
Obamanation Cannot Be Stopped!

But they CAN be Debunked, Defunded, Derailed and Deposed

The Obamanation is steamrolling over the American people, the US Constitution, freedom and liberty and the momentum is clearly on their side at the moment. Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals have already proven to be extremely effective when used by very extreme people on a do-or-die quest for extreme central powers...

In my opinion, the momentum is so much on their side, that there is quite literally NO means of stopping them. If you step in their way, you will simply get run over.

This does NOT mean that there is nothing you can do, however.

Hundreds of emails and thousands of comments from readers per day ask the same question over and over again, “What can we do?”

You can Debunk, Defund, Derail and Depose...

Let’s make this simple... Real American patriots should do all of the following, for starters... Debunk every leftist lie coming from the White House, the Democratic Socialists of America Congress and their minions in the leftist press. Let NO lie stand unchallenged, anywhere, any time, especially in the press. Defund their Democratic Socialism... Socialism requires the confiscation of YOUR earnings. As Senate leader Harry Reid put it on YouTube - "Taxation Is Voluntary" - They can only take away what you agree to let them take. Realize that your silence IS your consent and stop consenting! - Protesting “taxation under diabolical misrepresentation” is one thing, but refusing to go along with it anymore is quite another. One is easy to mock, the other, hard to survive... Since you can’t stop a speeding locomotive, you have to derail it. The leftist agenda is only able to advance in an ill-informed society. Society is ill-informed when the press is not held accountable and forced to report the truth. Hold your July 4th TEA Party on the steps of Fox, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN, and watch them mock you then... While there, demand to know why they never asked for Obama’s birth or college records, and still won’t? Depose the fraudulent Resident-in-Chief. If Obama had nothing to hide, would he be spending millions in legal fees to keep his birth and college records under lock and key and far from any US courtroom? Consider holding one BIG TEA Party on the steps of the US Supreme Court, focused solely on demanding the court hear the cases surrounding Obama’s eligibility. Sit a million-man TEA Party on the front steps of the Supreme Court and then see how long it takes to drag Obama’s file into court... These are the four basics “must do’s” for every American patriot currently heartbroken by the daily attacks on all things American. That’s because a massive united pursuit of these four things CAN derail the leftist locomotive currently rumbling down the track. Hundreds of times a day, I am asked, “What can I do?” – My answer is always the same... alone, nothing. But together, everything that needs to be done!

It’s Time for the Right to Unite!

There are roughly fifty 3rd parties in America, most of them focused only on the handful of “issues” that motivated their split from one of the hijacked primary parties. There are literally thousands of initiatives to awaken and motivate the American people to take their nation back from the Democratic Socialists currently running roughshod over everyone else. Fractured and alone, none of them can succeed! It’s akin to fighting a world superpower with spitballs and plastic straws... We MUST unite to become effective! The people are starting to wake up and they don’t like what they see. But they have NO idea what to do about it... I know, because they ask me what to do, every day. Read our founding documents... They tell us what to do! The TEA Party was a great start, but it must develop into a strong follow-through with real teeth in it, and an even stronger finish! To do this, the time has come for the Right to unite! The time has come to focus all of that patriotic energy into a single purpose with a single plan of attack, in which all of the patriot horses are placed in front of one wagon, all pulling in the same direction. I am still convinced that the left is an American minority. But they are a VERY united and active minority and as a result, they are a very effective political minority. Belong to whatever political organization you want. But realize that America is, always has been and always should be a “two party” political structure designed for “self-governance.” As such, no matter what political party or group you choose to affiliate with officially, you will need a seat at the table to get anything accomplished. If in God you trust, - in life, liberty and freedom you believe, then you will NOT be able to find a seat at today’s Democratic Socialist table, nor do you want one. To have a ticket to the big show, you will have to take a seat at the Republican table, where you will most certainly be welcomed by everyone, except the current RINO brand temporarily in charge of your party, and of course leftists over at the DNC, who are desperate to keep the GOP forever divided and powerless.

The Road to Useful Unity

The Right can never unite around the laundry list of micro special interests designed to keep us divided. When your single issue is on the table, be glad you have a seat at the table to make your case... Otherwise, leave individual personal agendas on the shelf long enough to gain some political power by uniting around the ONLY issue that matters in the end, FREEDOM! Today’s Democratic Socialist Party is focused only on confiscating your property for redistribution, in an unbridled effort to purchase more power with promises of FREE-STUFF for their constituents... It’s all about FREEDOM! A government in control of your personal economic condition is also in FULL control of YOU! No personal economic freedom means, NO freedom at all. The left wants to control individual economics because that’s how they gain control of both the federal dependent, and the private producer needed to pay for it all. Both live in tyranny in the end and only the leftist leaders live in luxury, free to do anything they want, to anyone they want. They call it “economic justice,” but the correct label is “totalitarianism.”

Unite in Defense of FREEDOM alone!

Sorry to be so blunt, but if you claim to be a true patriot concerned about restoring American freedom and greatness, but won’t even claim your seat at the table, you are nothing but a bad joke to me. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Who cares? Nobody is there to hear it even if it does make a sound! Work through any party or organization you believe in, take a stand for any issue you want, but get a seat at the table and WORK! Don’t expect anyone else to do your heavy lifting. If you don’t have a seat in one of the two major political parties, then you don’t have a ticket to the show. If you are tired of the wrong people running the GOP, step up and run it yourself. If you won’t step up, then learn to shut up and take it in the shorts... All that is wrong with the GOP is that it is currently run by the wrong people. People who don’t believe in the founding principles and values of the party they are running. What do you do? – Replace the wrong people with the right people and expect nobody to do it for you! America does not need one more fractured movement. America needs its true patriots to take a stand, together! The Democratic Socialists of America took over the DNC. The Patriots of America must unite and take back the RNC. Meanwhile, Debunk, Defund, Derail and Depose the enemy... every Democratic Socialist in Washington DC, no matter which political party we find them operating within. Oh yeah, one last thing.... DO IT NOW!

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JB Williams——

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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