
Posing for the Cameras While the Islamic Threat Grows Cliff Kincaid | February 26, 2015
McCaul is very good at posing for the cameras and going on Fox News to talk about his hearings. But his record of doing anything to actually stop the Islamic threat is weak.

Or else a conservative "win" becomes a liberal extravaganza.

If the Senate passes the funding bill, as expected, it would head back to the House, where its fate is unclear.

What If Obama Refuses to Obey Court Order? John Lillpop | February 25, 2015
He is a radicalized, terror-enabling, anti-American Marxist!

Obama is the most incompetent, lying and untrustworthy, not to mention questionable ethics and suspicious dereliction of character ever to hold high office

Sex Ed 101 What is the meaning of Consent? Diane Weber Bederman | February 25, 2015
Our children are losing the ability to read body language. Too busy on their electronic devices. On-line communication prevents the development of one’s emotional intelligence

When Something Hurts Dave Macy | February 25, 2015
God will not be mocked

Two Distinct Electorates Ron Lipsman | February 25, 2015
Lliberal Dems that the special presidential electorate has anointed since Nixon did not reflect the political proclivities of the American people – especially since 1994. Their kind can be defeated – as Reagan did

Common Ground Church, Lake Worth, Florida

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) asked Allen at today’s hearing to describe “what defeat looks like.”

She said President Obama was "right" on the issue.

Konrad, 38, who played for the Miami Dolphins from 1999 to 2004, had told the responders, including police and rescue workers, that he'd fallen off his boat around 1 p.m.

After waging partisan battles in the White House as First Lady, Clinton explained that she learned to be less partisan when she was elected a senator from New York.

Levin particularly criticized Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) for comments he made suggesting that he would not support a bill tying DHS funding to defunding the president’s executive action on immigration

Time to End Too Big to Jail Heritage Foundation | February 25, 2015
In practice, if you work for a large bank, commit fraud and get away with it, then you profit handsomely; if you work for a large bank, commit fraud and get caught, then the shareholders of your employer pay.

According to Rice, the address injects politics into the U.S.-Israel relationship, which she deemed to be “destructive.”

"By subsidizing illegal entry with four years’ worth of new tax credits, the IRS would promote lawlessness,”

The Secular Religion of the Left Daniel Greenfield | February 25, 2015
The left can't replace family or religion. Its social solutions are alien and artificial. They fix nothing and damage everything

Islamist takeover Guest Column | February 25, 2015

Besides an appetite for rape, torture and heinous beheadings?

Mongolia exhibition, Suffolk, UK May to June Tim Saunders | February 25, 2015
Visit Mongolia in the UK this May

Speechless Guest Column | February 25, 2015

'Strategic patience' in action.

Transparent administration won't confirm his identity.

The difference between ISIS and a Rattlesnake? Not much.

Tagging drugs to fight counterfeit medicines American Chemical Society | February 25, 2015
Microtags, such as the ones in this vial, could help thwart makers of counterfeit medicines.

Time-release cannabis pill coming Guest Column | February 25, 2015
Cannabics Pharmaceuticals says its innovative technology puts standard doses of the medicinal cannabis compounds into a sustained-release capsule.

Motoring: Honda Civic Tourer Tim Saunders | February 25, 2015
The Tourer is certainly visually appealing and looks decidedly futuristic, which is surprising for an estate car, which so often looks the poor relation when compared to its hatchback or saloon variants.

It will be hard for the conspiracy theorists to digest, but for the investor looking for the next big thing, it goes down pretty smoothly, from Russia with ... a great deal of pragmatism.

How a Free Clinic Is Saving Health Care in America (Video) Heritage Foundation | February 25, 2015
“The people who are sick and have no funds would go to a clinic, which is what it used to be way before we had big government programs. We’ll take care of them. It’s in our DNA.
