
Henry Lamb

Editor's Note: Henry passed away in 2012. He will be greatly missed.

Henry Lamb--Death of a Patriot.

Older articles by Henry Lamb

Most Recent Articles by Henry Lamb:

The target is Obama!

To listen click here Many people are convinced that this President has done more to destroy the United States in three years than all the other presidents combined. The only hope of preventing another four years of even more drastic destructive policies is the election of one of the four remaining Republican candidates. The two frontrunners are using their time and resources, even on national television where they can be seen by the public, arguing over whether Newt's consulting contract with Freddie Mac is "lobbying," or whether Mitt is a moderate. Wake up gentlemen; the target is Obama!
- Sunday, January 29, 2012

Democrats have selective memory

Democrats like to say: "The worst thing we could do is to go back to the very same policies that created this mess in the first place." They are absolutely correct; we do not ever want to see again the policies that created the current economic mess. But we will, if Obama is re-elected. Democrats want their audiences to believe that “…the very same policies,” are those practiced by the Bush administration. Their hindsight stops with the 2000 election.
- Sunday, January 8, 2012

The defining moment in the future of the USA

To listen click here January 1, 2012 is the first day of the last year of the first term of the most “transformative” President in the history of the United States. Before he became president, Barack Hussein Obama told America that “…we are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” During the first three years of his presidency, he has pushed his philosophy of governance further and further away from the philosophy of governance developed by the Framers and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. The defining moment in the future of the United States will come on November 6, 2012, when each citizen casts – or fails to cast – a vote for the next president, and for the legislators who will guide the nation.
- Sunday, January 1, 2012

A nation divided

Congressional Republicans refuse to consider any so-called jobs bill that contains a tax increase that penalizes the successful. The President and his Democratic allies refuse to consider any jobs bill that does not include another tax on the wealthy. This division, so vividly portrayed in Washington, reflects a division that threatens the nation.
- Sunday, November 13, 2011

Regional planning brings regional governance

To listen click here So what’s wrong with regional governance? Nothing- unless you value the republican form of government and individual freedom - and detest autocracy in all its forms. Regional governance evolved as a way to get around the obstacles presented by multiple local governments, all of which may have a stake in the region, but often disagree on what the region needs.
- Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will the real America please stand up?

To listen click here America took a sharp left turn in 1912, when it elected a globalist with a strong Marxist philosophy. Woodrow Wilson, and his alter-ego, Colonel Edward Mandell House, created the League of Nations, created the Federal Reserve, created the income tax, and kicked the states out of the federal government by enacting the 17th Amendment.
- Sunday, October 16, 2011

The transformation of government

To listen click here Where did governments – at every level – get the idea that they are supposed to manage the affairs of their citizens? Governments were first created in America to serve their citizens. Now, citizens must ask their government for permission to build a house, to drive a car, to open a business, or to buy a gun. The role and authority of government has changed over the years from an entity that serves the needs of its citizens to an entity that manages the affairs of its citizens.
- Saturday, October 8, 2011

The difference between Planning 101 and Planning 102 is…

To listen click here Local governments have two fundamental responsibilities: (1) protect the rights of the citizens; and (2) provide the services the citizens authorize. To meet these responsibilities, local elected officials must look to the future and anticipate what services their citizens may want, and construct plans to meet those needs. This kind of planning will be referred to as Planning 101.
- Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Solyndra dilemma

To listen click here The political dilemma is not that surprising. Politicians can be expected to give special favors to their major contributors. Rarely are these political rewards so brazen, or so costly, as the $535 million loan guarantee given to the company whose major investor just happened to be George Kaiser, a major fund raiser for President Obama. Even more scandalous, was the loan restructuring agreed to by the Obama administration which subordinated repayment to the federal government in favor of repayment of Kaiser’s personal investment in Solyndra.
- Sunday, September 25, 2011

What happened to the Constitution?

To listen click here Constitution Day is September 17th, the day many citizens celebrate the foundation upon which all American law is supposed to rest. New laws are emerging every day, however, that rest not upon the U.S. Constitution, but on a newer document called Agenda 21.
- Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lest we forget

To listen click here The hope that it was just a tragic accident evaporated, when the second airplane flew into the second tower that Tuesday morning, ten years ago. Work stopped everywhere, as everyone who found a television set watched the unprecedented disaster unfold in New York City . Nearly three-thousand people died that day; nearly three-hundred-million people wondered why.
- Sunday, September 11, 2011

Celebrate Constitution Day

To listen click here Is your child’s school planning a special celebration of the U.S. Constitution? It should. Federal law requires every school that receives federal funds to provide an educational program about the U.S. Constitution during the week of September 17th. Every parent should call the school their child attends and ask if such a program is planned. If no such program is planned, then each parent should ask why, and offer to provide an educational video to help the school meet its obligation.
- Saturday, September 3, 2011

Barack Obama: Administrator

Edward Mandel House wrote a terrible novel titled “Philip Dru: Administrator.” The book is a vision of how House believed government should operate. As Woodrow Wilson’s “alter-ego,” he did everything he could to bring about his vision during Wilson’s Presidency, including the design and creation of the League of Nations. House could not have known that some 70 years after his death, Barack Hussein Obama would be in the White House displaying many of the same beliefs and implementing many of the same ideas he had attributed to Philip Dru.
- Saturday, August 27, 2011

Progressive hypocrisy

To listen click here When George Bush invaded Iraq, anti-war zealots hit the streets raising forty-leven kinds of hell: “Bush lied; people died,” rang across the land. Bush acted on intelligence gathered and agreed to by the U.N., Great Britain, and virtually all U.S. allies. Bush obtained approval from Congress to take whatever action he deemed necessary. He tried, in vain, to get U.N. approval. He set a time and date. He invaded. And, the Progressive anti-war zealots went crazy.
- Sunday, August 21, 2011

Impasse in DC - a good thing

To listen click here The impasse in Washington witnessed by the world in recent weeks is a good thing. The philosophical differences between the two political parties have prevented either party from dominating the other. Instead, the sharp points of difference have been ground blunt by contentious debate to a more palatable fit with both parties. This is precisely how the government was designed. The only improvement that could be made is to change the parties to the debate.
- Saturday, August 6, 2011

America at the abyss

To listen click here There is a direct correlation between America’s downward spiral and the nation’s departure from adherence to the U.S. Constitution. During the first hundred years, America experienced growth and prosperity never before imagined by people who never knew what freedom was. It was a rough and tumble century; not everyone prospered. Many people were victimized by profit-hungry capitalists. The answer to this inequity, according to some of the 19th century philosophers, was government management of the affairs of people and their business activities. Proponents of these ideas claimed the name “Progressives.”
- Saturday, July 30, 2011

The arrogance of failure

To listen click here What would you do, were you to discover that the CEO of the corporation in which your entire life savings were invested, borrowed a sum of money greater than the firms' total annual revenue, and you discovered that every year, the firm was spending 44-percent more than its revenue?
- Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where’s the exterminator?

To listen click here Termites don't care whether there's a hurricane or tornado raging outside. They just keep chomping away at the foundation of their host structure. Homeowners care. When a hurricane, tornado, or storms threaten, homeowners do whatever they can to prevent their home from blowing away. Rarely are they even aware that the termites are chomping away, night and day, rain or shine - until it's too late to save the structure.
- Sunday, July 17, 2011
