
W. Thomas Smith Jr.

W. Thomas Smith Jr. --a former U.S. Marine rifleman --is a military analyst and partner with NATIONAL DEFENSE CONSULTANTS, LLC. Visit him at uswriter.com

Most Recent Articles by W. Thomas Smith Jr.:

Remarks by W. Thomas Smith Jr. at The Medal of Honor Society luncheon

HERO is word that too-often is used to describe those whose work, though noble – and in some cases, brave – is not what (in the purest sense of the word), I would consider to be heroic.

Celebrities and sports figures, for instance, are often referred to as heroes. It sounds good, and it’s a lofty superlative for people who often do incredible work sometimes requiring a level of courage. But how many times have we heard the term, “gridiron heroes,” to simply describe star football players?
- Friday, September 12, 2008

Joe Biden, friend of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

imageSen. Joe Biden – Barack Obama’s eagerly anticipated running mate – should be named an honorary soldier in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). We’re all familiar with the IRGC: Iran’s unique corps of Islamist fighters who have been directly involved in deadly attacks against U.S. soldiers in Iraq – even Afghanistan – threatening our ships in the Persian Gulf; and organizing, training, equipping, funding, and providing direct operational support to Lebanon-based Hezbollah (perhaps the most dangerous terrorist army on earth). And that’s just for starters. Also known as the Pasdaran, the IRGC is not Iran’s conventional territorial armed force, but the military force of the Khomeinist-inspired Islamic Revolution. The organization fields an army, a navy, and an air force, as well as an extranational special-operations force known as the Quds (Jerusalem) Force.
- Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lebanon’s pro-democracy leadership shocked by comments of UN commander

imageLeaders of Lebanon’s pro-democracy movement are incensed over – what they contend are – ill-informed comments made this week by Italian Army Major General Claudio Graziano, senior commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), regarding Hezbollah’s weapons in the southernmost region of the Lebanese state where most UNIFIL troops are positioned. In south Lebanon – as in other regions of the country where the Iranian-backed Shiia terrorist army holds ground and conducts paramilitary exercises – Hezbollah has defiantly refused to disarm. According to UN Security Council resolutions 1559 and 1701, all “militias” in Lebanon are to be disarmed. And 1701 specifically says, “all armed groups in Lebanon” are “required” to disarm, and “there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese State.”
- Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hezbollah “five-times” stronger than it was during Israeli war

imageIn terms of weaponry, strategic and political positioning, and its ever-expanding international reach; Hezbollah is “five times more capable today,” than it was at the beginning of the July 2006 war with Israel: A fact, according to experts, that prompted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to tell his troops during a Tuesday morning tour of positions along the Golan Heights, "It's not for nothing that we're training here." Not for nothing indeed. Poised just over the border in south Lebanon is Hezbollah; a Lebanon-based Shiia terrorist army, organized somewhat on the Taliban model, heavily funded and equipped by Iran and operationally supported by both Iran and Syria.
- Friday, August 15, 2008

“It’s a Mad House! A Mad House!”

Like its Iranian-Syrian overlords, the extent to which Hezbollah strives to deceive the West through the Islamist principle of taqiyya, and the extent to which the West buys into this deception knows no bounds.
- Friday, August 8, 2008

Obama Unfit to Hold Supreme Command of the American Military

During a recent conversation with a friend – who also is an active supporter of Barack Hussein Obama – the subject came up of Obama’s lack of any substantive leadership-experience – executive or otherwise. As expected, the supporter defended Obama’s lack of experience by pointing to “experienced world leaders” whom she believed had failed so miserably as heads-of-state that they had come to serve as examples of why experience and longevity don’t really matter, and why freshness and ambition should.
- Monday, August 4, 2008

Kathleen Parker’s Quest to SAVE THE MALES

Years ago, my then-girlfriend urged me to read John Gray’s Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. So I did. It was an interesting read. But it was really nothing I and any other red-blooded American male didn’t already know about the differences between men and women, and how the two – very differently-wired human sexual creatures – might better interact with one another. But it was in a neat little one-volume package that we males could refer to whenever we screwed up, which – according to our female counterparts – was and is often.
- Sunday, July 27, 2008

Al-Taqiyya is Alive and Well in Geneva

The so-called “fizzling” of the talks in Geneva between the United States and Iran, Saturday, was not unexpected by any expert estimation. Which makes one wonder why the U.S., the other four permanent members of the UN Security Council (Britain, China, France, and Russia), and Germany were willing to sit down with the Persian state in the first place.
- Sunday, July 20, 2008

Iran’s missile-rattling ups the ante

In the wake of Iran’s lighting off several medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) – including one that never got off the ground, but was photo-shopped in a widely publicized photograph to make it look as if it did – there has been much speculation about Iran’s missile capability: The greatest fear being that Iranian MRBMs could strike targets almost anywhere in the Middle East, including Israel and many U.S. bases, perhaps even reaching targets in southern and eastern Europe (perhaps most of Europe if Iran decided to move some of its missiles to Hezbollah-controlled zones in Lebanon).
- Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dick Morris on the Fleecing of America

In their new book, FLEECED, political pundit Dick Morris and attorney-coauthor Eileen McGann (yes, Morris and McGann are married), expose companies – both foreign and domestic – U.S. media powerhouses, an ineffective Congress, highly-vocal party hacks, and, yes, Sen. Barack Obama, all of whom are slickering Americans for their own ends, and seriously compromising our national security (among other things) in the process.
- Friday, June 27, 2008

Fighting Near the Shores of Tripoli: Lebanon’s, Not Libya’s

Over the weekend, we received word that fighting was taking place in-and-around the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, not far from where last year's fighting took place between the Lebanese Army and the Al-Qaeda affiliate group Fatah Al Islam in the bloody battle of Nahr al-Bared.
- Wednesday, June 25, 2008
