
Ebola in our borders Guest Column | October 3, 2014
Irresponsible government

Britain’s Green Energy Fiasco Deepens Guest Column | October 3, 2014
Expensive Green Energy A ‘Bad Gamble’ As Gas Price Drops

USPS – Delivering Deficit Spending Since 2006 Michael R. Shannon | October 3, 2014
The Post Office wants to deliver your groceries

Right to exist determined by revamped history A. Dru Kristenev | October 3, 2014
"Israel was using its missiles to protect its children. Hamas was using its children to protect its missiles." Rewrite history, if you will, but the moral witness of the real victims will testify to the truth

Iran is not the enemy of the ISIS Amir Basiri | October 3, 2014
Iran is at the root of the chaos

Obama’s decision to attack Fox, known for its tough coverage of the president, is his latest attempt to rally Democratic voters in the run-up to the November midterms

How Putin is Using ISIS to Help Iran Cliff Kincaid | October 3, 2014
Unless the U.S. gets serious about the Russian threat, Putin and the Ayatollah win, and the U.S., Israel and the Free World lose. Checkmate.

Sorry, Barack, but this time “leading from behind” into the PC abyss simply cannot be tolerated!

Justin Trudeau is not fit to become prime minister of Canada. Not a matter of ideology, but a complete lack of comprehension of the world around him and the dangers Canada faces

The Obama administration’s lawsuit against one small town — and how leftists will profit from it.

Reckless Endangerment Joanna Rosamond | October 3, 2014
Obama keeps golfing through beheadings and continues to label acts of radical terrorism as workplace violence. How do you score with blood on your hands?

Netanyahu’s statements and policies Caroline Glick | October 3, 2014
Only way to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power is for Israel to attack Iran's nuclear installations. Until Israel adopts a policy for doing so, words will not suffice

President wanted one thing and one thing only - to get out.

Luxury cruising in Europe on a Hotel Barge David Powell | October 3, 2014
This was my first luxury hotel barge cruise and I would most certainly recommend it

They now understand "how painful this has been".

A coherent strategy for the Middle East James A. Lyons, Jr. Admiral, USN (ret) | October 2, 2014
First, stop the implementation of sequestration on U.S. military forces

Affordable Care Act is not more affordable. Whether employer, exchange or individual coverage, they are feeling the law’s impact in higher premiums, sky-high deductibles, tax penalties.

How to explain terrorism to a 12-year-old Herman Cain | October 2, 2014
Because liberal educators will do it if you don't.

INDIA: Couple Hospitalized Following Brutal Assault News on the Net | October 2, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

“We feel the judge did not consider our religious beliefs or the Constitution

One lucky contestant walked away with a special prize.

Bibi. What he said - and what he didn’t. Barry Shaw | October 2, 2014
Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations and at The White House

Saskatchewan Prudence Pays Off Canadian Taxpayers Federation | October 2, 2014
This accomplishment is one worth celebrating. In fact, it’s an approach more governments should copy.

Radio host questions what the president really knew about the group

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Cranberry Month: Let’s Talk Turkey Wes Porter | October 2, 2014
October gardening: Thanksgiving, cranberries

The history of healthcare spending overruns by provincial and territorial governments means Canadians must wait for the final numbers before concluding that public healthcare spending is growing at a sustainable rate

Isn’t that racist, Mr. President? Judi McLeod | October 2, 2014
Afghan soldiers brought to Cape Cod to be sent back to Afghanistan?:

The choice yours. You either live free or vote Democrat. It's really that simple

Militarizing the White House, Not the Police Cliff Kincaid | October 2, 2014
Are the lives of police officers in Ferguson worth less than that of the President of the United States?

So why is Chow putting herself on the same side of Hamas, which kills, tortures and discriminates against the Gazan LGBT community?
