
Fiasco of a fair and balanced debate Guest Column | August 9, 2015
RE: Fox News, newest Reality TV

When Muslims Burn Jews Alive Daniel Greenfield | August 9, 2015
Muslim Arson Jihad

I would encourage all Americans to watch the Planned Parenthood videos and face the stark reality of a practice we are funding

The Talking Head Election Debate Judi McLeod | August 9, 2015
CNN and the New York Times loved last night’s biased presidential debate. No wonder. Fox News is now just like them

EPA’s punitive, fraudulent Clean Power Plan Paul Driessen | August 9, 2015
Congress, states and our next president must end EPA harm to human health and welfare

Iran Agreement requires Advice and Consent A. Dru Kristenev | August 9, 2015
The Review Act was invalid before it was ever signed by the president due to its content and purpose to void the Constitution's superior voice

GOP Debate: Between the Serious and the Circus Rev. Michael Bresciani | August 8, 2015
America is presently choking on the belligerent gay agenda, abortion practices, huge debt, energy irresponsibility, government expansion and corruption, illegal immigration

The Iran Deal is bad for America, very bad Ted Belman | August 8, 2015
The nuclear deal with Iran is a wildly lopsided agreement. Whereas Iran received permanent concessions, the United States and its partners managed only to buy a little time

Australia Orders More Foreign Homeowners to Sell News on the Net | August 8, 2015
Treasurer Joe Hockey vows to boost penalties as investigators probe 462 possible breaches by foreign home buyers

The GOP good-old-boy network Guest Column | August 8, 2015
Carly Fiorina

Farrell made it clear that Planned Parenthood had been involved in the selling of aborted baby parts for some time and was very familiar with the use of fetal remains in the production of humanized mice.

Democrats, CNN and other liberal bias media have an insidiously evil agenda to convince black America that Republicans, conservatives and police are out to get them.

"Something even the Nazis didn't think of".

The Real Drama is in the Democratic Primary Roger Aronoff | August 8, 2015
Obama could never trust Hillary to be loyal to his disastrous policies and controversial legacy. But Biden? Yes, he most likely would stay loyal to Obama. This has the potential to make the Republican race seem dull

Iranian General goes to Russia Guest Column | August 7, 2015
Our President has shown his allegiance to his Muslim brethren once again

Saudi Arabia VS President Obama and Secretary Kerry Yoram Ettinger | August 7, 2015
Obama's and Kerry's diplomacy has made the world a much more dangerous place

Third Party Trump is better than RINO Jeb Bush Jeff Crouere | August 7, 2015
Trump's best chance for victory would be as the GOP nominee

So Many Good Republicans Matthew Vadum | August 7, 2015
The first top-tier GOP debate unveils a strong crop of candidates.

Obama’s enemies list Caroline Glick | August 7, 2015
Obama wishes to convince the public that the deal’s opponents are either partisan extremists or traitors who care about Israel more than they care about America

The GOP Debate—Miserable Irrelevancy Nelson Hultberg | August 7, 2015
Our culture sinks relentlessly into an abysmal preoccupation with gays, transsexuals, drug addicts, and other sundry oddities of life

Obama’s Lies about Bush and Iraq Arnold Ahlert | August 7, 2015
Covering his betrayal of America with discredited falsehoods

Schumer said his biggest concern regarding the deal is that after 10 years, many of the restrictions against Iran are removed.

Wherever implemented by government regulation, such energy sources have proven to be unreliable and unsustainable without government subsidies—and that means taxation and higher energy costs for all.

But he can still course-correct.

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New Survey: Less Than Half Of Climate Scientists Agree With The IPCC’s Key Claim

Temperature standstill extends to 223 months

Arizona Misfits; A Bad Operation Gone Worse Gary Hunt | August 7, 2015
When we look at the players and their very subjective purpose, for personal gain, we have to wonder whether they can be truly called patriots

Global Oil Supply More Fragile Than You Think Oilprice.com | August 7, 2015
With spare capacity shot and major new sources of oil not coming online in a few years, the world may end up struggling to meet rising oil demand. That could cause oil prices to spike.

The candidates addressed a number of policy issues such as the Iran deal, illegal immigration and the economy, which remains one of the most important issues among American voters.

Senator Schumer deserves kudos for standing by his principles
