
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Exploiting Justice O’Connor’s Tragedy for Political Points

I have to say, this little L.A.Times editorial really takes the cake for insensitivity. It should receive some sort of award for being one of the most gauche pieces I've seen from the extreme leftists masquerading as "journalists" for a long, long time.
- Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New York Times hopes for SCOTUS Gun Grab

The "paper of record" once again makes like a broken record with another prosaic call to take away guns from the average American. The New York Times again displays its complete disregard of the Constitution in an editorial titled, "The Court and the Second Amendment", claiming our founding law is out of date and doesn't "confront modern-day reality."
- Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Voluntarily Giving up Rights—Boston’s Outrage Against the Constitution

The recent outrage against Constitutional liberty by the Boston Police raises some very interesting questions. Can we voluntarily give up our Constitutional rights? Further, can government legally violate our rights even if we ask them to do so? These are questions that we all need to consider before allowing police into our homes, invited or no.
- Monday, November 26, 2007

AP: Santa Cruz Sheriff Says Illegals Aren’t ‘Criminals’?

The AP has used the somewhat heartwarming tale of an illegal alien who found an American boy and his mother suffering from a car accident in the Arizona desert and stayed with them until help arrived as an excuse to plead that illegals aren't "criminals" and should somehow be given a break.
- Saturday, November 24, 2007

Newspapers Are Guardians of Truth, so say ‘Journalists’

Last Sunday, from the pen of editorial page editor of the Seattle Times James Vesely, we got a pretty good indication of why the new media of the Internet is so swiftly taking over the traditional role of the old, dead tree media. One word describes it: arrogance. It is an arrogance of the assumed supremacy of the old media and the air of entitlement that it holds dear.
- Friday, November 23, 2007

US Media Distorts Falling Dollar Story

What is it with the MSM and their fetish with worrying so much about everyone but Americans? For the L.A.Times, for instance, even the weakness of our dollar is cause for worrying over how bad it is for... wait for it... foreign companies. While our dollar weakens and could perhaps bring us major economic trouble, the L.A.Times shows serious concern and laments that the soft currency crisis is hurting European companies who are finding their prices rising because of our falling dollar.
- Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Dangers of DNA Research

The fields of DNA and gene manipulation research are incredibly exciting for the good that they can offer mankind. Imagine a day when the results of such research can assist mankind to treat previously untreatable diseases, maybe even prevent them? Wouldn't it be tremendous to be able to alter the DNA of an unborn fetus to prevent its developing spina bifida or Down's syndrome?
- Monday, November 19, 2007

One of the Good Muslim Groups

The clash of civilizations is in full swing between Islam and the Democratic west and one of the things that many on the anti-jihadi side of the argument are wont to say, those who use the term Islamofascism commonly, is that there aren't any "moderate" Muslim groups out there. In truth, for the most part they are correct in the assertion that there are not many Muslims who oppose the Jihadists, Islamofascists and Wahhabist extremists in Islam (called Takfiris in the Mid East).
- Saturday, November 17, 2007

Christmas Under Assault: Dumping the Christmas Tree for a ‘Family Tree’

imageIn a further erosion of our American traditions and holidays, Lowe's Hardware stores has decided that they aren't in the business of selling Christmas trees anymore. They have decided, instead, that the big seller for 2007 will be the erstwhile "Family Tree" -- that Christmas thingie being so gauche and offensive and all, you see. In fact, in their 2007 holiday catalog, Lowes uses the word Christmas a grand total of two times. And on their website, the tree listings all avoid the word in their descriptions. Take a look at the first page of their "Family Tree" section in their new print catalog:
- Thursday, November 15, 2007

These Eagles don’t fly

The new album from The Eagles, Long Road Out of Eden, is just one long, sustained attack on the integrity of the United States and is as bad as any loud-mouthed Dixie Chicks diatribe. With songs prosaically about Global Warming and the evil American "empire," seemingly the only one of the band who just wanted to entertain the fans was Joe Walsh, the others too puffed up with their own sense of superiority to bother.
- Monday, November 12, 2007

Where is the News of Clinton Planting Questions at Appearances?

Major Garrett of Fox News broke a story on the 9th that revealed that the Hillary Clinton campaign had admitted to planting questions at a Newton, Iowa town hall meeting. Garrett reported that the Clinton campaign promised that planted questions would not happen again, but this isn't something new for the Clinton campaign.
- Sunday, November 11, 2007

Time Mag Finds ‘Lifelong Republican’ For Obama in Omaha

Here we go again with another ridiculous MSM report of a so-called "lifelong Republican" who is slobbering all over himself for a Democrat presidential candidate, this time Barack Obama. And, also, here we go again as an MSM story tries to puff up a small handful of purportedly turncoat Republicans into gargantuan proportions -- the veritable molehill into a mountain story. This week's Republicans-gone-Dem story (for the MSM seems to have these weekly anymore) we are treated to Time Magazine's breathless report of ship-jumpers in Nebraska.
- Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tulsa, OK TV 8: Immigrants ‘Afraid’ in The USA

Apparently, TV 8 (KTUL) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, wants us to know that illegal immigrants are all cowering in fear or streaming out of the USA today because of the crackdown on illegal immigration in the Sooner state. The Tulsa TV folks are trying to make it seem as if there is a climate of fear for illegals even as our government is bending over backwards to comfort illegal immigrants not to mention the fact that many thousands of illegals brazenly paraded, without being molested by bystanders or authorities, in the streets of several large US cities in protest for their "rights" not long ago. So how much "fear" could there be in the illegal underground in the USA? And why is KTUL trying to fan those flames?
- Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Seattle Columnist Says ‘I Understand’ the Burning of ‘Oppressive’ Churches

Dorothy Parvaz, a columnist, blogger and member of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer editorial board, posted a short P-I blog post in which she sympathetically says she understands how someone would want to burn a church down because it is "an oppressive institution." And she isn't just shrugging her shoulders over the threatened arson of a church, but the planned arson of San Francisco's Grace Cathedral, a landmark building on Nob Hill. Is there a little hatemongering going on against religion in the Post-Intelligencer? Sure seems so.
- Saturday, November 3, 2007

It’s all just a ‘Noose-ance’

In case no one has noticed, it's 2007, nearly 2008. The era in America when a noose was a clear and present threat to a black person in America has gone... thank God. So, why has an innocent sanitation worker in Muncie, Indiana been handed the longest suspension in the city's history? Because he displayed a Halloween decoration.
- Friday, November 2, 2007

Media Glorifies McGovern Museum Despite Paltry Attendance

It looks like A South Dakota museum devoted to the political career of far-left Democrat George McGovern registered 5,000 fewer visitors last year than a Wisconsin museum devoted to mustard. So why all the hype from the Associated Press about how a Museum about McGovern draws many visitors"? Oh, the AP did their best to make it seem like the George McGovern Legacy Museum is a "surprising" run away success in the world of museums.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fire All Government Workers

We conservatives are fond of wanting to oust everyone in office and for wanting to "vote the scoundrels out." But, I'd like to add one more level to the throw-them-out-of-government genera. Let's fire every government worker from the smallest village receptionist or sewer worker to the staffers of the highest Senator and every menial clerk and recalcitrant paper shuffler in between.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is Crackdown on Illegals Working

The New York Times is scolding us mean 'ol Americans for hurting the Mexican economy. You heard that right, we are hurting them! The Times is mad at us because illegal Mexican immigrants are sending fewer U.S. dollars from here in the states back home to Mexico.
- Monday, October 29, 2007

Internet Taxes to Come on Halloween...

You want scary? Try the fact that the moratorium on government taxation of the Internet comes to an end on October 31st. And, in true fright movie fashion, it happens at midnight. One expects a crack and flash of lightning to occur over the Capitol just as the witching hour tolls. But, will there be a wave of villagers with pitchforks to stop it? That's up to all of us.
- Thursday, October 25, 2007
