
Matt Barber

Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of BarbWire.com. He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).

Most Recent Articles by Matt Barber:

‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling: Evil with a Silver Lining

Well, that was predictable. On Friday, with its majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, five judicial imperialists perched high atop the U.S. Supreme Court bench called the Supreme Being a liar. They presumed to invent, out of thin air and through judicial fiat, a “constitutional right” to sin-based “gay marriage.” (Father God, as you exact Your perfect justice on America, please have mercy upon Your faithful.)
- Sunday, June 28, 2015


Hold on. Courage, Matt, courage.
- Sunday, June 21, 2015

Surprise! Scientists ‘Crack Code’ to Happiness

I love this quote by illustrious NASA scientist Dr. Robert Jastrow (1925-2008): “For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

- Sunday, June 14, 2015

One Screwed up Jenner-ation

If I see that creepy Vanity Fair cover of Bruce Jenner come across my Facebook feed just one more time, I’m going to gouge out my eyeballs and bleach the sockets.
- Sunday, June 7, 2015

Is it Time to ‘Abolish the Family’?

I appreciate it when leftists get off script, dispatch with the propagandist talking points and say what’s really on their minds.
- Sunday, May 31, 2015

You ‘Must be Made’ to Obey

While actions speak louder than words, words often predict future actions. Secular progressives’ words and actions rarely align. This is because the pseudo-utopian, wholly dystopian perch from which they view the world is so detached from reality that, from a cultural and public policy standpoint, they must disguise their intended actions in flowery and euphemistic language, or face near universal rejection.
- Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Prayer for Marriage

Abba, Father. Come now, Holy Spirit, and speak through Your humble servant. Let this prayer be Your prayer – truth in love, salt and light. And war.
- Sunday, May 3, 2015

Will Christians be Fitted with Yellow Crosses?

Amid the cross-country race to election 2016, the secular left’s utter disdain for both our Creator Christ and His faithful followers is fast approaching critical mass. Self-styled “progressives” – that is, America’s cultural Marxist agents of ruin – typically disguise their designs on despotism in the flowery and euphemistic language of “reproductive health,” “anti-discrimination” and “multiculturalism.”
- Monday, April 27, 2015

Bake Your Own Damn Cake

Liberals overplay their hand. It’s part of the deficiency. Whether real or perceived, if the pagan left can rationalize a sense of “progress” on some freedom-killing cause du jour, then it’ll push, push, push until it falls flat on its face.
- Sunday, April 12, 2015

Gays' and the Muslims Who Kill Them

We recently had a guest contributor at BarbWire.com link to an article that, to our disgust, calls for the "lawful execution" of homosexuals. It went unnoticed by our editors and was removed once discovered.
- Sunday, March 15, 2015

AFA's anti-Christian-bigotry map

In 2007, and with that same nauseating arrogance that has come to define him, then presidential candidate Barack Obama duplicitously quipped, "I am absolutely convinced that culture wars are just so '90s. Their days are growing dark."
- Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bigger Liars than Brian Williams

This gem from John Nolte came across my Twitter feed the other day: “Met Brian Williams once in DC. Starting to wonder about that story he told me about saving all those hostages at Nakotami Plaza. Barefoot.”
- Sunday, February 15, 2015

Treason: Obama Aids the Enemy

Well, that didn’t take long. This summer after Barack Obama inexplicably (and illegally) freed five of the Taliban’s most deadly terrorists in exchange for army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, I asked a burning question – a question that remains unanswered: “What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about justice. This is about the safety of the American people. Barack Hussein Obama is America’s biggest threat to national security. He is ‘an enemy within.’”
- Sunday, February 1, 2015

Incest: The Next Frontier in ‘Reproductive Freedom’

Like a plastic Piggly Wiggly bag fluttering about in the alley, those untethered from God’s natural law are violently tossed to and fro by the gusting winds of moral relativism. Jenny Kutner is one such Piggly Wiggly bag. A 20-something assistant editor at Salon.com, she describes herself as “focusing on sex, gender and feminism.”
- Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fanning the flames of left-wing violence

To borrow from President Obama’s Black Nationalist mentor, Jeremiah Wright, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate-baiting chickens “have come home to roost.” The hard-left group has become everything it presumes to expose.
- Sunday, August 19, 2012

Obama, NAACP Pervert Civil Rights

As his re-election hopes dim, the mainstream “progressive” media continue to run interference for Barack Obama. It’s predictable. They no longer even try to hide it. They persist in slobbering on their over-hyped, under-capable would-be savior as his campaign collapses around them. The sycophancy is embarrassing and the desperation palpable.
- Monday, July 16, 2012

The Fourth Reich: Abortion Holocaust

I recently finished reading “Bonhoeffer” by Eric Metaxas. The book, a nearly 600-page biography of German pastor and influential theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was simply life-changing. Throughout his page-turning treatise, Metaxas brilliantly illustrates how Bonhoeffer lived and died by Christ’s admonition, “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20).
- Monday, July 9, 2012
