
Canada has never had a coherent foreign or national defense policy, but it is never too late to start.

Current administration would rather squeeze U.S. citizens for more revenue

Divide and Conquer: A Game of Thrones? Leigh Bravo | August 30, 2014
It is time for the left and the right to come together as the people of the United States against our common enemy and demand that our government hand us back the keys to the castle

Looking back through the decades, we find lots of variability but very few trends.

Mary Landrieu and Her House of Cards Jeff Crouere | August 30, 2014
A U.S. Senator should not be lying to her constituents

California Gov. Brown’s Unwelcome Welcome Mat Arthur Christopher Schaper | August 30, 2014
Gov. Moonbeam shined on the Vietnamese with a ‘Go Away” sign, but welcomes illegal Mexican immigration

The GAO’s Whitewash on the Social Cost of Carbon Institute for Energy Research | August 29, 2014
Carbon dioxide, GAO, government accountability office, OMB, social cost of carbon

CCRKBA Chief says Bloomberg, Billionaires trying to buy freedom one right at a time

The insecure border with Mexico now involves a serious terrorist threat that even Barack Obama will be forced to take seriously

Nail Polish and Date Rape Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | August 29, 2014
Nail polish indicator for Rohypnol

Cuomo can advertise the fact he killed jobs but increased memberships for the National Rifle Association

Judge Richard Posner is Wrong on Marriage Liberty Counsel | August 29, 2014
“Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute have perpetrated a massive fraud on the United States and the world,

Stonings, beheadings, crucifixions...

Ego and agenda: Obama is loathe to call it an 'invasion'

Russia now marching full-bore into Ukraine Dan Calabrese | August 29, 2014
When bad actors like Putin and ISIS cause problems, Obama is annoyed, but not as much as he's annoyed at you and me for expecting him to know what to do about it.

2011 Harper Campaign Promise Closer to Reality Canadian Taxpayers Federation | August 29, 2014
With $400 Million Q1 Federal Budget Surplus CTF Federal Debt Clock Could Soon Be Coming Off the Road

Obama’s lack of plans on Ukraine and ISIS Dag Barkley | August 29, 2014
Nothing is as good as 'something...Just not as Much!

Global Redistribution will be my Legacy

This is a speech made by a man who understands the threat of radical Islam

Golf, dancing, and other recreational diversions apparently more important than preservation of the nation and 330 million American lives.

Follow the money Sarge | August 29, 2014
This is about money and the power it can buy in politics

It has already been tried, and it failed

The Media at War With the Obama Administration? Roger Aronoff | August 29, 2014
President Obama, the “greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation.”

At least 15,000 civilians, including many women and children, are trapped in Amerli without access to food or water

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SOCOM Change of Command Jim ONeill | August 29, 2014
If you want to change the world, don’t ever, ever ring the bell

Putin Storms Ukraine Arnold Ahlert | August 29, 2014
Vladimir Putin's expansionist urges

Meanwhile, has anyone noticed how the sound of the chirping crickets has suddenly changed to the snorting of pigs at the trough?

We still don’t have all the facts about happened in Ferguson, but we can already draw one big lesson

Why Worry When You Can Pray Dr. Robert R. Owens | August 29, 2014
What is it that allows me to gaze daily at the man-caused disasters which befall us as we morph from our nation to the Obamanation without embracing the nihilism so common to the citizens of falling empires?

The PLO (founded in 1964) and Hamas (founded in 1987) both seek to unravel the decisions made at San Remo in 1920
