
As Specter Takes Flying Leap...

The House Cleaning has Begun

79 year old five term Pennsylvania traitor Arlen Specter is the first casualty of the 2010 house cleaning. Never in US history, has the anti-incumbent sentiment been so broad and deep among frustrated American patriots who still believe in Life, Liberty and the Right to individually define and pursue Happiness.

Ninety-nine days of the second most unpopular administration in US history, was all the people were willing to endure. The clarion call for real patriotic “change” has come from Main Street America, and the Tax Day Tea Parties have forced the first faux Republican out of their party. After years of voting Democrat, and facing certain defeat in his bid to retain his Republican Senate seat in 2010, Arlen Specter, often referred to by American patriots as “Arlen Sphincter,” for his stinking voting record, has finally decided to run for a sixth term under the party banner which he has consistently voted with...

Specter’s voting record is solidly liberal, not Republican...

  • Favors Abortion on Demand
  • Opposes Parental consent and limiting out of state abortions for minors
  • Favors Affirmative Action
  • Favors Same Sex Unions
  • Opposes Three Strike sentencing laws
  • Favors Socialized Health Care
  • Bought hook, line and sinker into Gore’s Global Warming Swindle
  • Favors Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
  • Opposes Tough on Terror efforts
  • Supports Obama’s multi-trillion dollar spending spree
  • Supports criminal court access and US Civil Rights for Gitmo terrorists
Specter’s voting record demonstrates exactly why the Republican Party is now America’s minority party. The nation does not need two left-wing parties. The DNC is able to do enough damage alone. For a balance of power to exist there must be more than one political point of view from one political party. Specter consistently represented the same principles and values of today’s leftist Democrats. As a result, Pennsylvania Republicans were prepared to give Specter the boot, after five consecutive terms. Specter is likely to be only the first of many fake Republicans to find themselves headed to the unemployment line in 2010. Specter’s flying leap from the GOP to the DNC is a last ditch effort to hold on to political power he has already held for too long. Republicans are without an ounce of political power because they are without an ounce of political spine. They have rolled over for extreme leftists over and over again. Not ONE has even had the courage to demand a copy of Obama’s Top – Top Secret birth and college records, which remain more guarded than our nation’s most sensitive national security intelligence operations. The house cleaning is officially underway, with Specter being the first casualty. Washington Republicans cannot afford to continue to join the left, instead of challenging the left, as they were elected to do. In the short term, Specter will continue to help Obamanation run roughshod over the American people. He may even provide Democrats with a filibuster-proof Senate ready to rubber stamp Nancy Pelosi’s unbridled agenda known as Pelosi’s Road to Hell, justified with “goofy global intentions.” At this late date, any thinking patriot knows that things will have to get much worse before they can get any better. Specter represents a cancer that has been killing America’s conservative party. For the party to survive and return to a competitive position, the cancer will have to be cut out of the GOP. Voters have sent a very clear message... Most no longer refer to themselves as Democrats or Republicans, fed up with both. Most now call themselves Independents, in search of pro-American, freedom loving, liberty supporting leadership and unable to find it in either party today. One of the parties had to be cleaned out and reformed. The DNC is too far gone, controlled completely by Communist members of the Democratic Socialists of America, and their legislative organization, the Congressional Progressive Caucus. That leaves only the RNC/GOP as a salvageable option. American Patriots were forced to either live in third party obscurity, or take back their political party from the faux Republicans, labeled RINOs by the Party’s conservative base. Forcing Specter out of the party demonstrates that a house cleaning is underway. Specter referred to it as a “purification” process, in his statement. Reuters reports, Specter defection a sharp blow to Republicans. But this is NOT a blow to Republicans, it’s a blow to Specter and all spineless closet leftists like him.

Officially the House Cleaning Party!

The GOP base is not mourning the loss of Arlen Specter... they are cheering! Finally, GOP faithful have had enough and they are taking action to reclaim their party. This is exciting and energizing news, not a “sharp blow” to the party faithful, as Obama’s MSM will undoubtedly play it in the headlines.

Barackstar has only a 35% support rate on the 100th day milestone.

Barackstar has only a 35% support rate on the 100th day milestone. This makes Obama the second most unpopular president in US history at this point in his administration. Only Bill Clinton had a worse approval rating on his 100 day mark. This, Specter is excited to hitch his wagon to? "I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate," he said in the statement. In other words, he refuses to be judged by the very people who elected him to five terms... which only proves that he really is a Democrat. Republicans all across the country will unite behind Pat Toomey. And there will be others... John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins and Olympia Snow, just to name a few. All of these Republicans have left the GOP searching for its soul... But it’s clear, Pennsylvania Republicans have found their soul and many will follow across the nation. Not a moment too soon! Democrats may end up with 60 filibuster proof seats in the senate, which is a blessing to Republicans. Leftist can ram their Communist agenda down every American throat unchallenged at that point; the nation will find itself in complete turmoil even faster, and there will be NO argument over who did it.... PERFECT! To Specter, I say, don’t let the door hit you on the way out! There is a price for being a traitor and the bill is coming due for many Republicans and Democrats in Washington DC... It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of scum!

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JB Williams——

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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