
Frank Salvato

Frank Salvato also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention.

Most Recent Articles by Frank Salvato:

The Time Is Ripe for Divide & Conquer

It shouldn't come as any surprise that the Obama Administration is doing everything they can to place the blame for Republican Scott Brown's victory in the Massachusetts Senatorial Special Election on Martha Coakley. It is their modus operandi. When someone or some organization becomes a political liability, the Obama team throws it under the bus. They did it to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. They did it to Bill Ayers. They did it to ACORN. And now they are doing it to Martha Coakley. No, we shouldn't be surprised. In Chicago Democrat politics, political liabilities are “dealt with,” and Barack Obama is a Chicago Machine Progressive-Democrat.
- Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Janus Face of the Progressive Democrats

“Get thee glass eyes, and, like a scurvy politician, seem to see the things thou dost not.” – William Shakespeare America, when exactly did we come to tolerate politicians lying to us – bald-faced –about things that actually matter? When did we start to put up with being lied to by our elected officials and accepting it as the status quo?
- Saturday, January 9, 2010

At This Point It’s About Defining the “Win”

Does anyone remember back to when the current healthcare reform initiative began? What were the goals? What were the reasons for the subject even being broached? Progressives and Democrats insisted that the healthcare system was broken because there were millions of people (figures varied, but averaged around 37 million) who were uninsured and that those who had health insurance were subject to continuously rising insurance premiums and diminished coverage.
- Saturday, December 19, 2009

American Liberty v. Obama’s Social Engineering

After the General Election of 2008 I made a conscious effort to give President Obama a chance. I wanted to give him an opportunity to be true to his word; to prove that he was committed to governing from the center. I also wanted to demonstrate that I was not of the same ilk as the Bush-hating, “he stole the election,” fact-ignoring Progressive malcontents that served to divide the country over the eight years of the Bush Administration.
- Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is the Constitution Just a Grand Suggestion?

Listening to the John & Cisco morning radio program here on Chicago’s WIND AM 560 this morning, I was suddenly stopped dead in my tracks. One of the hosts, John Howell, asked Chicago Tribune editorialists Clarence Page about a contentious issue; whether candidates for the office of President of the United States of America should have to present proof of citizenship before being allowed to vie for the office. Mr. Page’s answer was not only a slight to the Constitution; it placed him firmly in the camp of the constitutionally illiterate.
- Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Have Democrats Been Marginalized Within Their Own Party?

We have heard a lot over the past year or so about how President John F. Kennedy wouldn't be able to garner his political party's nomination for the presidency in today's Democrat Party. An examination of his political platform and the principles he embraced would today place him on the right side of the aisle. So, why is it that in just under fifty years the political ideology of the most revered Democrat to hold office in modern times is shunned by the party he served? It's because his party – the Democrat Party – isn't the party of Democrats any longer.
- Friday, November 20, 2009

Confronting the Spin on the Fort Hood Massacre

It is sad and disturbing commentary on the state of American culture when the facts surrounding an event, such as the slaughter that took place at Fort Hood, can not only be manipulated to facilitate a political ideology but blatantly ignored in the pursuit of a political agenda. In the face of the most potent enemy the United States and the free world has ever know – aggressive and violent radical Islam – our leaders and members of the mainstream media are doing just that; manipulating the truth to facilitate an agenda, and we are all in danger because of it.
- Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pretending to Speak for an Entire Culture

One of the things that brings me to the boiling point is when I hear elected officials tell me what “Americans want” or what “Americans think.” To believe that today's federally elected politicians understand – or care – what their constituents want, never mind Americans on the whole, after they belittled town hall attendees and ignored the citizenry's opposition to government-run healthcare is to exist in fantasyland.
- Saturday, October 31, 2009

When Ideology Masks Ignorance

After giving a talk to a group of family values minded Freeport, Illinois area residents addressing three major threats facing the United States – which I term “The Perfect Storm,” and a solution to a problem that safeguards the US Constitution, I found myself personally and ideologically assailed by a letter-writer to a local newspaper, a Ms. Patricia Wemstrom. I take issue with her critique not only because she mischaracterized each and every point that I made at the event, but also because she wasn't even in attendance.
- Saturday, October 24, 2009

It’s Time to Pay Close Attention to the Politicians

I have long said that we, the citizens of the United States, must demand good government over politics from our elected officials. The need for this demand has grown exponentially over the past four decades. While We the People were pre-occupied with the trappings of the self-centered 1960s, the self-absorption of the 1970s, the greed culture of the 1980s and the falsely elevated self-esteem culture of the 1990s, political opportunists and special interest operatives, cloaked in the façade of public service, quietly took control of our federal government. Now we are paying the price of cronyism politics over good government.
- Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Only Real Strategy for Afghanistan

There has been quite a bit of criticism directed at President Obama for his handling – or mishandling – of the Afghan theater in the global conflict with radical Islamists. To be certain, it should be the number one or, at the very least, number two item on his list of priorities. That it is not is deserving of criticism.
- Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why Obama Will Throw ACORN Under the Bus

The spotlight of scrutiny is shining brightly on ACORN these days and rightly so. Where ACORN's defenders have the audacity to insist that the employees caught on undercover videotape giving advice to a perceived “pimp” and “prostitute” on how to defraud the Internal Revenue Service and internationally traffic in underage Guatemalan prostitutes were simply “a few bad employees,” anyone with a brain recognizes that the problem is systemic in the organization.
- Saturday, September 26, 2009

“Please, God, No…It’s So Hot, I’m Burning Up”

"The floor is completely engulfed. We're on the floor, and we can't breathe, and it's very, very, very hot...I'm going to die, I know it. Please, God, no. It's so hot, I'm burning up!" These were some of the last words of Melissa Doi, 32, one of the thousands of innocent victims that perished at the hands of radical Islamists on September 11, 2001.
- Friday, September 11, 2009

Missing the Larger Point on the Public Option

As Congress prepares to return to work – now there’s an oxymoron – the subject of healthcare is weighing heavy in the air. The August recess provided the American people with contentious town hall meetings where We the People were described by opportunistic, power-hungry politicians as “astroturfers,” “un-American” and “terrorists.”
- Saturday, September 5, 2009

Challenging the Status Quo

With the death of US Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) the Democrats lose their sixty-seat filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. This will make the passing of Obama agenda legislation – specifically healthcare – more difficult until Massachusetts seats its next Junior Senator, who promises to be a Democrat.
- Friday, August 28, 2009

You Say You Want a Real Solution

As the debate over health care reform rages on – and despite the fact that the debate should be over how to provide true health care affordability to all, if in fact the goal of the “overhaul” is genuinely about the good of the downtrodden – we hear one retort from Progressives, Liberals and neo-Marxists, both in government and out: Where is your plan if you don’t like ours?
- Saturday, August 22, 2009

‘You Have Awakened the Sleeping Giant’

One of the benefits coming from the recent congressional town hall meetings – of which there are many – is that we now know to what extent the elected class in Washington DC is cognizant of their constituents’ positions on the issues; specifically, healthcare. They aren’t, especially on the Left side of the aisle. Instead, the elected class in Washington – and it is true for an overwhelming majority on both sides of the aisle – has opted-out of their sworn duty to represent their constituents in deference to a blinding loyalty to their political party organizations and the ideologies they hold.
- Saturday, August 15, 2009

“Birther” Label Overshadows a Real Issue

I have always been one to say that I cannot know the answer to the “birthers’” question of whether Mr. Obama is eligible to hold the Presidency. I can’t answer the question because I am being kept from examining the only documents that do exist to prove the point.
- Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reading Legislation…It’s Your Job!

It would appear that some of our elected officials – oh heck, let's say most of our elected officials – believe it isn't necessary to read legislation before voting on it. A perfect example of this is playing out right now in Congress with regard to the healthcare legislation where several high-ranking elected officials have unabashedly stated that expecting elected officials to read legislation, in its entirety, before voting on it, is to expect too much. Really...
- Friday, July 31, 2009

A Government Run by Mrs. Kravitz

If you are a Baby Boomer you, no doubt, remember the television series Bewitched, starring Elizabeth Montgomery. Ms. Montgomery played Samantha Stevens, a witch who was married to a mortal and who lived in a quintessential American suburb.
- Friday, July 24, 2009
