
Daniel T. Zanoza

Daniel T. Zanoza of Lincoln, IL, formerly of Chicago, was born into life November 27, 1953, and born into eternity January 6, 2011. He is survived by his wife, Julie, of Lincoln, IL. Dan was a pro-life/pro-family activist, as well as chairman of the Springfield Nativity Scene Committee in Springfield, IL. He was also a journalist and freelance writer.

Most Recent Articles by Daniel T. Zanoza:

9/11 Remembrances: NO, WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN

Note from the Executive Director: Every generation can recall an event that is collectively seared into the mind of a nation and its people. From the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 to the assassination of John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 and now including that horrible day on Sept. 11, 2001, individuals can tell you where they were, what they were doing and the thoughts that were permanently seared into their minds on those days. The most mundane recollections became riveting stories of the human experience, designed to be filed away in an emotional time capsule which will never be lost.
- Saturday, September 11, 2010

Obama’s Chicago On the Potomac: It’s the Chicago Way

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I first wrote and posted this column in January of 2009. Little did I know at the time my commentary about Chicago-style politics and its influence on the Obama administration would be so prophetic. From the Louisiana Purchase and the Nebraska Corn Husker Kickback, which helped to pass the Health Care Reform legislation, Washington, D.C. has seemingly become a mirror image of how things have been done in Chicago for nearly a century. Some of the information in this piece came from a book titled "The Outfit: The Role of Chicago's Underworld in the Shaping of Modern America" by Gus Russo. Another great read regarding the misuse of unions and corruption is "Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America's Hidden Power Brokers" also penned by Gus Russo.
- Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New York Ground Zero Mosque Tip Of Iceberg Regarding A Greater Problem

With the controversy surrounding the construction of an Islamic mosque near Ground Zero in New York, a myth is being perpetuated on the American people by those who have an anti-faith agenda. Many liberals are critical of those who oppose an Islamic place of worship being built so close to the site where nearly 3,000 people were murdered on September 11, 2001. Americans believe the proposed mosque demonstrates insensitivity by some who practice the Islamic faith. So a new term has been coined by the left, and it's called Islamaphobia.
- Friday, September 3, 2010

Identity Theft, Fraud Targets Seniors: Has Media Dropped Ball Regarding Protection Of Elderly?

Today we seem to be hearing about more cases involving fraudulent behavior than at any time in the nation's past, though the FBI does not have accurate statistics that reflect this reality. This is due to the fact many victims of fraud do not report what has happened to them because of numerous reasons. Some are simply embarrassed to admit they fell prey to scam artists and grifters. But these types of crime are taking place at a staggering rate.
- Thursday, September 2, 2010

Road Construction: Illinois Contractors Learn How To Play Money Game

You are driving down I-57, I-55, I-90/94, I-294 or any other major highway in Illinois. Suddenly, you see a sign that reads "road construction ahead for next 15 miles". The speed limit drops from 65 to 55 miles per hour and traffic begins to back up. Let's say you are traveling north on I-55 and you are unexpectedly riding on a road which is graded and unpaved. The other lane is in its usual condition, in need of repair or not, but there is no construction crew in sight. In fact, there are no road crews for the entire stretch of highway that is supposed to be under construction. You might ask why this is the case. Well, private contractors in Illinois have learned how to play the funding game. Instead of completing one stretch of road, before tearing up another, you find a patch work of torn up highway, sometimes for over 100 miles or more.
- Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Saturday’s Illinois Forum Banquet To Be One Of The Most Interesting Political Events Of The Year

NOTE: In a highly contentious political year, the upcoming Illinois Forum banquet is a "can't miss" event. I find the fact Scott Lee Cohen will address the group to be highly interesting, to say the least. "We sent invitations to all the major candidates seeking office in the upcoming midterm election," said Bob Redfern, Chairman, Illinois Forum. "One of the Illinois Forum's reasons for existence is to inform Illinois voters about issues, candidates and the respective positions they hold." Cohen, who was defeated in the Democratic gubernatorial primary by incumbent Governor Pat Quinn, will speak. And, though I may not agree with his political agenda, he certainly was a major player in the Democratic primary and I'd like to hear what the man has to say. We will have other guest speakers representing the entire political spectrum. There are some tickets available. We are expecting a big crowd and if you're worried about not being able to get in, don't fret...we'll make room. -- Dan Zanoza, Illinois Forum, Board of Governors
- Friday, August 27, 2010

Atheist Pushes His Im-morality and Ir-religion

In a recent meeting of the Marion City Council, local resident Ken Kessler proposed erecting a display of the Ten Commandments that would stand in a public square. There have been two meetings so far where the issue has been discussed, but no decision has yet been made. According to Mayor Robert L. Butler, the Ten Commandments monument will again be on the agenda during the next meeting of the Marion City Council on Wednesday, August 25th, 2010.
- Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chicago “Bubble Zone” Case Burst For The Third Time

Those who will do anything possible to quash dissent regarding the issue of abortion were foiled once again on Wednesday, August 18, 2010. The case against David Avignone, an MBA student at Chicago's Loyola University, was dropped by the City of Chicago. Avignone was originally charged with disorderly conduct due to his alleged violation of a controversial ordinance referred to as a "Bubble Zone". The ordinance applies outside local abortion clinics to prohibit approaching within eight feet of a person to present a leaflet, sign or oral message to that person. Avignone was arrested while praying the rosary in front of a near north side Planned Parenthood abortion mill.
- Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Obama Gets His Way Regarding Extension Of Unemployment Benefits

Just a few days ago, President Barack Obama celebrated the passage of H.R. 4213, a $34 billion bill which will extend unemployment benefits for recipients in 2010. I feel terrible for the millions of hard-working people who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. But the fact is unemployment insurance was never meant to be a federal entitlement.
- Sunday, July 25, 2010

Obama’s Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Other Programs Leave Seniors and Disabled On Outside

NOTE: As a disabled individual myself, I fully understand that the Obama Administration now sees senior citizens and disabled individuals from the middle-class and poor alike as a politically expendable voting bloc. Some might claim my efforts may be self-serving, but it has become clear to me groups including AARP are no longer looking out for the best interests of seniors. The disabled are also suffering under Obama's policies which impact all Americans. Subsequently, I will issue a quarterly newsletter to subscribers who want to learn more about what's happening related to topics they care about.
- Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Plan For Illinois Homeowners To Walk Away From Current Mortgages and Moral Obligations

Recently, I was shocked to learn about how hundreds or perhaps thousands of Illinois homeowners are using a strategy called "strategic default" to walk away from their current mortgage obligations. Literally thousands of homeowners in Illinois and across the country find themselves "upside down" or "underwater" regarding the homes they currently live in. The terms "upside down" and "underwater" refer to homeowners who owe more money on their homes than they are currently worth.
- Saturday, July 10, 2010

McChrystal / Rolling Stone Interview: Obama Will Be The Only Loser

After President Barack Hussein Obama meets with Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the Commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, Mr. Obama will be painted into a political corner from which he cannot escape. In an upcoming article in Rolling Stone magazine, soon to be on the newsstands, McChrystal and his aides were critical of Obama's handling of the war in Afghanistan. McChrystal was hand-picked by the Obama administration to fight the battle against the Taliban. However, I am pleased to see that a high-ranking member of the U.S. military has decided to put the defense of his nation before politics.
- Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Illegal Immigration: Will Tea Party Movement Force Illinois Politicians To Take A St

There are some politicians who would rather have this issue go away, but the problem of illegal immigration in Illinois and other states will be a huge factor in the November election. When George W. Bush tried to pass comprehensive immigration reform during his last term as President, the American people stood up en masse. In fact, it was the first time in my memory since the civil rights movement of the 1960s that a vast majority of Americans came together in an appeal for justice.
- Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Illegalities Or Politics As Usual?

Within days, former Democratic Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich will go on trial for allegedly trying to sell Barack Obama's U.S. Senate seat after Obama won the presidency. In 2008, Patrick I. Fitzgerald, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, released tape recorded conversations with then-Governor Blagojevich, alleging that Obama's vacated seat was available to the highest bidder.
- Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama + Media Using Race Card In Attempt To Criticize Arizona’s Enforcement of Federal Law

Over 70% of Arizona residents believe the recent legislation regarding illegal immigrants which was signed into law is totally reasonable. In fact, Arizona residents feel it's about time federal law was enforced. The dirty little secret is anyone visiting the United States from other countries should have their green card with them at all times. This isn't something radical.
- Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Separation of Church and State Myth

- Daniel T. Zanoza and Julia Mary Zanoza "If I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed by the convention, where I had the honor to preside, might possibly endanger the religious rights of any ecclesiastical society, I would never have placed my signature to it." -- George Washington
- Sunday, April 25, 2010

Health Care Reform: Striking Parallels Between Far Left’s Vision for U.S. and former USSR’s 1936 Con

Editor's Note: Ed Tait is the founder of edtait.com, a blog dedicated to sharing information about the United States, a unique and grand experiment, which was founded by great men. On his website, Tait defines what Ronald Reagan referred to as "The Shining City On A Hill" whereby rights are endowed to men from their Creator, not government. Tait highlights parallels to America's departure from the vision of the Founding Fathers and rights provided to citizens of the former USSR. Tait's posting below contains excerpts from the former Soviet Union's Constitution of 1936. The similarities between the former Soviet Union's Constitution--which came from the evil minds of Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky and other Communists--mirror some of the values held today by America's far left and should send a chill down the spine of all who cherish freedom.
- Tuesday, March 23, 2010
