
Arnold Ahlert

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.

Most Recent Articles by Arnold Ahlert:

Progressive Insanity and the Global Warming Cult

Progressives will do virtually anything to advance their agenda. In the arena of global warming, they have resorted to hysteria and angry denunciation of those who dare to question their infallible "wisdom." And as it is with every aspect of their agenda, such wisdom must be imposed at the expense of liberty.
- Friday, February 21, 2014

The Left-Wing Money Machine and the IRS's War on Conservatives

Of all the donors who contribute to political causes, no one is more vilified by the mainstream media than the Koch brothers for their "outsized" influence on the national debate. But according to OpenSecrets.org, which complied a list of the "Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014," the Koch brothers didn't even make the top fifty. Meanwhile, none of the top ten donors and only two of the top 20 tilted toward Republicans, with the rest supporting Democrats and only a few on the fence. These findings are hardly surprising. As David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin revealed in their 2012 book, The New Leviathan: How the Left-Wing Money Machine Shapes American Politics and Threatens America's Future, the American right is severely outgunned by their leftist counterparts in the world of advocacy organizations. What is true of these groups is also true of political action committees and similar organizations, as OpenSecrets reveals. These facts only make the idea that IRS targeting of conservatives was "accidental" all the more ludicrous. (To order David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin's The New Leviathan: How the Left-Wing Money-Machine Shapes American Politics and Threatens America's Future, click here)
- Thursday, February 20, 2014

Refuting Robert Reich

Former Clinton Labor Secretary and lifelong leftist Robert Reich has put together a video for MoveOn.org explaining how America is conducting a "war" on poor and working families. "What are they really after?" Reich asks, never bothering to explain who "they" are. He proceeds to connect "seven dots" that together indicate that a cabal of class oppressors is drowning the poor with their opposition to big-government dependency programs.
- Friday, February 14, 2014

Income Inequality at the White House

In the midst of joblessness and deprivation for millions of Americans, another opulent White House party took place Tuesday night feting fellow socialist crusader Francois Hollande, the president of France. While the Obamas frequently decry the excesses of private-sector wealth, characterizing it as the product of ill-gotten gains, they have demonstrated time and time again that they have little difficulty emulating the same behavior when Americans are footing the bill. Meanwhile, incessant regulations, attacks on industry and on middle class paychecks through ObamaCare, are crushing ordinary Americans, with no end in sight.
- Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Lawless Presidency

In a move both transparently political and utterly contemptuous of the rule of law, the Obama administration has yet again made changes to the healthcare law. The Treasury Department issued a fact sheet Monday, outlining the new regulations (laughingly referred to as "final").
- Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Iran Answers Appeasement with Warships

Despite the alleged "good faith" negotiations taking place between Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Secretary of State John Kerry, the world's foremost state sponsor of terror is now testing the United States' mettle. Iranian warships initially sent on their first trip to the Atlantic Ocean in January will now travel close to U.S. maritime borders. The move was revealed Saturday by a senior Iranian naval commander.
- Monday, February 10, 2014

Puerto Rico: The Next Detroit?

On Tuesday, credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Puerto Rico's general-obligation bonds to BB+, a level that is considered junk status.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

ObamaCare: 'Liberating' the Workers

On Tuesday, a report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revealed that ObamaCare will have a "substantially larger" impact on the job market than the originally anticipated reduction of 800,000 full-time workers. Instead, the CBO predicts that the law will reduce the workforce by the equivalent of 2.3 million full-time jobs by 2021, and 2.5 million over the next decade.
- Thursday, February 6, 2014

Big Labor Burned by ObamaCare

Unions that undoubtedly believed they were part of the Obama administration's select group of "winners," have discovered otherwise. In a scathing letter addressed to Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Harry Reid (D-NV), the presidents of UniteHere and the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) declared they were "bitterly disappointed" that the proposed regulations to ObamaCare would be detrimental to their interests.
- Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bracing for Amnesty

Unbelievable as it may be to their core constituency, House Republicans are now embracing comprehensive immigration reform. Late yesterday, the Hill obtained a one-page document outlining the GOP's "statement of principals," that endorses a path to legal status, once "specific enforcement triggers" have been achieved.
- Friday, January 31, 2014

Welfare State Madness

Another dubious record has been set during the Obama administration. As of the end of December, a staggering 10,988,269 Americans were receiving federal disability benefits, a number that exceeds the entire population of Greece.
- Thursday, January 30, 2014

Clinton “Regrets” Benghazi

At a keynote appearance before the National Automobile Dealers Association on Monday, Hillary Clinton began laying the groundwork for how she will respond to the Benghazi scandal during her likely 2016 presidential run.
- Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Food Stamp Explosion

Another dose of reality has trumped the Obama administration's economic happy talk. According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), one-in-five Americans were on the food stamp program in 2013. A staggering 23,052,388 households needed supplemental food assistance in FY2013, an increase of 722,675 households compared to FY2012.
- Thursday, January 23, 2014

Israel Bash-Fest Comes to Washington

A press release published by Reuters has announced that America's first National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" will be held on March 7 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. In reality, the conference will be little more than an Israeli bash-fest. It is being organized by a host of virulently anti-Israel entities, including the Council for the National Interest Foundation (CNIF), If Americans Knew (IAK), the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep), and the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA).
- Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ObamaCare's Attack on the Elderly

In October of 2012, the Daily Mail exposed the highly disturbing realities of the Liverpool Pathway (LCP), the series of guidelines for treating terminally ill patients developed for Britain's National Health Service (NHS).
- Monday, January 20, 2014

Obama IRS's Crimes Against Americans to go Unpunished

While the media hypocritically train their focus on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's bridge-closing scandal, the Obama administration is quietly sweeping its IRS scandal, in which officials terrorized citizens for years with invasive investigations, audits, burdensome litigation, and threats of criminal prosecution, under the rug.
- Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Left's Disdain for the Will to Live

Lisa Bonchek Adams is a 43-year-old woman with three children and Stage IV metastatic breast cancer. In the seven years since she was first diagnosed, Adams has dedicated an enormous amount of time and energy to chronicling her battle with the disease, via hundreds of thousands of tweets and a blog.
- Wednesday, January 15, 2014
