
To know Hillary is to hate Hillary Jeff Crouere | July 17, 2015
Other than her last name and big donors, the only advantage Hillary has is her gender. Some Americans will vote for her only because they want to see the first woman President in our history

UN Set to Officially Endorse Disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | July 17, 2015
The United Nations Security Council is being used to midwife the legal instrument that legitimizes the path to a possible nuclear holocaust.

Democrats Circle Wagons On Planned Parenthood Video News on the Net | July 17, 2015
When asked about the video Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner said, “I could talk about the video, but I’d vomit.”

Walker was referencing an undercover video released on Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola

Jindal was ready to go a step further.

I'm so loved and admired.. what the hell happened? The public has a better grasp of reality than you.

Performing an important public service.

Ramping up the monstrosity.

EU Decarbonisation Policies Could Cost UK Steel Industry £300 Million A Year

Obama’s age of nuclear chaos Caroline Glick | July 17, 2015
One day the nuclear Furies Obama has unleashed may find their way to New York City.

“Our top priority is the passionate care that we provide,” Richards adds.

U.N. Security Council sanctions are not U.S. statutory sanctions, but the clear intent of the legislation is to prevent any sanctions relief until Congress has reviewed the deal.

Were Zimbabwean baby elephants bootlegged to China? News on the Net | July 17, 2015
36 elephants captured

Barack Obama promised he would fundamentally change America and it seems that is exactly what he has done

Critics, including a majority of Japanese constitutional specialists, say the legislation violates the country’s postwar charter, which renounces war

Obama’s Iran Audacity Douglas V. Gibbs | July 17, 2015
Jihadism is being emboldened right here in the United States by the Obama administration's dealings with Iran, and the President's anti-Israel positions

The True Cost of Immigration Arnold Ahlert | July 17, 2015
Our unsustainable predicament

How the Republicans Plan to Lose to Hillary Cliff Kincaid | July 17, 2015
Hillary is counting on the Republicans nominating another loser with a losing strategy while she moves to the left and looks like a moderate. Alinsky would be proud.

Iran has now out-pioneered even North Korea in the art of nuclear extortion. As Congress embarks on its 60-day review of the Iran deal, it would be wise to consider not only the implications for Iran and the Middle East, but for a world

Abdulazeez described by a friend as a 'devout Muslim' and a good athlete who started fighting in MMA events after graduating from high school

My Diogenes Quest George Giftos | July 16, 2015
Honest politicians

Is Natural Gas the Answer for Electric Utilities? Institute for Energy Research | July 16, 2015
EPA’s so-called “Clean Power Plan” will require electric generators to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030

It is time to stop saying the rub is that Iran can’t be trusted. It is the Obama administration that can’t be trusted to put America first.

NIGERIA: Boko Haram Steps Up Attacks News on the Net | July 16, 2015
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Democrats for. . .Republican Scott Walker Arthur Christopher Schaper | July 16, 2015
Walker is a standard-bearer in the Republican Party, and an era-definer in American politics. Not bad at all.

He injured one cop after shooting up two Tennessee military centers with a 'high-powered rifle' - before being shot dead

The religion of peace

Heightened citizen vigilance. It is the price of freedom

Israel has to decide whether such Obama gifts or bribes will or should impact her decision on whether or not to attack Iran. If she decides to attack Iran in self-defense, she will do so in the fall.

Obama, telling the public that this agreement is a result of logic, identifies the fact that either our president is himself illogical, or that he has another agenda for which this agreement would be a logical outcome
