
Paul E. Vallely

Paul E. Vallely , MG US Army (Ret), is Chairman of Stand Up America USA. Paul's latest book is “Operation Sucker Punch – Blood for Our Future”. He is the co-author of “Endgame- A blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror”.

Most Recent Articles by Paul E. Vallely:

The Battle is at Our Front Door

Yes, America, you are watching the suicide of a great country due to the actions of Mr. Obama and his Progressive Socialist supporters/followers, union and radical thugs, and his ardent admirers in the press and Hollywood. They are destroying the country through corruption and ineptitude and are not giving up on ‘fundamentally changing’ America. We must understand that they have an “Agenda” and are implementing it.
- Thursday, May 31, 2012

“Winds of Revolution”

Yes, America, you are watching the suicide of a great country Mr. Obama and his Progressive Socialists supporters/followers, union and radical thugs, and ardent admirers. They are self-destructing from corruption and ineptitude but are not giving up on fundamentally changing America. We must understand that they have an “Agenda” and are following that “Agenda”. I am finally sensing that Americans are starting to wake up and the winds of a new revolution are swirling to save the country.
- Sunday, May 13, 2012

Afghanistan – the Charade

A charade is defined in several ways but in this case the best definition is an empty act or pretense. Similarly, a Victory simply means winning. I have some questions for our civilian and military leadership today regarding a war that is appearing more and more like an empty act that seems to be losing its character and “raison d’etre”. It clearly does not reflect victory either.
- Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Staying Alive as a Nation - American Pursuit of Greatness

From: "The Dragon Lies Bleeding" - Hammerfall
"Ride through the valley in thunder and rain. The battle is raging, redeem this domain. The castle of Eden lies silent above. Darkness surrounded us, away we must go. I look through the eyes of the world. I see there are strangers among us. Awaiting a sign from above. To conquer the power and the glory. Enter the battle, our will to enchain. Bringing us forward, defeating the pain. Into the meeting with swords made of steel. We're standing together the secret reveals. Come across to the Promised Land. Close your eyes, I will take your hand. Through the river of steel we'll go. When the dragon lies bleeding."
- Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Stand Up America National Call to Battle Series “To Secure the Nation”

As the Declaration of Independence states:
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."
- Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Stand Up America Special Report from the Middle East and Libya

Muammar Qaddafi, his sons and military and political elite are reported by sources to have abandoned their Bab al Aziziya fortress early Tuesday, Aug. 23, using his son Saif al-Islam's surreal appearance before foreign reporters earlier in the day to cover their escape. Our sources believe they exited the compound through one of the underground tunnels of the compound's military complex. But regional intelligence experts are baffled by the enigma of the mysterious sudden disappearance of Qaddafi's divisions overnight. It's as though the ground swallowed them up leaving no trace. No one knows Qaddafi's destination but informed observers expect him to make for Sebha in southern Libya where the local tribes are loyal to whom and where he established a whole range of subterranean military facilities. And that is where he located Libyan nuclear facilities in 2000, which he later agreed to dismantle. Qaddafi may have equipped a place of asylum at Sebha with military and residential facilities from which to launch a guerilla war against whomsoever takes power in Tripoli and against NATO targets in Libya and Europe, as punishment for his downfall.
- Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stand Up America News Alert

In contrast to the international and Arab response toward Qaddafi, the Arab states have hesitated to adopt an assertive stance against Assad. Yet five months and two thousand dead later, different voices are starting to emerge. First, the joint statement by the Gulf Cooperation Council, which called for Syria to stop "the lethal oppression of its citizens," and later the Saudi King's statement, unusual for its severity, which declared that what is happening in Syria "is unacceptable to Saudi Arabia, which demands an end to the killing machine." This statement testifies to Saudi Arabia's positioning itself against the radical front led by Iran - after it previously did so in Bahrain - as it understands that the events in Syria have reached a critical level that may tip the balance against the Assad dynasty. This joins Saudi Arabia's adoption of a more assertive stance since the start of the uprisings in the Arab world and its attempt to redraw the map of regional alliances in accordance with its interests.
- Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Revise US Military Strategy Now – Part II

Released By: Stand Up America Thirty-one US Special Operations Forces (Navy Seal Six members reportedly) killed in a helicopter crash today in Afghanistan south of Kabul (may have been a Taliban shoulder held missile). Iran is controlling more each day the future of Iraq. General Qassem Suleimani, the Iranian General 'secretly running' Iraq and Commander of the Al-Quds Force with so much Iraqi influence that Baghdadis believe he is controlling the country. The Commander of the Iranian Quds force controls more of what goes on inside Iraq than the United States does. There appears to be no achievable victories for the United States in either country.
- Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Fifth Column Sabotage Against The USA and Our Critical Infrastructure

The Development and Execution of Joint Operations (both Civilian and Military) to respond to dynamic threats against the United States has now reached a point of criticality. Over the course of the last several years, some Americans are gradually waking up to the fact that our “essence of being” as a nation and as individuals is under a constant state of attack and this attack has been implemented methodically and slowly over time by enemies who despise our way of life. What is occurring to the great country is so heinous that it patronizes each one of us, who we are, our heritage and what we stand for as a nation. During World War II, America, The Sleeping Giant, as quoted by the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, woke up; and The Greatest Generation as noted by Tom Brokaw, stood up and went off to fight “The Total Collective Effort of Evil” in their time.
- Monday, August 1, 2011

An American Tragedy:  The Sleeping Giant Must Wake Up

Many of us who were alive during World War II and slightly thereafter may remember the famous quote regarding America being the “sleeping giant”. ‘Be fearful of waking her!” Do not wake a sleeping giant. This is an idiom which means: Do not disturb/annoy/provoke someone powerful who was not disturbing you in the first place. Japan woke a sleeping giant when they invaded Pearl Harbor. Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is portrayed at the very end of the 1970 film Tora! Tora! Tora!, and in the 2001 film Pearl Harbor, as saying after his attack on Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." The quotation was abbreviated in the film Pearl Harbor (2001), where it merely read, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant."
- Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Art of War Series

In war, military strategy is tailored to meet the enemy's threat, to persuade those who might fight not to fight, and when necessary, to win and achieve Victory in the shortest possible time. In the War against Global Jihad (that should include Iran) and its network of enablers, America's top leadership appears to be achieving the opposite outcome. American soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are rightly lauded by the American public for their courage and sacrifice in the fight for United States national security, but the high quality of American soldiers and Marines at battalion level and below cannot compensate for inadequate senior leadership at the highest levels in war. Today, the senior leadership of the U.S. armed forces is overly bureaucratic, process oriented and risk averse in a prevailing forward strategy. Competent Generals and Admirals must communicate to their civilian superiors the truth of what is really happening and what actions and resources are required for success and Victory. War has no place for political correctness or lack of vision and incompetence.
- Friday, July 22, 2011

Your Mission is to put America Back on the Constitutional Track

Congress, you are continuing down the path of destroying America. Please realize that we do not need you in our lives as much as you think we do. You are "sucking the oxygen" out of America and its people with all this legislation and big government. Enough is Enough......! Balance the Federal Budget, create a surplus and eliminate our national debt. No more games. No more rhetoric. Eliminate 47 % of our Federal government of structure and bureaucracy. Stop foreign aid until we start running surpluses in our budget. Stop funding the United Nation. We need term limits on elected officials more now than ever.
- Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Obama Announces Wrong Strategy For Afghanistan

It has been apparent to many military analysts, including me, that for years now the Counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy in the Global War against Radical Islam has been ill conceived and poorly executed. This strategy has not produced victories for the United States in the Middle East and Afghanistan. In fact, this area of the world has been a giant "sponge" of our human and financial resources with billions of dollars unaccounted for and wasted to great degrees on countries that do not respect us or our way of living.
- Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Revise US Military Strategy Now Joint Force Strike Operations

To date, government policy elitists in the United States have demonstrated almost complete ignorance towards revised, adaptive and forward strategic planning. While virtually every military officer and many policy "wonks" have been taught strategic planning at some level, it is obvious many have thrown most of the lessons out the door upon graduating. This is demonstrated more than ever by our senior Generals, Admirals, and Defense and State Department and Intelligence political appointees. One only needs to observe the international scene and turmoil in Afghanistan and the Middle East. The time is now to change strategy and reposition our Forces for present and future operation.
- Monday, June 13, 2011

Chessboard Series - What about Pakistan?

To our illustrious leaders in the White House, State Department, CIA and the Pentagon, it is time to face up to the US relationship with Pakistan and answer the question, "What about Pakistan now and what to do?" It is apparent to many of us with intelligence and military background that Pakistan's intelligence service (ISI) and its civilian and military leadership have been playing blind man's bluff and we have been paying billions of dollars per year to be in the game! Not a prudent strategy and use of taxpayer's dollars when we are in debt up to our eyeballs! And for what in return, I ask? Fox Interview:5/06/2011

- Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chessboard Series: War on the Southern Border

We have raised the threat level of Mexico and the Southern Border. The threat from our Southern Border is greater now than the Middle East (except for Iran and proxies) and Afghanistan/Pakistan conflict. The inactions by our government are treasonous. Our leadership in Washington, DC continues on a rudderless course when it comes to National Security especially along our Southern Border. We need leadersnow that understand the current threat and vulnerabilities.
- Thursday, April 21, 2011

Excerpt from the SUA Lily Pad Strategy Joint Strike Force Combat Operations

In increasingly complicated security dilemmas and threats, some nations are finally and overtly coming to grips with the reality that blunt military responses are the path to progress and victory whether it is against jihadists or Somali pirates. The engagement in an attempted “kinder, gentler war” to quell and restrict unconventional warfare is simply not working, nor should it have ever been expected to work in places such as Afghanistan (except the fall of 2001). After all, war is not the realm of benevolence — it is the realm of violence, and the whole point of engaging in war is to subdue the enemy’s will to fight to bring about a better situation than previously existed and achieve Victory over the enemy - to neutralize any threat to the United States and its people. War is not, despite what many experts are putting forth, some form of bridge and nation building contest.
- Saturday, March 5, 2011

Your Mission is to put America Back on the Constitutional Track

Congress, you are continuing down the path of destroying America. The new members taking office in January 2011 must abide by the Constitution, honor their pledge and oath and put America back on the track of security and strength. The Congress of 2010 and prior have been "sucking the oxygen" out of America and its people with all the legislation. And we can attribute that to both political parties. Please press forward in resignations of all those that are corrupt and inept.
- Sunday, January 2, 2011

THREE BRASS MONKEYS of See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

A very good friend from England sent me an e-mail over the holidays depicting the situation in jolly ole England in regards to the Brits submissiveness to the Muslim onslaught. He likened the British leadership even down to the local “bobbies” as the Brass Monkeys. Most of our political leaders and appointees are also best represented as the three brass monkeys: “See no evil, Hear no evil, and Speak no evil.” As an example, take the lame duck session of Congress that we just endured.
- Thursday, December 30, 2010

Southern Border Chessboard Involves Iran/Venezuela/Russia

Steve Cooper reporting “that once again these WikiLeaks show the defiance of the Russians and their continued weapon sales to rogue nations like Venezuela. The Venezuelan links to Iran, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda are no secret. This is just another trail that links Moscow to Al Qaeda via one of their proxies”. As I have said and repeated many times on radio and in articles that Russia and China are not our friends……..please be aware of this fact by looking at their actions and not their words.
- Monday, December 13, 2010
