
Marc Morano

Mr. Morano is the former communications director for the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee and former advisor and speechwriter for Sen.James Inhofe. Morano's Climate Deportis a special project of CFACT.org

Most Recent Articles by Marc Morano:

Controlling climate? More like controlling humans

The proposed "solutions" to scientifically fading man-made global warming fears are set to alter American lifestyles and sovereignty in ways never before contemplated.
- Friday, October 30, 2009

Leading Climate Scientist: Cap and Trade Could Ruin US Economy

BILLINGS- As debate over climate change legislation heats up on Capitol Hill, the Director of the University of Montana’s Climate Change Studies Program, and a co-author of a Nobel Prize winning report, says cap and trade legislation could ruin the US economy.
- Thursday, October 29, 2009

Great Non-Debate: Wash Post’s Freedman claims paper is not ‘politically motivated’

The great non-debate has occurred. The Washington Post's Andrew Freedman refused to debate Climate Depot's executive editor Marc Morano at the invitation of Clean Skies TV. Freedman, of the paper's Capital Weather Gang, accused Climate Depot of being anti-science and having an "anti-science journalism agenda" on September 2, 2009 in the Washington Post. Freedman has since refused to face off with Morano in a TV debate. Instead, Freedman demanded to do a solo segment with the reporter instead of defending his global warming assertions in front of Climate Depot in a televised debate.
- Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Media Charged with Performing ‘Climate Porn’ on Arctic Ice Shipping Claims

The media is once again hyping “unprecedented” claims about the Arctic. The UK Independent paper went absolutely gaga in a silly front page headline about the Arctic which screamed: “A Triumph for Man, A Disaster for Mankind.” The September 12, 2009 article in the paper claimed: “Two ships are finishing the first commercial navigation of the fabled Northwest Passage. It is an epic moment -- but also a vivid sign of climate change in the Arctic."

- Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nobel Prize-winner Norman Borlaug has died ‘saved more human lives than any other’

Renowned agricultural scientist Dr. Norman Borlaug has died at the age of 95. Borlaug, known as the father of the "Green Revolution" for saving over a billion people from starvation by utilizing pioneering high yield farming techniques, is one of only five people in history who has been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom ,and the Congressional Gold Medal.
- Sunday, September 13, 2009

Not Again! Media Now Promoting Arctic ‘Hockey Stick’ - Scientists Already Rebuking Latest Study

Climate Depot The Washington Post is touting a new study purporting to show an Arctic temperature "Hockey Stick." But the study appears to contradict numerous previous Arctic studies and scientists are already challenging the premise and claims of the new study. The study in under fire for basing key results and conclusions on Penn State Professor Michael Mann's discredited "Hockey Stick" temperature graph. (Editor's Note: Mann just recently attempted to invent a hurricane "Hockey Stick" as well. )
- Friday, September 4, 2009

Washington Post Blames Obama For Failure of Global Warming Movement!

The Washington Post's Andrew Freedman of paper's "The Capital Weather Gang", has written a thorough commentary on why he believes the man-made global warming movement is failing politically and scientifically to convince the public and lawmakers of the seriousness of the issue. Freedman appears to lay the fault directly at the feet of President Obama, writing that Obama's "mistakes may cost the planet dearly." Freedman also cites Climate Depot (and the Heartland Institute) as having made a huge impact in shaping lawmakers and the public's skeptical view of the latest climate science.
- Tuesday, September 1, 2009

‘Sun’s output may decline significantly inducing another little ice age on the Earth’

[Below is a guest post by Statistician Dr. Richard Mackey, who authored a 2007 peer-reviewed study which found that the solar system regulates the earth's climate. The paper was published August 17, 2007 in the Journal of Coastal Research - Excerpt: "According to the findings reviewed in this paper, the variable output of the sun, the sun's gravitational relationship between the earth (and the moon) and earth's variable orbital relationship with the sun, regulate the earth's climate. The processes by which the sun affects the earth show periodicities on many time scales; each process is stochastic and immensely complex." Mackey is featured on page 228 of U.S. Senate Report of 700 Dissenting Scientists.]

- Saturday, August 15, 2009

NASA’s James Hansen Blasts Obama’s ‘Counterfeit’ Climate Bill

Below is an excerpt of NASA scientist James Hansen's critique of the President Obama supported Waxman-Markey global warming cap-and-trade bill that passed the House and is now under consideration in the U.S. Senate. Hansen's full critique appeared on July 9, 2009 in The Huffington Post. Hansen is director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, but he writes on this policy-related topic as a private citizen.
- Thursday, July 9, 2009

‘At no other time in the history of science have we been able to say what the future will be 100 yea

President Obama's Energy Secretary Steven Chu is at it again. Fresh off his declarations in May claiming computer model predictions as evidence of a certain climate catastrophe, (see: Climate Depot Exclusive: Sec. Chu's assertions 'quite simply being proven wrong by the latest climate data' - April 19, 2009), he has now gotten more bold, confidently predicting a certain climate catastrophe by the year 2109. (When he and everyone who hears his warning today will be conveniently DEAD!)
- Monday, June 29, 2009
