
Rev. Michael Bresciani

New American Prophet is listed as one of the [url="https://magazines.feedspot.com/christian_magazines/?feedid=7261734" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]30 best Christian Magazines[/url] to follow. - [em]Michael Bresciani[/em] is the editor of [url="https://new.americanprophet.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]new.americanprophet.org[/url] since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists. Visit us at [url="https://usa.life/micapusa" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]USA.Life[/url], [url="https://twitter.com/amprophet" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Twitter[/url] and [url="https://www.facebook.com/AmericanProphet" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Facebook[/url].

Most Recent Articles by Rev. Michael Bresciani:

Forget Romney’s Tax Returns – Go Find Barack Obama’s Honesty and Compassion

Few stories have managed to jump off the page and grip the heart and the better sensibilities of this writer as much as the recently released news item about George Obama, the President’s brother. It flashed across a few of the better conservative internet sites, but was conspicuously missing anywhere in the main stream media. We have learned to expect less from the MSM, but this one may turn out to be the crown jewel of their collective dishonesty and indifference.
- Monday, August 20, 2012

Obama Campaign Sinks to New Low – Scare Our Seniors to Death

Spending the last week studying the Ryan plan on Medicare against the remarks made about it by Barack Obama and Joe Biden has produced a surprising result. The surprise is in finding that the only way Mr. Obama can deal with Ryan’s plan is to lie about it and he has done plenty of that.
- Friday, August 17, 2012

Indirect Deaths by Candidates – Are Obama’s Hands Clean?

Still at the top of the news is the dishonest ad put up by Barack Obama’s super PAC which implied that Mitt Romney was indirectly responsible for the death of cancer patient Ranae Soptic after the closing of the GST Steel plant in 2006.
- Friday, August 10, 2012

Accountability: The Missing Element in the Obama Presidency

A plethora of incredibly hard to believe events takes place in America almost every day. Some are unexpected, but many are quite persistent like the nearly 1200 murders a year in Chicago. Others are horrendous events like the recent shooting in Aurora where over a dozen people were killed and several dozen wounded.
- Saturday, August 4, 2012

Aurora: A Fractured Society makes a Fraternity of Fools, not a Nation

We are reeling after the horrible event in the theater in Aurora, Colorado, but while it is still unfolding we must now endure the army of experts and analysts who offer their solutions, counsel and views on every detail and nuance of the tragedy. People with shock and horror still clearly written all over their countenance have microphones pushed in their faces followed by ridiculous questions like, how did you feel when you saw…
- Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lying by Omission – The Latest Obama Campaign Tool

There are many kinds of lies like - barefaced, minimization, white lies, contextual lies and economy with the truth lies. Lying by omission is only one of over twenty five kinds of lies, yet it ranks among the most deadly and nefarious of them all.
- Thursday, July 12, 2012

D–Day for the Heart of a Nation: November 6, 2012

When Barack Obama charged into the White House like a roaring and brilliant meteor on the wings of a slogan; "Hope and Change' there may have been moments when the staunchest conservative believed he actually could pull it off. Those moments have passed into history unceremoniously and what is left is a nation divided, stunned and weakened by contortions and re-shaping or more accurately by, hopeless changes it can barely endure.
- Thursday, July 5, 2012

Serious Questions and Answers on the Coming of Antichrist

We have endured the wild speculations of a lot of would be Bible interpreters of prophecy and as a result a long list of potential 'antichrists' has come and gone. The bible promises that at the appropriate moment he will be 'revealed,' (2 Th 2: 3) but for some the temptation to name the man before the time is too great. Taking a chance at making a fool of themselves is not the worst of the matter, but mis-leading the believer and creating more confusion in the minds of unbelievers is. Here is the bottom line; when he (antichrist) arrives to begin his rule, no one in this world will miss seeing who he is.
- Sunday, July 1, 2012

Brian Terry: What Justice? – What Privilege?

In a jaw dropping move, Barack Obama put the brakes on justice, on behalf of the Justice Department’s top man, Eric Holder by means of that god like power we have granted our presidents known as ‘executive privilege.’
- Thursday, June 21, 2012

Respect for the American People - AWOL in the Obama Presidency

Bill O’Reilly was heard on the factor recently parroting the all too familiar adage about always “respecting the office of the President even if you don’t necessarily respect the president.” The discussion was about Obama’s heated reply to the outbursts of one Texas based TV reporter who couldn’t wait to speak until the question and answer period of the meeting took place. Politico has labeled the incident as - ‘The outburst heard round the world.’
- Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father’s Day - June 17, 2012 – What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?

An entire generation has been primed and prepped to reach the level of liberalism that prevails in our nation today. Many youth don’t even know who our forefathers were; how can they be expected to know if they would be proud of them or if our founding fathers would be proud of this generation?
- Monday, June 11, 2012

Latest group of Americans denied their right to life—Unborn female children

Who has not heard the expression that if given enough time the truth will eventually come out? In fact in the Biblical record, the opposite is spoken of in precise and clear terms. According to the prophetic message of the scriptures there is a day when falsehood comes fully out of hiding and has its own special time.
- Friday, June 1, 2012

What Happens When a Superpower Meets a Supersign?

It is understood that prophecy preachers, students and buffs, are not always prophets. This is never clearer as when it is seen that many prophecy ministries become purveyors of the subject rather than proclaimers of the essential message. Conjecture and speculation may at times enter certain parts of prophecy, but it is a not all there is.
- Friday, May 25, 2012

New Obama Strategy – ‘Hot Button Issues’ in Your Face

Just when you thought there was no way possible to cover or subdue the record of five trillion in debt and the most joblessness since the depression, the master politician starts making announcements that catch the attention, not just of the country, but of the entire world.
- Thursday, May 17, 2012

Obama’s ‘Evolved’ Position on Gay Marriage - Anti Biblical and Anti-Christ

Only days after the Vice President announced he was comfortable with same sex marriages; President Obama announced his newly revised (Evolved) position on gay marriage. The debate has been whether Joe Biden forced the Presidents proclamation and boxed him in, but it may be that he used Biden to test the waters before he un-closeted his new position on the issue.
- Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dan Savage Bombs while Bullying Christians and Bashing the Bible

Gay anti-bullying spokesperson, Dan Savage, belittled, berated and bullied Christians, the Bible, and the Pope while addressing 3,000 high school students at a school journalism convention in Seattle, organized by the National Scholastic Press Association. Savage, a militant high profile gay activist who writes graphic sex columns tried to humiliate the Christian kids but went away as a bully himself, in a bad show of self-indulgent hedonism. He is the head of the ‘It Gets Better Project,’ an activist group that is supposed to help gays make the transition out of the straight life into the wonderful brave new world of the gay life.
- Saturday, May 5, 2012

Obama fooling on Fallon while failing America

It may be that the crowds of youth Obama is appealing to by appearing on Jimmy Fallon’s show and interviews in Rolling Stone Magazine are all he has got. Taxpayers, people at the gas pumps, veterans, Solyndra workers, Arizona ranchers and Governors and those who don’t want to be forced to buy insurance and almost anyone over thirty five know they need the change Obama promised in 2008 now, more than ever. They see that change as, electing a new president in 2012.
- Wednesday, April 25, 2012
