
Marion Valentine

Marion A. Valentine U.S. Navy Intelligence/Cryptologist (disabled)

Most Recent Articles by Marion Valentine:

Defeating Socialism

From the late-1950s through the mid-1960s while serving in Navy Intelligence Service, a wise old Air Force General told me to defeat Socialism you must start at "defeet", that’s where the brains are.
- Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hey America The Crap is Five Feet High And Rising: CLEAN THE STABLES

This Administration and the donkeys in charge are spewing out stinking, unwanted bills and regulations, while stealing America's wealth, and will use any means or methods to stifle dissent and gain control. I saw how the Socialists worked to gain control in other countries.
- Friday, August 6, 2010

The Progressive’s Anti-Military Mindset

I am amazed that no one else has picked up on what was obvious to me during the Vietnam era and has not changed since then, other than those in Congress are more open in their Anti-Military opinions and actions.
- Monday, August 2, 2010

A Modern Day Fable/Or Politics 101 geared to the Progressive intellect

Once upon a time in a parallel universe a band of jackasses got together and decided that since they were the most intelligent, and knew what was best for everyone they should control their country and all its wealth and resources. Once they gained total control of their country, since it was the most powerful country in the world they could manipulate the resources and wealth of the rest of the world and force them to accept the jackasses as rulers of all the world.
- Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hold em, fold em, walk away or run

Everything you own and hold dear is on the table, your way of life and possibly even your life. Will you hold to the principles founded on teachings of the Bible that our founders advocated? The principles and traditions which made America the greatest country on earth. A country which has made more advances in medicine, technology, has done more to eradicate poverty, and has freed more people from tyrannical bondage than any country in the world.
- Tuesday, July 13, 2010

America, No Longer a Sovereign Nation Subject to Constitutional Law

The dots have been connected, Plan A is in place with backup plan B in the wings. Obama was selected, tutored, groomed, and scripted and given enough money to buy the office of President by his puppet masters, George Soros, and the 100+ members of the Democracy Alliance, the Bilderberg Group, and other uber wealthy individuals and groups.
- Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jerry Odom, Nebraska’s Second District

Folks, from what I can find out about this guy, he is the kind of person we need in Congress. Plus he is highly recommended by a dear friend who lives in his district and knows him personally. Please visit his website: odomforcongress.net spread the word, and please donate to help him win. Thanks, Val
- Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Ruling Elite Versus Common Sense

In 1954, I was cultivating the field using a 1951 Farmall Cub tractor which had seen over three years of hard work. The rings had started to wear, so there was a lot of exhaust smoke and loss of power. On this day the rings totally gave out resulting in such a power loss the tractor would no longer move.
- Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Common sense a rare commodity

The tragic loss of life in the oil rig explosion was bad enough. The oil spill could have been contained with someone (ANYONE) with enough common sense to pour oil out of a boot while reading the directions on the heel.
- Saturday, May 1, 2010

Earth to Washington D.C., Come In Please, Can Anyone Hear?

The Administration, Liberals, and the State controlled media are throwing the race card into the deck over Arizona's new Immigration law, but the American people see the card as just an old worn out joker and there are no wild cards in this game.
- Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The four-phase transformation of America behind Obama’s wildly racing clock

imageThe Obama Clock is racing ahead with the speed of light. On Monday, word went out to the world that the US would not use the nuclear option--even in self defense. Today comes the news that the White House will expunge the term "Islamic radicalism" from the lexicon of international terrorism. The Free World as we know it has already become an upsidedown one, where right is wrong and wrong is right. Marxists in office are creating chaos and blaming the chaos on those who dissent against them.
- Wednesday, April 7, 2010

To Survive, the Democrats Must Throw Obama, Pelosi and Reid under the bus before Nov. 2010

It is highly doubtful Obama will finish out his first term, things did not work out so he could declare martial law, and even though he still thinks he can get away with it, America has woken up, and before even the most liberal in Congress allow Obama's policies to start a shooting war they will join with us in calling for Obama to resign, or be impeached.
- Thursday, January 14, 2010

I Remember

I will soon be 69 years old. I grew up as a share cropper's son in southern Mississippi. By most standards we were considered "poor", but I have no memory of ever being "poor". I got tired of looking at the North end of a South bound mule and joined the Navy 4 days after my 17th birthday, on March 20, 1958, I went to Great Lakes, Il for basic training in July, 1958.
- Friday, January 1, 2010

Intimidation then Normalization

What is the difference between Marxism, Communism, and Socialism? These days, not much. In the beginning the main difference was disagreement on how to achieve their common goal of complete control of a Nation's people, resources and wealth.
- Saturday, December 5, 2009

What People Want

A Congress which passes bills containing thousands of pages which no one reads, and could not understand if they did, should keep this in mind.
- Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Old Veteran Who is so Afraid

I do not fear death nor do I fear living for myself, even though I am slowly dying from Congestive Heart Failure. I fear for the future of my children and grand children, and the future of my beloved country for which I gave nine years of my life and my health in service to.
- Thursday, September 3, 2009

What is hidden behind the curtain?

I don’t know if any of you have been out hunting or in a situation that gave you an uneasy feeling. As a hunter a feeling that you were being stalked, but could never catch a glimpse of the stalker.
- Thursday, April 16, 2009

Coming soon the new ‘improved’ America

America has just become a member of the Global Union Of Socialist Nation States. Before Congress voted to disband itself, nullify the constitution, and placing the jurisdiction of of America’s justice system into the hands of the International Courts, they named Mr. Obama as the sole Delegate to represent interests of the United Socialist Nation State in the United Nations. Mr. Obama’s appointment is a lifetime Appointment. Mr. Obama has picked for his advisers and policy makers, George Soros, and the entire membership of the Democracy Alliance.
- Saturday, April 4, 2009
