
Chair of the Commission of Inquiry is Canadian William Schabas

My Midnight Call From Benjamin Netanyahu Dave Merrick | August 15, 2014
It is my honor to have such a story to share with people...

Inspirational Thought… Obie Usategui | August 15, 2014
Mortality: I thought life was a forever event--an eternal happening where there would always be a tomorrow

The current crisis is fueled primarily by smuggling, not trafficking

Obama Vacation Blues Jeff Crouere | August 15, 2014
Maybe if the President spent less time on vacation and on the golf course, he might be a better judge of our terrorist enemies.

Feckless coward refuses responsibility ...again.

Y’all might want to look at that… Sarge | August 15, 2014
Vitter is described by people in the know as being one of the most astute and capable politicians since Bill Clinton

ACLU, News Organisations Back Mann-Critics In Climate Libel Case

Trudeau Should Keep Transparency Act Canadian Taxpayers Federation | August 15, 2014
Unfortunately, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau recently committed to scrap this new legislation if he becomes prime minister.

"It is not the Congo. It is not China. It is not Russia."

It should be noted that this is the first military conflict involving Israel where the US is not playing a dominant role in bringing it to its end

Civil War in the Democratic Party? Roger Aronoff | August 15, 2014
The war between Hillary Clinton and Obama

Mark Levin talks Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood News on the Net | August 15, 2014
Marco Rubio's infamous "Zero dark thirsty" to Obama's love of the Muslim Brotherhood

Operation Choke Point

Factual Errors Mar N.J. Holocaust Curriculum Frank Milewski | August 15, 2014
Polish suffering and Polish resistance to the Nazis and the Communists are an essential part of this history.

Victim Mentality Afflicts Black Americans Alan Caruba | August 15, 2014
These riots do nothing to advance the black community and no doubt are an embarrassment

Foreign Press Association slams Hamas

Obama willingness to send military personnel and supplies to Iraq is a confusing twist, only if you ignore Iran's fear of ISIS on its borders

Anti-Semitism and Its Limitations Caroline Glick | August 15, 2014
Outside the US, throughout the Western world, anti-Semitism is becoming a powerful social and political force

"This is not helping!"

Does Senator Markey Want Higher Energy Prices? Institute for Energy Research | August 14, 2014
Cape wind, carbon dioixide, electricity prices, EPA, NStar, Senator Markey, wind energy

There have been protests in Ferguson since the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown

Allen West Declares Obama An Islamist News on the Net | August 14, 2014
“The pivot away from the Middle East seems to be nothing more than an opportunity to enable Islamists and their goals,”

Reining in the Obama administration’s extra-legal activities

“The Windsor case is concerned with the definition of marriage, only as it applies to federal laws

Spread of viral illnesses, previously eradicated and controlled, among the Border Patrol agents and their families

Obama playing politics in Iraq Dag Barkley | August 14, 2014
In league with the Muslim Brotherhood

Jimmy Fallon torches Obama on The Tonight Show Robert Laurie | August 14, 2014
Late night helps Hillary distance herself from Obama?

Harshing their mellow
