
Ali Al Sharnoby

Ali Alsharnoby, an Egyptian journalist and deputy editor, worked in many Egyptian newspapers. Studied at university of Cairo, faculty of law.. and wrote a number of books about the political trends in the Islamic view.

Most Recent Articles by Ali Al Sharnoby:

Al-Jazeera channel, The Art of Deception!

Cairo, Egypt--The mostly hyped up Arab Spring was nothing more than a plan arranged by some foreign intelligence agencies to enable certain groups of radical Islam to attain power to implement the schemes of those countries. The suspicious role of Al-Jazeera Qatari channel in first inciting these revolutions, then amplifying them to spread is now exposed through Egyptian court documents.
- Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Forbes Magazine gets it wrong on Egypt

Cairo, Egypt-With all due respect to Doug Bandow, who writes about faraway Egypt in the venerable Forbes Magazine, from someone born, raised and still eking out a life in Cairo, Egypt, you are wrong. From my mostly lonely post as CFP’s only Cairo-based columnist, let me count the ways:
- Friday, January 24, 2014

The world awaits first step of new Egyptian roadmap

Cairo, Egypt--Seems that the whole world is keeping an eye on Egypt these days, waiting for the result of the referendum on the new constitution, which will be voted on tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday, with results expected in by next Thursday.
- Monday, January 13, 2014

Coptic Christian Fears and Muslim Brotherhood Dreams for the New Year

Cairo, Egypt-With the Christmas/New Year celebrations of Christian Copts, which last until mid-January, a rising fear is spreading among Egyptians that the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to carry out attacks on the Copts. The Muslim Brotherhood considers the Copts the major cause of having them dispelled from power through their support of the Army in the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi. The Christmas Octave is a prime time to find Copts together in celebration--to the Brotherhood both a perfect time to take revenge of Christians through acts of terrorism, and a way to portray the Egyptian Army as a force too weak to face terrorism.
- Monday, December 30, 2013

The secret conspiracies between Morsi and Al-Zawahiri to spread terrorism around the world!

Cairo, Egypt--When we reiterate that ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were supporting terrorism, and were implementing plans to resettle terrorists in Egypt, we weren’t speculating or exaggerating. Every day more evidence surfaces to confirm these accusations. We find that the schemes exceeded what we expected and goes beyond imagination.
- Friday, December 20, 2013

The cat and mouse game between the Egytian government and the Muslim Brotherhood!

Cairo, Egypt-Although only brief in time, the Muslim Brotherhood reign in Egypt has caused a great rift in Egyptian society leaving a gaping wound difficult to heal. Beside the negative economic, political, security conditions in Egypt now, the most serious drawbacks resulted from the breakdown of social relationships.
- Friday, December 13, 2013

Morsi to CIA: Don’t let me down... I’m your servant!

Cairo, Egypt--The Muslim Brotherhood still dreams of the return of their ousted president Mohamed Morsi. Yet with 90% of their senior leaders arrested and facing trial, losing popular support and getting banned and regarded as a terrorist organization their return-to-power yearning seems far fetched.
- Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is Putin a better world leader than Obama?

Cairo, Egypt--Seems that all roads go through Russia now, after the United States began abandoning Egypt all because the new government refuses to submit to the wishes of the White House and the further empowerment of extremists in Egypt. Egyptian-Russian relations witnessed major developments as a delegation of Egyptians visited Russia to invite President Vladimir Putin to join Egypt as a partner and strategic ally.
- Saturday, November 23, 2013

Turkey’s Emerging Role as Sponsor of Global Terrorism

Cairo, Egypt--The Egyptian Foreign Office denounced the speech of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, because he openly made the ‘Rabaa’ gesture, a gesture used by the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s a symbol used in protests after the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi. (Rabaa in Arabic means Forth) Erdogan appeared several times gesturing, he said it’s a symbol of oppression and injustice suffered by certain groups of the Egyptians.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kerry in Cairo to whitewash Obama’s association with Muslim Brotherhood

Cairo, Egypt--President Obama is beginning to feel a loss of control regarding the trial of his friend Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama sent Secretary of State John Kerry to Cairo to try put distance between himself and the Muslim Brotherhood; to confirm America's alliance with Egypt and try to keep the Russian bear out of Egypt.
- Monday, November 4, 2013

Is Mohamed Morsi losing it?

Cairo, Egypt--Seems that Egyptian authorities are preparing us for something big tomorrow. Speculation and rumours abound about Monday’s Mohamed Morsi trial with statements from former Egyptian Intelligence Chief Murad Muwafi, who warned last week about potential steet violence.
- Sunday, November 3, 2013

The worst part of the Arab Spring..the Arabs themselves!

Cairo, Egypt--When journalists asked previous failed Arab regimes about their reason for not implementing democracy or allowing freedom of speech, their response was always that the Arabs were not ready yet for full democracy. That’s their story and they’re sticking to it.
- Wednesday, October 30, 2013

‘Egypt’s Jon Stewart’ back on the air

Cairo, Egypt--After four month’s absence, the sarcastic Bassem Yoseph (‘Egypt’s Jon Stewart’) returned to the television screen with his sarcasm for all political symbols in Egypt. Yoseph’s brand of sarcasm contributed significantly to motivate people to changing their feelings against former President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. His comedic style broke the longtime restrictions that shackled Egyptians from ridiculing their leaders, in public or private for fear of imprisonment, part of Egyptian life for more than 60 years since the end of the kingdom era.
- Friday, October 25, 2013

History and Artifacts of Egypt is being sold openly on the Internet!

Cairo, Egypt--After two massive revolutions toppled two presidents in the dream for a better country, the Egypt of today lives in confusion and chaos. With the focus on the ongoing prosecution of terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood, the smuggling and looting of Egyptian antiquities gets a pass. The current climate has encouraged criminals to brazenly promote their activities without fear of law. The antiquities trade is now being openly brokered on the Internet, with seller, buyer and broker comfortably discussing price and details concerning ancient items--starting with Pharaonic monuments--which are more in demand--ending with the Ptolemaic, Assyrian, Roman, Coptic and Islamic Antiquities.
- Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who is the real enemy: Israel or Muslim brotherhood?

Cairo, Egypt--While the majority of Egyptians were celebrating the anniversary of their army’s victory in the last war (1973 Arab–Israeli War) between Egypt and Israel--which led to the signing of the Camp David peace treaty, the Muslim Brotherhood chose to play the role of an alternative enemy and launched attacks on Egyptians by planting bombs, burning cars and shooting at unarmed civilians marring the anniversary.
- Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why Egyptian Christians hate Obama

Cairo, Egypt--For years various American administrations used Egyptian Christians--Orthodox Copts--to put pressure on Egyptian governments pushing for policies or to get them to refrain from doing something which the U.S. considered against their interests.
- Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Egyptians inventing a new god to worship

Cairo, Egypt--One of the funny stories of the Arabs before Islam goes along the lines that they were making an idol of “dates” and worshipping them... then when they felt hungry they would simply eat them. When you read ancient Egyptian history, you’ll find that Egyptians used to worship The Pharaoh, ascribing to him greater Holiness than all the other gods and with absolute power and complete submission to the “human” pharaoh, this manner remained with Egyptians for thousands of years until the coming of Islam to Egypt and the forbidding of worship to humans and idols. But it seems that this practice still lives in the genes of the Egyptians, as an inheritance passed down from their ancestors.
- Monday, September 23, 2013
