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Medical & Health Pages

Please find below recent articles written on various Medical topics


Suppose This Woman Had Been My Mother!

It's an ideal way to write a column. I'm attending a medical conference while cruising the Caribbean sea. But don't think I'm goofing off. I'm spending long days listening to a variety of international speakers. But as a former ship's surgeon I also love being at sea.

Alternative Medicine

Tips On Alternative Medicine

During 2001 millions of North Americans will continue to die of cancer and other diseases. But can some of these maladies be prevented by the use of alternative, non©traditional medicine? This week, how selenium, green tea, vitamins, flavonoids and milk can help you practice preventive medicine.


"I'm Sorry I Don't Know How Much Radiation Is Given"

Last week I reported on a study conducted by Peter Gotzsche (Stop Lying To Women About mammography), a leading Danish researcher. His study claimed there's no convincing evidence that annual mammograms decrease the risk of dying from breast cancer. But can repeated exposure to radiation cause breast cancer?


Your Heart Is Slowly Dying From Chronic Scurvy

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

Why is research that could save countless lives unknown to Canadian and U.S. doctors?� This week, a report that Dr. Sydney Bush, an optometrist in Hull, England, has made an historic discovery. He claims that atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) can be reversed. And his research, which could save millions from heart attack, should have made headlines around the world.�

Ear, Nose & Throat

Lutein For Healthy Eyes

Today seven million North Americans Suffer from a devastating disease, macular degeneration. No longer can they enjoy the simple pleasures of reading or watching TV. These unfortunate people have lost their central vision. But there is a way to reduce the risk of this disabling problem.


What You Should Know About DHEA

"Should I take DHEA to help me lose weight?" Or "Does DHEA slow down aging and increase bone strength?" These are two of the many questions I've received from readers about this hormone. So what is fact and what is fiction about dehydroepiandrosterone? (Little wonder it's known by its initials!)


Anusitis and Other Causes of Rectal Bleeding

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

October 7, 2007

"Why didn’t you come to see me earlier? It could have saved you months of worry,” I recently asked a patient. She had delayed seeing me because of rectal bleeding and she was terrified I’d tell her the diagnosis was cancer. Yet her only complaint was anusitis, an often overlooked rectal condition. But whether it’s anusitis or a serious problem a cardinal rule is never, never ignore rectal bleeding.


If Estrogen Causes Cancer, Where is the Epidemic?

What would I do if I were a woman at the age of menopause and read the headline, "Breast cancer drop linked to decline in hormone therapy"? I'd be scared as hell if I were already taking estrogen. And I'd consider flushing it down the toilet. But what should menopausal women do then if they have an whelming desire to kick the cat, or their husband?


Low Intensity Light Therapy Heals Chronic Wounds

Do patients receive ineffective treatment when they could be cured by a lesser-known technique? The answer? Probably tens of thousands.


The Dangers of 80 Percent

Would you like to be connected to tubes for months to sustain life when doctors know there's no hope of your survival? Or have family members feud because none are aware of your wishes when faced with your imminent death. If you've left such an important decision to chance then there's a good chance this could happen. A study shows that 80 percent of North Americans haven't signed a Living Will.

Medical News

World Fast Against Malaria

(PRLEAP.COM) Today, with a continued sense of urgency and desperation, world leaders in the fight against malaria call for a second international day of fasting to focus worldwide attention on the extreme emergency facing billions of people living in malaria infested regions of the world. Participating organizations include Malaria No More, The Malaria Foundation, Roll Back Malaria, Africa Fighting Malaria, Dunk Malaria, The Free Africa Foundation, Hedge Funds vs. Malaria, The "LOVE, HALLIE Foundation," The Buy-A-Net Malaria Prevention Group, The Iyalode Tejuoso Malaria Foundation and The World Swim Against Malaria.

Medical Notes

Collagen Producing Peptides For Wrinkled Skin

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

September 30, 2007

What made Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, so attractive? Certainly being born beautiful wasn’t a hindrance for her seduction of Mark Anthony. But apart from having genetics on her side she knew that natural beauty could be preserved and augmented by the application of healthy emollients. Both Cleopatra and Poppea, wife of the Roman Emperor Nero, used a honey-and-milk lotion to keep them looking youthful. But what would Cleopatra and Poppea have done to get their hands on a new potion proven to reduce wrinkles up to 78 percent?


The Twin Epidemics

I experienced a terrible tragedy upon visiting an old friend. He failed to recognize me. All the past history of our years together vanished into the night. And as I drove home the question recurred; what had caused this mental disaster. Could he be victim to what’s been called the "Twin Epidemic"? Had his long-standing diabetes played a factor in this condition?


Cabernet Sauvignon To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

What can you do to decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease� (AD)? It's a question that has eluded scientists for years. Some researchers believe that Alzheimer's is due to an excessive amount of aluminum in the brain and we should try to decrease its intake. But would a glass of Sauvignon each day stop the cerebral ravage of this disease?


Are Rare Steaks Good For Your Heart?

"One of these days you're going to push your luck too far", my wife often says to me. She's not complaining that I'm spending too much money on horse races. Or betting the farm on a gold mine in Zimbabwe. Rather, for years I've told waiters I want my steak rare. Is this risky or can it fight heart failure?


Are Osteoporosis Drugs Killing Your Jaw?

Several weeks ago I reported on a new revolutionary way to fight osteoporosis. This year astronauts will use the technique when they take the "Juvent Dynamic Motion Therapy Platform (DMT) to the space station. It's a non-drug method of preventing astronauts from developing brittle bones in a weightless atmosphere. I didn't realize at the time I wrote that it would also prevent osteonecrosis of the jaw, now linked to current drugs for treatment of osteoporosis.


Congratulations, You Should Be Proud At Your Age!

It was not a good day at the office. My morning was just ending, when two female investigators from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, arrived without notice and asked to see me. I was handed an envelope and one woman immediately started to take notes. This was not a good sign. So I asked the reason for the sudden visit and was shocked to hear I had been accused of sexual misconduct.


Anyone Want To Own a Ranch?

"But how did you pay for the $250,000 treatment" I asked one of my patients? To my surprise she replied, "I applied and received a grant from the Canadian government". This huge sum of money shocked me. What amazed me more, as a taxpayer, was the money's destination, Arizona. I decided to find out what treatment is worth $250,000 in the U.S. And, who says our government is stingy with medical care!


Viagra For Climbing Mount Everest?

Hmm… I had the naive belief that Viagra was strictly for making "amour". Now I learn it may even help adventurers climb Mount Everest! On the other hand, if you decide to go down, rather than up, swim goggles may present a hazard. And handguns it seems are not the only things to shoot you these days. And is it really dangerous to eat nuts and seeds if you suffer from bowel problems?


Congratulations, You Should Be Proud At Your Age!

It was not a good day at the office. My morning was just ending, when two female investigators from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, arrived without notice and asked to see me. I was handed an envelope and one woman immediately started to take notes. This was not a good sign. So I asked the reason for the sudden visit and was shocked to hear I had been accused of sexual misconduct.

Sports Medicine

Sudden Sports Deaths in Young People

"How could this possibly happen?" is the usual soul-searching response. A young healthy athlete has left home to play in a sporting event. Then in a matter of seconds, collapses and dies before anything can be done to save his or her life. The big question is why these premature deaths occur, and can they be prevented?


Unexpected Consequences of Joint Replacement Surgery

An English proverb cautions that "It is the unexpected that always happens". No doubt people looking back on their life can recall several of those unexpected and unpleasant events. But how often do unexpected events happen in surgery?


Fluoridation, And Why Montreal Males May Be Better Lovers

"Doctor, I'd suggest fluoride treatment to protect your teeth" my dentist said.

I agreed. After all, I'd been told since I was knee-high that fluoride prevents cavities. I've also used fluoride toothpaste for years. But I recently decided to research this topic to see if there was a downside to this treatment. Now I know why Montreal males are better lovers than those in Toronto.


Cranberry Women's Formula For Improved Health

"How can I rid myself of recurrent urinary infections?" a distraught patient asked me. Several courses of antibiotics had failed to end her discomfort. Now, with Cranberry Women's Formula, there's a natural treatment that helps to prevent frequent bladder infections, improve general health and, in the bargain, fights obesity.


Vitamin C: If It’s Good For Gorillas Why Not Us?

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

October 14, 2007

Are you headed for a heart attack because of “marginal scurvy”, a condition resulting from a lack of vitamin C? Moreover, if vitamin C is sound medicine for gorillas, why isn’t it good for us? And in the 16th century, why did the ship’s cat survive long sea voyages when its sailors died from scurvy?

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