
Arnold Ahlert

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.

Most Recent Articles by Arnold Ahlert:

Gas Pains and Debt Bombs

Democrats are very sanguine regarding president Obama's re-election chances. Yet two economic issues could derail Mr. Obama. One is fraught with delicious irony, and remains in the forefront of the news. Yet issue number two, despite its far more serious implications, remains largely under the radar.
- Sunday, March 18, 2012

Israel Under the Bus

When one is an acolyte of the Marxist/socialist, command-and-control approach to governance, nothing aggravates more than that which is beyond one's command and control. Couple that tendency with an all-encompassing narcissism and a facility for prevarication and what do you get? A United States president more than willing to put Israel's very existence on the line so as not to weaken his chances for re-election in 2012.
- Monday, March 12, 2012

Baby Steps Down the Road to Depravity

Anyone still wondering about where the train wreck of progressively-inspired moral relativism is leading Western society can stop wondering. An article written by Drs. Francesca Minerva and Alberto Giubilini published in the Journal of Medical Ethics (JME) offers us, according to JME editor Professor Julian Savulescu, a "well reasoned argument based on widely accepted premises." The title of the article? "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?"
- Monday, March 5, 2012

Debasing Our Military, One Politically Correct Moment After Another

For many years, the military was the last bastion of resistance against the bankruptcy of progressive thinking. No longer. Three vivid illustrations of what those who volunteer to defend this nation must now endure, stand as a beacon to the corruption that political correctness brings wherever it is unleashed. I could not be sadder for those who put themselves in harm's way. They deserve far better.
- Sunday, February 26, 2012

Progressives: Dedicated apostles of the “lowest common denominator

Sometimes one has to wonder if there's any common sense or common decency left in the world. A piece in Friday's New York Times, "For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage" highlights that fact. So what does the article call this societal scourge? The "new normal." In fact, illegitimacy is neither new or normal. The only thing new is the greater number of people who worship at the altars of rationalization and moral relativity progressives have championed for the last half-century.
- Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sandwiches or Freedom?

Those closely attuned the dynamics of the 2012 election know that Barack Obama retains a high probability of being re-elected. Right now, the focus of many is on his obscene efforts to run roughshod over the First Amendment and force Catholics to violate their consciences. And while this issue may cost him votes, two others reflect the insidious effectiveness of promoting moral hazard as a means of maintaining, or ramping up, the progressive constituency. One issue most people have probably heard about. the other? Not so much, but it might be one of best attempts to literally buy votes that has come down the pike in a long time.
- Monday, February 13, 2012

Progressive Obsolescence

Few things make this conservative happier than when progressives drop their holier-than-thou facade and reveal their true intentions. A column written by NY Times columnist Adam Liptak entitled "'We the People' Loses Appeal With People Around the World" is a textbook example. Essentially Mr. Liptak, and no doubt many of his progressive soul-mates, are ready to kick the Constitution of the United States to the curb because they consider it an "obsolete" document. Yet in explaining why, Liptak inadvertently reveals something else along the way: progressivism is an utterly bankrupt ideology.
- Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama’s Happy Talk Versus Bernanke’s Action

For those Americans who continue to believe words speak louder than actions, president Obama's State of the Union speech was a smash hit. In fact on Wednesday, CBS News cited an online poll conducted by Knowledge Networks immediately following the president's address, which claimed 91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth. That was up from a "paltry" 83 percent who approved last year's speech. This is the words part of the equation.
- Thursday, January 26, 2012

South Carolina Goes for the Media-Masher

Everyone with a functioning brain knows why Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary. In fact it's as easy as ABC—along with Fox News' Juan Williams and CNN's John King—to understand that while many Americans may have differing political opinions, an overwhelming majority of them are united in one respect: they absolutely despise the mainstream media.
- Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nuking the Strait of Hormuz?

Remember when the left went crazy, claiming George W. Bush "knew" that the attacks of 9/11 were going to happen? They cited an August 6, 2001 President's Daily Brief (not Briefing, fyi) as their source. For the record, here's the germane part of the brief itself: "We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a (redacted) service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of 'Blind Sheikh' Omar Abdel Rahman and other U.S.-held extremists.
- Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Coercion and Incentive Are Not Interchangeable Terms

I am a truly evil person. I've come to realize that more and more lately, after reading volumes of commentary from so many "virtuous" people. These are people for whom no sacrifice — using someone else's money, time and effort — is too great in order to achieve the socialist utopia that is just around the corner, if we all subjugate ourselves to greater good. Screw you, comrades.
- Monday, January 9, 2012

Will We Retire Obama—- or the Constitution?

"When Congress refuses to act and as a result hurts our economy and puts people at risk, I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them." — President Barack Obama While I always identify the speaker of a quote, it is especially necessary this time. Why? Because if you remove the president's name from the statement, it becomes really easy to imagine any number of other people making it. For example, plug in Chinese president Hu Jintao, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, or Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Is there any doubt that any of these men would we more than willing to act, if they saw an "obligation" to do so, without the messy necessity of dealing with their respective legislative bodies?
- Friday, January 6, 2012

Dumb—or ‘Disabled?’

Whenever I read a news story, I check the readers comments wherever they're available. The good news is that more and more people are adding their two cents. A few years ago, even the more controversial stories would have no more 200-300 comments. Now, that number has increased, sometimes exponentially, with respect to certain stories. The bad news? Logic and reasoning run a distant second to name-calling and overt stupidity.
- Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Islamists ‘Celebrate’ Christmas

Another Christmas, another slaughter of Christians by members of the so-called "religion of peace." The Boko Haram, a "radical Muslim sect" as the Associated Press puts it, claimed credit for bombing a Nigerian Catholic church on Christmas, killing 35 and wounding 52. What do the Boko Haram want?
- Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Deficiency of Decency

As I've said on many occasions, if one wishes to trace the origins of our increasingly sick modern-day society back to its roots, the left's determination to substitute moral relativism for any codified definition of right and wrong — most specifically religious codification — cannot be denied. Fifty years after the national temper tantrum they nostalgically define as the "revolution of the '60s," we are seeing the fruits of the "everything is a shade of gray" mentality that is little more than anarchy masquerading itself as freedom. Anyone daring to defy the trend must be ridiculed and ostracized. Exhibit A? Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.
- Monday, December 19, 2011

Better a A War On Whiners Than Christmas

When I was in high school, kids divided themselves into different cliques: jocks, nerds, pretty girls, preppies, hipsters, druggies, straights etc. Yet despite those differences, I was lucky enough to have classmates who mostly got along. The exception? The downheads. Kids for whom life was something to whine about incessantly. So incessantly all you wanted to do was avoid them like smallpox. So where are those kids today?
- Friday, December 16, 2011

Anybody But Obama

Much glee has been emanating from the mainstream media and their Democrat allies regarding the general ineptitude of the Republican candidates for president. This has caused a great deal of consternation among those appalled by the current occupant of the White House. Yet if a CBS poll quietly dumped on the public Friday, the day any news that does not accrue to Mr. Obama's benefit is disseminated, all is not well in Progresso-ville. The poll asks, "Does the president deserve to be re-elected?" 41 percent say yes, 54 percent say no.
- Monday, December 12, 2011

Connecting the Feckless Foreign Policy Dots

There are no coincidences in politics. There is only calculation, and few administrations have been as calculating as this one as we head into the 2012 presidential campaign. Moreover, nowhere has that calculation been as circumspect as this president's treatment of Israel, or its reticence in doing what is necessary to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. It's time to connect some dots that need connecting.
- Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can We Keep Our Republic?

Americans, whether they know or not, are in for the fight of their lives. It's been one week since the biggest story of the last three years was published by Bloomberg News, and maybe the only thing more fascinating than the story itself is the level of indifference it's gotten from our so-called mainstream media. Remember the $700 billion in TARP funds used to bail out the banks? Chump change. Or more to the point, collateral for the $7.77 trillion made available by the Federal Reserve to bail out financial institutions all over the world.
- Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cyber Crack-heads

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving will have passed. But I wanted to get this down while the feelings were fresh. Like most Americans, I attended a get together with more than a few kids. Unlike most Americans, at least I'm betting it's most Americans, I was pretty dismayed by the behavior of those kids — and more than a few adults as well.
- Monday, November 28, 2011
