
Christian college doesn't have to submit form that facilitates contraception coverage.

BBC Programme Criticised For Giving Platform To Climate Sceptic Lord Lawson

Never Forget the Gift of Freedom Heritage Foundation | July 4, 2014
We should never take our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for granted

LAND FIGHT: There’s a movement to transfer public land from the federal government to individual states. Nearly 42 percent of New Mexico is controlled by the federal government

An eye for an eye leads to blindness Barry Shaw | July 4, 2014
No room in Israel for the hot-headed passion of the mob. Deter and prevent a repeat of awful acts like the murder of Naftali, Gilad, and Eyal. Killing Muhammed is not one of them

Massive amounts of “inconsistent data” remain irreconcilable.

WHAT CONSTITUTION? Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles like this one in Arizona are becoming commonplace in increasingly militarized police departments.

Scheduling Conflict: Fundraising is more important than a major crisis

Remember Your Right to Happiness Daniel Greenfield | July 4, 2014
As we celebrate the Fourth in an America where the pursuit of individual happiness has been forgotten and repressed, mark the occasion by exercising your right to the pursuit of your happiness.

White House Scandals: IRS, Benghazi, VA Hospitals

A rogue U.S. president and America without Borders

From King George III to King Obama I Tom DeLay | July 4, 2014
If the Republicans in Congress can just hold on for three more months, and if the American voters give us the House and Senate majorities we need to dethrone King Obama

Free Speech In The Heartland: BSU is simultaneously under fire from three separate legal defense groups all of which are alleging violations of students' free speech rights

Looking to History Sandy Stringfellow | July 4, 2014
On this July Fourth of 2014, our liberty has never been in greater danger of being irrevocably lost;

Ari Shavit and American Jewry Caroline Glick | July 3, 2014
Ari Shavit’s libelous account of the birth of Israel

SRI LANKA: Taunted Christians Attacked by Mob News on the Net | July 3, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

For Democrats, politics is heroic Dan Calabrese | July 3, 2014

Obama's America: Welcome to the fundamentally transformed America, enjoy your new status as a victim!

Florida Veteran Fights Foreclosure Over American Flag Heritage Foundation | July 3, 2014
Florida state law and the U.S. Constitution

Money well spent.

Murrieta’s Cliven Bundy Moment Douglas V. Gibbs | July 3, 2014
Deceptive nature of the federal government, and their scheme to import illegal aliens

What Has Happened to Protests in America? Alan Caruba | July 3, 2014
Indifference to the welfare of the nation, Apathetic approach to national politics. Failure to distinguish between character and celebrity

Practicality lost Sarge | July 3, 2014
Rising Sun Chair

Support Canada Free Press


Turkey has no good options with regard to Iraq

Apollo 7 astronaut Walter Cunningham

National Security William Bedford | July 3, 2014
Ignore the blathering Russians

"Demand for Scottish art is very high and I’m looking forward to seeing what people in Toronto have to offer.”

the great exchange enrollment

Looks like Masonic Dolan is pulling the levers to this anti-church program. Let us not forget his ongoing and enthusiastic support for Obama who is nothing but a Marxist puppet.
