
John Anthony

John Anthony, Founder of Sustainable Freedom Lab, LLC, is a nationally acclaimed speaker, researcher and writer. He is a leading expert on globalist impacts on local affairs and the effects of federal agency regulations on local rule and property rights. Mr. Anthony’s Property Value Defense Network informs public officials and attorneys nationwide of the dangers of regulatory laws. His workshop, Shattering America’s Trance, teaches conservatives effective techniques for cross-political communications and is now available as an online course.

Most Recent Articles by John Anthony:

An open letter to President-elect Trump

Dear President-elect Trump: Aware Americans want the federal government out of our healthcare, out of our schools and away from our property rights and community rule.
- Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Trump Strategy to Neuter HUD's Attacks on Local Rule

When President Reagan took office in 1980, he promised to reduce the number of federal agencies and rules. Eight years later, his Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief failed to eliminate a single agency or even one of the thousands of federal regulations.
- Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How HUD Makes Lousy Programs Look Great

When federal agencies promote programs, like Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, or Common Core they conduct sophisticated and often deceptive marketing campaigns that cover up there downsides. Flowery slogans like, "transportation options are fundamental to having a shot at the American Dream," and "Economic diversity is the path to better outcomes for all American children," may sound moving. The truth about the programs is often disturbing.
- Thursday, October 27, 2016

Gutting America's Socialism

With or without Hillary at the helm, we can stop socialism in America. Recently, Sustainable Freedom Lab hosted a three-part podcast series called Socialism in America. Our guests had travelled to over 70 countries, lived under socialism and communism and even begun businesses worldwide and in the United States. We had a software installation expert who works closely with project teams in socialist countries and is in a unique position to understand what these workers think of the United States.
- Thursday, October 20, 2016

The 9/11 Message that Terrifies Washington

Perhaps the greatest attribute of the American spirit is that even in the aftershocks of the worst wreckage, we seek to learn. Rather than flounder in horrors that should have never happened, we pursue ways to assure they will not again.
- Sunday, September 11, 2016

HUD Moves to Dictate Classroom Diversity

(In a bold move, HUD partnered with the Departments of Transportation and Education to create a massive alteration in the way children experience school. The program is designed to help low-income families grow financially. Instead, it accomplishes something much different.)
- Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Obama Feasts on Ignorance to Devour Property Rights

President Obama is successfully executing the most dangerous seizure of individual choice in our history because Americans are growing blind to the bond between property rights and human rights.
- Monday, June 27, 2016

Meet the Man Who Saves Futures

If information is power, Rob Astorino has enough to shatter the administration's media halo and send HUD officials slithering behind their stacks of regulations. Astorino is the County Executive for Westchester County, NY, an upscale community north of NYC that is home to Andrew Cuomo, George Soros, Hillary and Bill Clinton to name a few.
- Tuesday, May 31, 2016

America’s Firewall to Stop the Slide into Slavery

In the 1600s David Hitchborn migrated to America and spent his life in servitude. Within four generations, the family became free property holders, business owners and respected burghers. By 1734, David’s great-great grandson, patriot Paul Revere was born into the influential Boston family.
- Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tearing Down Obama's Transformation

In spite of President Obama’s slick candor and a sympathetic media, the devices he uses to create his centrally “governed” society are vulnerable.
- Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Most Rapidly Declining Culture in Modern History

In a reversal of the early America that set the world ablaze with her record-breaking growth of freedom and prosperity, today our nation is experiencing the most rapid decline of any culture in modern history.
- Thursday, October 29, 2015

How HUD Will Legally Enslave Your Community

Local rule died in America on July 8, 2015. With it passes the rights of rural and suburban communities to decide their own futures. The trigger was the final 377-page ruling from HUD called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing[ia] that attempts to remove discrimination and achieve balanced and integrated living patterns.
- Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Unraveling the Secrecy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

President Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership is actually the name of one of three agreements that together comprise the largest international trade agreement in US history. In popular use, the name also refers to the entire trade pact. Senator Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner are working tirelessly to pass the TPP.
- Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Betrayal: Why Americans Can Never Blindly Trust Government

Americans look to government programs to provide social, environmental and economic protections. Many do not realize, that, in addition to its 'good works', government is often the most corrupt and secretive entity in the social equation.
- Wednesday, April 8, 2015
