
IRS targeting scandal

Debunking the House Intelligence Report on Benghazi Clare M. Lopez | November 25, 2014
Rep. Trey Gowdy and the entire Select Committee on Benghazi to keep investigating this tragic fiasco until there is full accountability and as much transparency as possible for the American people—and especially, for the families of those who gave th


"Deeply frustated by Obama team's lack of discipline."

...Ummmmmm we are? Since when?

Israel, Palestinians, Terrorism

Ferguson Decision gets under Obama’s Skin Dag Barkley | November 25, 2014
I have a devilish urge to lie again

Rethinking the Tasting Note David White | November 25, 2014
The truth, of course, is that those aromas have nothing to do with why we love wine. So perhaps it's time to change the way we talk about it.

Follow The Sand To The Real Fracking Boom Oilprice.com | November 25, 2014
The competition is stiff, but this game is still unfolding, while increased demand is reshaping the playing field.

Schools like Harvard and Yale are designed not to promote knowledge but to perpetuate an aristocracy

Obama on Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Dag Barkley | November 25, 2014
Too Much Mad Sir... Your true colors are showing!

Reason why America is under siege: Community Organizer who gained the White House in 2008 never grew up to be president

Ferguson in Flames Matthew Vadum | November 25, 2014
The lynch mob is egged on by the Radical-in-Chief. It is yet another success for America's first Alinskyite president

Turning Climate Into Cash Alan Caruba | November 25, 2014
At what point will the public conclude that virtually everything that we have been told about “global warming” and “climate change” has been bogus

As if it’s not bad enough that nearly all the “American” Muslims who have joined ISIS have been Somalis from Minneapolis

Arbitrary & Capricious Justice? Gary Hunt | November 25, 2014
Perhaps it is time for us to read the words, and rely upon ourselves to interpret them, as we believe the Framers intended

The Obama Club Guest Column | November 25, 2014
Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder

Ferguson, Missouri

Witness journal described the shooting

To the left, the rule of law is arbitrary. It apparently applies to Republicans, not Democrats

Avocado, aka The Testicle Tree Wes Porter | November 25, 2014
Presumably originating with its Aztec (Nahuatl) name, avocados are widely believed to be aphrodisiacal

For real?

Because we need a solution and we can't wait.

Isn't it about time to jettison the so-called “Legacy of Racial Discrimination” out of existence in order to eliminate a lame excuse for unacceptable violence, Mr. President?

Progressives in Bed with “Cos” and “Hef” Cliff Kincaid | November 25, 2014
Bill Cosby isn’t the only famous figure implicated in the sordid activities at the mansion. For obvious reasons, our media won’t tell you “the rest of the story.” Now you know

The Good Muslim Terrorist Daniel Greenfield | November 25, 2014
Moderates who just want an extra mile on a map don’t chop down old men at prayer, don’t rape little girls or burn families to death

We'll have more as the story develops. National media are waiting for riots to erupt. The good folks in Ferguson surely have the good sense to disappoint them, yes?

Electricity Rate Increases Begin in New England Institute for Energy Research | November 24, 2014
Electricity rates, natural gas, New England, rate increases

Obama, Kerry and Negotiations with Iran Dag Barkley | November 24, 2014
How the Stars do Line up!
