

Squeezy Pouches at the Supermarket News on the Net | October 12, 2012
One of the latest innovations in modern food packaging made possible by advancements in plastics

TuneLink device streams audio to your home stereo wirelessly Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | October 5, 2012
It's a great system, 500 watts per channel of Rotel Class D power driving Definitive Technology speakers

Technological Advances Help Reduce SIDS Deaths News on the Net | October 2, 2012
New Audio-Video Enhanced Technology Protects Sleeping Infants And Give Parents Peace Of Mind

Paramount’s Titanic and Indiana Jones make for fine Blu-rays Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | September 29, 2012
It's good stuff, and well worth seeing. And there's enough new stuff to sweeten the deal

A protein called phosphotriesterase (PTE)

An aluminum alloy called AA7075

Urushiol, the toxic oil produced by those plants

EPA sued in federal court over illegal human testing Steve Milloy | September 24, 2012
“EPA has repeatedly determined and stated that there is no safe exposure to PM2.5 or diesel exhaust"

Buying Intec just got easier in Canada Tim Saunders | September 17, 2012
Intec Printing Solutions

Titanic “Ghosts” a nice companion to Cameron’s epic Oscar-winner Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | September 14, 2012
Ghosts of the Abyss

Green plants reduce urban air pollution 8x more than expected American Chemical Society | September 12, 2012
New American Chemical Society Podcast

London Olympics anti-doping labs set for first-of-a-kind repurposing American Chemical Society | September 5, 2012
Phenome centers

Discovering new uses for old drugs American Chemical Society | September 5, 2012

Galileo didn’t invent thermometer that bears his name American Chemical Society | September 5, 2012
When a sphere floats midway up the tube, it represents the temperature of the room

Stable and resistant to accidental detonation as HMX

Warning on deterioration of famous Swedish warship, Vasa American Chemical Society | August 29, 2012
At its worst, the wood had weakened as much as 80 percent.

Adobe’s Creative Suite CS6 a powerful package Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | August 25, 2012
Adobe's Master Collection

Netflix: the electric car of home entertainment? Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | August 17, 2012
A dynamite idea with terrific potential that's saddled currently with technology that can't do it justice.

Marilyn Monroe hits high definition Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | August 10, 2012
Bit of a mixed bag, but with far more good than bad.

Back-to-the-future process yields “miracle wood” American Chemical Society | August 8, 2012
Acetylation technology has been available for more than a century

Curiosity is equipped to perform several chemical processes

Most new pesticides have roots in natural substances American Chemical Society | July 25, 2012
More natural products were registered as NAIs for conventional pesticides and biopesticides than any other type of ingredient

The group made a robot that could leap more than 5.5 inches, despite weighing as much as 1,100 water striders

Cutting-edge research that has had far-reaching implications for many areas of science

Ooma – free phone service or just another telecom? Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 20, 2012
Ooma could offer you a way to save some coin and still get a fully featured phone service

Manufacturers are looking for more reliable sources of these ingredients

CorelDRAW X6 adds new power to the creative design process Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 13, 2012
The product has helped me use whatever talents I have for design and layout and exploit them to the best of my abilities

Corn ethanol supplies are facing a crunch because corn is critical for animal feed and food.

The study detected BPS in all the receipt paper they tested, 87 percent of the samples of paper currency and 52 percent of recycled paper

Toward new drugs for the human and non-human cells in people American Chemical Society | July 11, 2012
“This superorganism view of the human body provides a complete new systems concept for managing human health at the clinically relevant whole body level"
