
The Nemesis of Agenda21 Alan Caruba | July 21, 2014
Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center

Prime Minister's actions to prioritize growth over climate make him climate enemy number one

Constipated Underachievers Sarge | July 21, 2014
John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Boehner, Peter King, Marco Rubio

America's New War: Not everyone wants the truth, but we just need enough of us to wake up

“I’ll tell you who is holding these kids ransom: It’s Harry Reid and the president,”

Students, Liberals, CBC

Rep. Joe Garcia: “We’ve Proved that Communism Works” Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | July 21, 2014
Dream of a world-wide workers’ paradise may commence under the leadership of a one world elite government guided by the borderless United Nations.

Fostering the lies Doug Hagmann | July 21, 2014
By not demanding the truth then, before, or after, the purveyors of perjury have only accelerated their perversion of truth

Community Organizer in Chief Rolf Yungclas | July 21, 2014
Barack Obama, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Communism

Complete destruction of the USA is tiresome to him and rather a bother when planning for vacation. Priorities must be set!

State-funded training of radical Imams, State-sanctioned indoctrination of prisoners, armed forces personnel will continue until there is sufficient outrage to stop it

Liberty or Laws? Gary Hunt | July 21, 2014
Militia in Defense of the State

The CBC’s anti-Israel bias News on the Net | July 21, 2014
Brian exposes the anti-Israel bias at the state broadcaster

Killing marine life with ethanol Paul Driessen | July 21, 2014
Ethanol damages your cars, small engines, food budget – and kills Gulf of Mexico animals


Both Michelle Obama and David Cameron will get an ‘F’ for sticking their noses into the food chain

The Tale of Two Gazas Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | July 20, 2014
Hamas jihadists criminally sacrificing civilians to save their tunnels built with concrete that could have been used to build schools, hospitals to educate, care for their people

Israel - Hamas Conflict

It’s Another “Death to the Jews” Weekend Daniel Greenfield | July 20, 2014
It's another fine day in the dying West

Obama Encounters an Apex of Anger Alan Caruba | July 20, 2014
Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Obama wants $3.7 billion to deal with the crisis he created, to hire an army illegal alien facilitators, caretakers and expand the federal government

Alas, as with each and every piece of foreign policy attempted by the Obama regime, failure is the operative term

The UNRWA officials in Gaza claim the school was vacant at the time of the shocking discovery of the rockets, but it's not known how long they were being illegally stored in the school

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Feel proud, America: Really Big Flag News on the Net | July 19, 2014

Titans at the Table: The Rise of Macau News on the Net | July 19, 2014
The new global champion of gambling that's leaving Las Vegas in the dust

Flight 17 & the Panorama of Peril Doug Hagmann | July 19, 2014
We must consider the downing of Flight 17 as part of the larger "panorama of peril" and not fall into the trap set before us

Harper’s principled, courageous defense of Israel, contrasts Obama’s disengaged feeble approach: US no longer even leading from behind, but is pathetically cowering in the corner

Palestine—Israel Takes Off The Gloves David Singer | July 19, 2014
The current war of rockets and tunnels seems set to be replaced with an equally confrontational labyrinthine war of words

Obama and Reid on Border Security Dag Barkley | July 19, 2014
There is no way America's borders are secure
