
Israel’s Leftist Losers Daniel Greenfield | March 24, 2015
G-d kept Israel alive despite the left's incompetence, its treasons and its slavish instinct for appeasement

Like Everything Else He Wants...

The Defense of Property Rights Act, which is now before the House Judiciary Committee, reaffirms and re-establishes the importance of private property rights and individual control of those rights.

Ted Cruz announces he's running for president at Liberty University

If you want to transform American students into pliant proletariat workers for crony capitalist corporations, Common Core is the way to indoctrinate them into the collectivist utopian mindset

Anti-American NDP opposes extension of ISIS mission Arthur Weinreb | March 23, 2015
Anyone who thought the anti-Americanism of the NDP would disappear when Obama took over from Bush was wrong.

UN Security Council Allows Iran a Free Hand in Yemen Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 23, 2015
The UN Security Council’s inaction against Iran regarding its blatant arming, training and funding of the Houthis in Yemen, in violation of a prior Security Council resolution, is no accident

Race together!

'Is this thing on?' *AHEM* 'Death to America.'

The Israelis Send Obama a Message Alan Caruba | March 23, 2015
Obama demanding Israel commit territorial suicide, He should be supporting the greatest ally America has in the Middle East, but that is too much to ask of this ignorant, arrogant, former community organizer.

What Did He Just Say??? Jim Yardley | March 23, 2015
Draw your own conclusions about how much confidence you can generate about the truthfulness of the administration's responses

Ugly underbelly of the Democrat party.

It's go time!

The Latest on Lettuce Wes Porter | March 23, 2015
Haemophilia treatment,haemophilia A, Queen Victoria,

A Work of Fiction: President Hillary Clinton Al Kaltman | March 23, 2015
Does the Constitution prevent Hillary from naming Bill as her vice presidential running mate?

The “industry that has done much to keep the national economy afloat” is in trouble. There have been some 74,000 layoffs in the U.S. oil patch since November.

Patrick Moore's makes a compelling case that global warming alarmism deserves a highly skeptical reception

Why Surgeons Need Cockpit Training W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | March 23, 2015
It’s a tragedy if a patient suffers a stroke when there’s valid reason for the surgery. But if it happens when surgery is unjustified, it’s a catastrophe impossible to measure.

What else needs be said? Sarge | March 23, 2015
John F. Kennedy

“The Affordable Care Act must be repealed,” says Gov Pence of Indiana

US Republicans Pledge To Block Obama’s Fracking Regulations

Solutions for a better America Herman Cain | March 23, 2015
Keep it alive.

Hillary's email scandal.

Why Loretta Lynch’s nomination is really being held up.

You're out to steal the voter market, aren't you? Only if I can get away with it,

Don’t Mess Wit’ Melvin No Mo’! Jimmy Reed | March 23, 2015
Fishing, Mississippi Delta

Here we go.

He simply recognized reality, which might be why it bothered Obama so much.

Camp Lone Star - Massey says Gary Hunt | March 22, 2015
These are Massey's own evaluation of the Response
