
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Construction Worker Falsely Accused of Sex Attack Brings Calls to… Restrict Construction Workers?

Only the left and their lapdogs in the media can construe a story about a construction worker that was falsely accused of sexually molesting a girl in a school where he was working as a call to further restrict construction workers who are contracted to work in schools. The Baltimore Sun gives us this tale of a world upside down in a society that cannot seem any longer to understand what should be focused upon and what should not.
- Monday, January 21, 2008

Stealing From All to Give Freebies to Grandma

Here is a perfect example of the destructive power of government. It is also a representative example of why it is a canard that government ever gives anything away for "free" as that so-called free gift inflicts pain on everyone under that government.
- Friday, January 18, 2008

Global Warming’s Communist Underpinnings

If you need any more proof that the concept of Global Warming is less "science" and is more just a replacement for the kind of failed concepts of communism and socialism that is increasingly being rejected by the world, two recent stories helps clarify the point.
- Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Electing Obama a Slap in the Face to Muslims Everywhere?

Daniel Pipes did a little research on the question of Barack Hussein Obama's youthful status as a Muslim. Is he one? Was he one? Was he a practicing Muslim, an indifferent one, not one at all? To Americans, this question seems rather ridiculous. Most would wonder why anyone would care? But, the answer to the question isn't one that affects Americans. It may not even bother American Muslims.
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pining for an America That Does What Foreigners Want Her to Do

Moisés Naím, who is also editor in chief of Foreign Policy magazine, wants to pretend that he and his ilk love America in a Washington Post op ed. But, after reading his newest editorial, titled "A Hunger For America" where he denounces the U.S.A.'s "incompetence, recklessness and ignorance," one can only come to the conclusion that he only loves it when America does what foreigners want her to do.
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Man of the Year Award: Insult or Accolade?

What is it that you first think of when someone tells you that a celebrity or famous person has been named the man of the year? That first thing you think of is that the celebrated person had done something great to be named the man of the year, is it not? And isn’t it the general expectation that the “great” thing equates to a great and good thing? After all, why celebrate someone who did something bad as a man of the year?
- Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Don’t Want Your Kid to Vote

Every election year we are presented with stories about the vaunted "youth vote." We are told how we must get the kids to the polls, we are told that the candidates are working hard to court the youth vote and we are given story after story of the efforts of one organization or another that is trying to excite young people to vote.
- Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Princeton Hate Crime That Wasn’t

The Jena 6 case exploded over night when the Media imagined they had a “race hate” issue on their hands. They did the same with the Duke Rape case.
- Thursday, December 20, 2007

Is America Cheap on ‘Humanitarian Aid’?

So, we are the "ugly American," we're always told. But to whom do they come running when they need help? Italy, France, maybe? Hardly. Still, they love to beat up on the US, and unfortunately our MSM is only too happy to act the echo chamber for anti-Americanism.
- Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Definitions for 2008 Election: Are YOU Informed?

We have a few major problems with the debate in the 2008 elections. Far too many people, with the leftists in the Media in the lead, are using words incorrectly and causing the debate on the candidates and issues to go wildly off track, so much so that no one has a clue what they are talking about.
- Monday, December 17, 2007

Media Distortion on Illegals Question

We’ve seen so many examples of the media using language to elicit an emotional response to an issue as opposed to just reporting on a story and the issue of illegal aliens is no exception.
- Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dick Simpson Whitewashing 60s Radicals

They always say that the passage of time sometimes dulls the memory of a person's past, that oft times only the good memories remain. More often, though, time plus a large dollop of myth making and lies creates a whole new world out of the past. Dick Simpson is more evidence of the latter than the former.
- Monday, December 10, 2007

She Still Takes a Villager—Hillary’s Authorship Lies

Venerable book publishers Simon and Schuster have announced that on December 12th they will be issuing a new edition of Hillary Clinton's starry-eyed 1996 paean to socialist collectivism, It Takes a Village -- starring none other than Mz. inevitability herself, Hillary Clinton.
- Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Island Shrinking by Global Warming… But for Over 100 Years?

Global warming acolytes have a favorite image, that of Al Gore's fabulist tale of 20 foot waves engulfing our coast lines. Invoking that awesome image, the L.A. Times published a story last month that is supposed to be just another global warming scare piece.
- Sunday, December 2, 2007

CNN’s GOP Debate Becomes Democrat Showcase

image The CNN YouTube debate was a sham with planted Democrat operatives posing as “spontaneous” YouTube questioners -- one of them being an official Hillary Campaign operative -- and a post debate coverage full of apologies and further spin against the candidates all of which ended up being a showcase for CNN’s leftism placed on full display. It isn’t called the Clinton News Network for nuthin’ it appears.
- Friday, November 30, 2007

Exploiting Justice O’Connor’s Tragedy for Political Points

I have to say, this little L.A.Times editorial really takes the cake for insensitivity. It should receive some sort of award for being one of the most gauche pieces I've seen from the extreme leftists masquerading as "journalists" for a long, long time.
- Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New York Times hopes for SCOTUS Gun Grab

The "paper of record" once again makes like a broken record with another prosaic call to take away guns from the average American. The New York Times again displays its complete disregard of the Constitution in an editorial titled, "The Court and the Second Amendment", claiming our founding law is out of date and doesn't "confront modern-day reality."
- Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Voluntarily Giving up Rights—Boston’s Outrage Against the Constitution

The recent outrage against Constitutional liberty by the Boston Police raises some very interesting questions. Can we voluntarily give up our Constitutional rights? Further, can government legally violate our rights even if we ask them to do so? These are questions that we all need to consider before allowing police into our homes, invited or no.
- Monday, November 26, 2007

AP: Santa Cruz Sheriff Says Illegals Aren’t ‘Criminals’?

The AP has used the somewhat heartwarming tale of an illegal alien who found an American boy and his mother suffering from a car accident in the Arizona desert and stayed with them until help arrived as an excuse to plead that illegals aren't "criminals" and should somehow be given a break.
- Saturday, November 24, 2007

Newspapers Are Guardians of Truth, so say ‘Journalists’

Last Sunday, from the pen of editorial page editor of the Seattle Times James Vesely, we got a pretty good indication of why the new media of the Internet is so swiftly taking over the traditional role of the old, dead tree media. One word describes it: arrogance. It is an arrogance of the assumed supremacy of the old media and the air of entitlement that it holds dear.
- Friday, November 23, 2007
