
Nelson Hultberg

Nelson Hultberg is a freelance writer in Dallas, Texas, and serves as the Director of Americans for a Free Republic. An educational organization founded to promote sound money and fair taxation. He is the author of a soon to be released book, The Golden Mean: Libertarian Politics, Conservative Values.

Most Recent Articles by Nelson Hultberg:

Is Trump the Real Deal?

The talking heads of the establishment are heaping scorn on Donald Trump like squawking crows dumping on those underneath the phone lines where they sit. The long knives are coming out of the sheaths of the New York-Washington literati. Everyone is attacking Donald Trump. But why is such animosity spewing from our media, our corporations, and our academic leaders toward this bodacious entrepreneur turned politician? Why? Because Trump represents something untamed and untamable. He represents an outsider who refuses to play the game of “politics as usual” that the good ol’ boys have been playing throughout the past 80 years. What the establishment fears about Trump is that he doesn’t need to play the role of sycophant to their corporate-banking-bureaucratic combine that rules America.
- Thursday, August 20, 2015

The GOP Debate--Miserable Irrelevancy

Seventeen GOP candidates for president of the United States paraded in front of us in Cleveland as elsewhere on August 6th. The establishment media crowed enthusiastically to the viewers about the import of this gathering to our lives as Americans. Chris Wallace and his fellow questioners milked the affair for all the drama they could squeeze from it.
- Friday, August 7, 2015

Sons of Liberty: A Review

The History channel’s new miniseries, Sons of Liberty, will anger the purists and the prudes. But it will delight the swashbuckler in the rest of us. It is a big, bodacious screening with superb production values that covers the lead-up years to the American Revolution, 1765-1775. Yes, certain liberties are taken with some of the facts and events.
- Thursday, January 29, 2015

Alien Tidal Wave Now Assured

Reason flees; pygmies rule. Our intellectuals and legislators on both sides of the spectrum have abandoned all sanity regarding immigration, culture, freedom, and common sense. Our country is in free fall. Collapse lies over the horizon like grinning Death with its blood stained scythe. Pity our children. They must live in the desolate country we are creating for them.
- Sunday, November 23, 2014

What Keynes Has Done To Us

The essential economic problem we confront today is that our dominant Keynesian intellectuals have abandoned reality. They do not grasp what they have wrought with the mountainous loads of debt and mal-investment that are overwhelming us. Much of this burden must be liquidated before genuine demand and growth can be restored, which will require radical reform if we are to evoke a genuine cure.
- Monday, June 16, 2014

Musings on Modernity

It is believed by many on the left today that our Constitution resulted from the Founding Fathers deceitfully conspiring to form a society ruled by aristocrats, and that the seeds for modernity's corruption lie in the Founders' elitist Constitution that now plagues us. This is why it is so easy for today's liberals to ignore the Constitution with no qualms or regrets. They feel it is their duty to do so.
- Monday, May 5, 2014

Keynesianism's Ugly Secret

It is now five years since the crash of 2008. Today's media and much of our academic crowd, of course, believe that the crisis has been handled, and that we can settle back to "business as usual."
- Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The War on Raw Milk

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers have recently introduced legislation to allow for the sale of raw milk, i.e., unpasteurized milk. Their Milk Freedom Act of 2014 would make it legal for "certified dairy farmers" to sell unpasteurized milk products without harassment and criminal prosecution on the part of the FDA. If enacted, this would be a major victory for those who are health conscious and understand the grievous misperception by our medical establishment regarding the safety of raw milk.
- Monday, April 7, 2014

Welfare Without the State

Libertarians and free-market conservatives take an unequivocal stand on the provision of state welfare. It should be phased out and returned to the private sector. Charity is not a proper function of government.
- Monday, March 24, 2014

Equal Rights vs. Special Privileges

One of the major evils of the welfare state in libertarian eyes is that it destroys the concept of objective law (i.e., equal rights under the law) throughout society. This is because the welfare state is based upon the violation of individual rights in order to convey privileges to special interest groups. All primary policies of state welfarism entail such a violation and conveyance. This is why justice can never be achieved under a welfare state philosophy, liberal or conservative.
- Monday, March 10, 2014

Dupes for the Dictatorship

Webster's defines a dupe as "one who is easily deceived." But a misperception prevails among most people. They think of dupes as ignorant people only. On the contrary, there are large amounts of intelligent dupes in all societies. Brains are no protection against dupery. In fact, I would classify dupery as one of the deadly sins that curse all men and women no matter what level of class and smarts they possess. Dictatorships depend upon dupery to perpetuate themselves--especially dupery among the intelligentsia.
- Monday, January 27, 2014

The Killing of Kennedy

With the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination this past November, I began revisiting the various conspiracy theories that have appeared over the years. I never put any stock in the Warren Commission and the establishment verdict of "Oswald as lone killer." But among all the conspiracy portrayals put forth, none truly satisfied me as definitive. That is until I read JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, by James W. Douglass.
- Monday, January 20, 2014

Overcoming the Modern Tories

The Republican Party is lost to massive statism, and it is time to seek our political salvation elsewhere. We at AFR have been sounding this alarm for several years now. Because of the vice grip that liberals and neoconservatives have over our major parties, what is needed is a fully independent political campaign that challenges their Demopublican monopoly in the way that Ross Perot did. Thus we are forming the National Independent Party for 2016.
- Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Can Conservatives Take Over the GOP?

It began with Richard Nixon. He showed Republicans how to win elections and lose their soul, how to capitulate to statism and call it a “new kind of freedom.” Consequently the GOP is now a carbon copy of the Democrat Party.
- Monday, November 11, 2013

Where Libertarians Go Wrong on Immigration

Libertarians and conservatives agree on many issues and are allies in the fight against statism. But there are several areas where they disagree quite vehemently. One of them is immigration.
- Monday, October 28, 2013

Keynes, Orwell, and Multi-Culturalism

I spent an afternoon the other day strolling through the Valley View Shopping Center in Dallas. Its once fine stores are slowly closing one by one. In their place, quaint Mexican vendors with amateurishly painted signs and sparse stores now hawk their wares as they would in a seedy swap meet.
- Friday, August 30, 2013

The Charlie Brown Conservatives

In the famous Charles Schulz comic strip, Peanuts, Charlie Brown is enticed every year by Lucy to placekick a football that she volunteers to hold for him. Charlie runs down the field toward his beguiling friend, who is holding the football on the ground, and swings his leg in a huge arching kick. But at the last moment Lucy jerks the football away and Charlie flies through the air to land on his back with a loud thump and the scream of “Aaugh!” Every year, Lucy convinces Charlie to try another kick, promising not to pull the football away like she did last time. And every year, Charlie runs down the field and Lucy jerks the football away at the last moment with Charlie falling on his famous fanny.
- Tuesday, August 20, 2013

America’s Ruling Troika

Who rules America today? Not the people; they have been vanquished. America is ruled today by a collectivist Troika – an Executive-Congressional Combine, Judicial Oligarchs, and a Corporatist Banking Cartel – who have as much concern for the resplendent principles that formed our country as street pimps have for romance and love.
- Monday, April 15, 2013

The Anti-Ideology Syndrome

Modern intellectuals are anti-ideology. They shun its use like kings and high priests shun voting. One of the first putdowns a student receives from a liberal professor when expounding the basic principles of capitalism in a college classroom is, “Oh, that’s too ideological. Your thinking is too rigid.
- Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Paradigm Shift Dilemma

Paradigms are mega-systems of thought that explain certain realms of reality so as to shift mankind toward new visions. For example, mercantilism, Lockean limited government, species evolution, Pasteurian medicine, quantum physics, Keynesian economics, and welfare-state politics are paradigms that developed in their respective fields over the past several centuries. History is a continual process of shifting toward new paradigms in which the established thought of society is dramatically altered.
- Monday, February 18, 2013
