
Paul Ibbetson

Dr. Paul A. Ibbetson is a former Chief of Police of Cherryvale, Kansas, and member of the Montgomery County Drug Task Force. Paul received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Criminal Justice at Wichita State University, and his PhD. in sociology at Kansas State University. Paul is the author of several books and is also the radio host of the Kansas Broadcasting Association’s 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 award winning, Conscience of Kansas airing across the state.

Most Recent Articles by Paul Ibbetson:

Barack Obama: The “Historic” One-Term President

As Republican presidential candidates file in and out of contention and Americans wait to see the final line-up of GOP contenders for 2012, Barack Obama stands in the left’s corner alone. The question is: just how alone is the Democratic Party’s golden politician from 2008, the man Oprah Winfrey called “The One.”
- Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Kansas Conservative Movement: A Realization of Power and Responsibility

If you have ever watched a “super hero” movie you will hear at some point the cautionary warning that, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Those are wise words indeed but what if an individual doesn’t know that he or she has a unique power worthy of being considered “super,” let alone the responsibility that goes along with it? Thus enter the people of the state of Kansas.
- Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Man-made Global Warming: Convert the Children, Change the World

If you want to create a movement that will encapsulate a nation over time, the majority of your propaganda resources are best allocated toward changing the hearts and minds of the children, not the adults. This tactic is a viciously well-known and time-tested strategy of dictatorships worldwide. During the rise and reign of Adolf Hitler, no other target of Nazi propaganda took higher priority than Germany's youth. As early as 1937, 97 percent of all teachers belonged to the National Socialist Teachers' Union and the “created facts” within the textbooks in Nazi schools were a reflection of the mindset that Nazi Germany wished its children to carry into the future.
- Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sister Wives: The Concubines of the Cult of Kody Brown

If you want to see another blatant example of social activism at the expense of traditional marriage, go no further than The Learning Channel (TLC). Part of TLC’s knowledge-enhancing program lineup is the show featuring polygamist Kody Brown and his ever-growing, Utah-based harem of “Sister Wives.” The show is spun as a unique look at a non-traditional family that faces the same struggles as regular folks and manages to make it through life with strong bonds of love and respect. That sounds really nice doesn’t it? The truth of this dysfunctional group and their attempts at TV stardom are much darker, and much more dangerous to traditional American culture.
- Friday, July 22, 2011

Gay Marriage: Cambridge, Massachusetts Pays Stipends to Gay Couples

As reported by Johanna Kaiser in the Associated Press, the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, has decided to pull $33,000 in city funds to pay stipends to city employees who are currently in a homosexual marriage. The rationale behind the redistribution of funds is said to be a defrayment for federal taxes that married homosexual couples employed by the city must pay on the value of their health benefits. Unlike traditional married couples, homosexual city employees who have been designated as “married” in the gay-marriage-friendly state of Massachusetts, do not qualify for standard spousal tax deferrals. The city of Cambridge will be the first community to advance gay marriage from simple legal recognition to financial reward. Who will pay for this liberal social experiment? Mostly the funds will come from heterosexuals.
- Friday, July 15, 2011

Political Bumper Stickers: Be Kind To Your Vehicle’s Backside

Bumper stickers—we see them every day in almost every form. Sit for a few minutes at a stoplight and you literally see almost every form of human expression slapped across the chrome, and more often plastic bumpers of the vehicles of this nation. The political season is without a doubt a bumper sticker bonanza for the dealers of these sticky examples of free speech. There is almost an endless variety of quips, jabs and simply political low blows that can be affixed conveniently to the backside of your conveyance for other drivers to view in the wake of daily travels. With such awesome sticker possibilities, the question is whether or not we should reflect on the responsibility that comes with politicizing our street-bound chariots.
- Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why All Issues Are Social Issues

The push continues in the political arena to minimize what have commonly been designated social issues and replace them with what are advertised as the more pressing issues of the day. The economy has grown to be the number one factor of importance in the American people’s mind and if we are not careful, the American people may vote for the first presidential candidate that promises better future economic times. The economy is truly a critical issue but what is more critical is how we will judge the criteria for selecting those who will govern this country and just who we believe will ultimately take care of our nation’s current economic dilemma.
- Thursday, June 30, 2011

Testosterone vs. Estrogen: Feminists examine evil and good

The current mentality forwarded today is that feminists don’t bash men. That’s just something angry males say when faced with the undeniable logic forwarded by the women’s movements. If you are a reasonable male and wish to avoid an argument you will keep your eyes forward and just nod in agreement.
- Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Goshen College Declares War on National Anthem

Officials at Goshen College, a Mennonite college in Indiana, have banned the use of the Star-Spangled Banner during sporting events. The reason school officials gave for the ban was that America's National Anthem was deemed too violent. Specifically, according to Todd Starnes of FOX News, the school's online fact sheet stated, "Historically, playing the national anthem has not been among Goshen College's practices because of our Christ-centered core value of compassionate peacemaking seeming to be in conflict with the anthem's militaristic language." Professor John Blosser, an art instructor at Goshen, attempted to clarify the school's opposition to the national anthem by saying, "It's obviously about a battle. It's rather violent. It's about using violence to conquer and that would be something that many people would have problems with."
- Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Naked Gecko: Challenging the Defenders of Gender Blending

Society tends to espouse the value of children in almost every facet of life. We talk about how our children will be the defenders of the nation in the future and our need to protect them until they take up that mantle of important responsibility. Many Americans express true concern that their children will be handed a huge government debt, and our responsibility today to minimize the economic burdens we lay at their feet. These large-scale social and economic confrontations are battles worth fighting, but they are not the only important conflicts of consequence when it comes to our children. Currently there is a battle of significant importance being waged over simply allowing boys to be boys and girls to be girls.
- Thursday, June 2, 2011

“Green” Products and Free Market Conflicts

In recent years the move toward green products and technologies has gone into overdrive. Everything from the expansion of windmills and solar technologies to the hard rush toward passenger vehicles that run on alternative fuels is in the media. Few people disagree that America needs to continue to develop more efficient and cost-effective products. However, what has been a bone of contention with many consumers is the way in which many within the “green” movement have gone about attempting to integrate these new technologies into the market.
- Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Beatable Obama: The Less Media-driven Story

Do you enjoy B-rated horror movies that are high on amusement but low on plot and believability? Maybe you’re into science fiction thrillers with their wild, futuristic villains and out-of-this-world heroes. Well, turn on the TV because you’re in luck, you have reached the highest point of media creativity where the biggest and most fantastic stories are spun for the viewing public. Yes, the presidential race has officially begun.
- Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bin Laden Death Photo: Obama Breaks from History, America Losing Spine

It is said that a picture says a thousand words. When it comes to today’s politically correct world, presenting some pictures may say even more. President Barack Obama’s refusal to submit the death photo of the number one terrorist behind 9/11, Osama bin Laden, is a fundamentally flawed decision full of negative consequences. The President’s decision appears to be based on a concern that terrorists around the world will be inflamed to a higher level if bin Laden’s death becomes public through pictures.
- Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Osama bin Laden Killed by U.S. Forces, America Should Celebrate

The inevitable has taken place. Osama bin Laden has been killed by American forces. The details are still limited but as reported by FOX News, bin Laden was killed in a firefight on the ground in Pakistan. It is reported that no Americans were injured during the firefight that took bin Laden’s life. As I type this column I can hear the celebrations outside my window here in the heartland of Kansas. Celebrating the death of bin Laden calls for a short discussion on how Americans should act in the aftermath of the U.S. military operation in which a human life was taken. When it comes to the death of the nation’s number one terrorist, Americans should celebrate, should be happy. Allow me to expand on this line of thinking.
- Monday, May 2, 2011

Cuba and Geritol Communism

Cuba, America’s little communist island neighbor to the south is doing a little bit of government restructuring. Fidel Castro has just finished the last stage of what has been an incremental step-down from power. In 2006, Fidel Castro handed over temporary power to his brother Raúl while the Communist dictator underwent a series of intestinal surgeries. In 2008, Raúl Castro was appointed as president of Cuba but the process was only recently finalized when Cuban President Raúl Castro selected José Ramón Machado as the second in command.
- Thursday, April 28, 2011

Liberals Struggle with Tea Party Reality

So where does the Tea Party stand today? If you ask that question in different locations you are going to get many different answers. If you listen to lefties such as columnist Ted Reinstein, you will hear that the Tea Party is a dying dinosaur suffering from what he describes as the terminal illness of being uncompromising. Reinstein blames the recent slow budget compromise on unbending Tea Party-supported Republicans who he asserts would destroy the country to get their way.
- Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Intervention Failure in Washington: Budgets, Addicts and Enablers

I feel two percent happier today, as that is the amount of the 2011 federal budget that has been trimmed by the recent political negotiations that averted a government shutdown. Here are the numbers: the CBO estimates that our spending for 2011 will be $3.7 trillion. Congressional leaders have just taken the nation through a gut-wrenching, televised mini-drama over the last few weeks and after all the wrangling and tough talk, $38.5 billion in spending cuts, a meager two percent reduction of the projected budget, were agreed upon. Really? That’s the best they could do? Let’s get real about our country’s spending situation.
- Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Doug Giles: Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls

There is something endearing about conservatives that don’t mince words, who aren’t afraid to take the battle to today’s liberals with almost reckless abandon. When you mention these sterling knights of no-nonsense, you have to include Doug Giles. Giles, a Town Hall columnist and host of Clash Radio is not bashful about taking his beliefs on the road to Americans across the country. In 2009, heartland radio listeners got an opportunity to hear Giles’ unabashed pro-Americanism on my radio program, Conscience of Kansas. The Miami pastor filled the radio studio with a spirit of bold American grit.
- Thursday, March 31, 2011
