for Energy Research | August 18, 2014
EPW, forest fires, john podesta, Obama Administration

Some onlookers said police officers in Ferguson look as if they’re in a war zone

Terrorist Featured on York Student Group Website B’nai Brith | August 18, 2014
Anti-Israel groups who operate on campus under the guise of wanting a peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict

Trudeau is not a leader; he’s a puppet

President gets away with high crimes and misdemeanors. Eric Holder is repeatedly abusing his office as he ignores lawbreaking and goes after President Obama’s opponents with trumped-up charges

UN Says Reconstruct Hamas-Controlled Gaza Now and Investigate Israel Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | August 18, 2014
Durable ceasefire in Gaza going forward

Christian churches are being burned and destroyed routinely in Muslim nations. To our horror these same Muslim nations are receiving multi billions of American taxpayer dollars

Originally Saddam's monument to himself, terrorist monsters could use it to choke off water supply or cause massive flooding

How DARE he!?

A self-described anarchist? Fun!

The entirely political indictment of Rick Perry Dan Calabrese | August 18, 2014
Threatening to veto a bill is apparently now a criminal offense.
