
Arnold Ahlert

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.

Most Recent Articles by Arnold Ahlert:

Ahmed Mohamed's Qatari Vacation with the Muslim Brotherhood

The story of Ahmed Mohamed, the Dallas schoolboy made famous by the reaction to his arrest for bringing a homemade clock that resembled a suitcase bomb to school, has taken another curious turn. According to the Dallas Morning News, Ahmed and his family have accepted an invitation extended by the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development to visit Qatar. Their sister institution, the Qatar Foundation International (QFI) was founded by Sheikh bin Al Thani, who also created Al Jazeera. QFI has links to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB
- Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mandatory Muslim Immigration in the EU

On Tuesday, national sovereignty gave way to mandatory multiculturalism in the European Union. A plan to relocate an additional 120,000 Middle Eastern migrants was imposed by EU ministers over the objections four Eastern European countries adamantly opposed to the plan. Slovakia's Robert Fico illuminated the resistance. "As long as I am prime minister, mandatory quotas will not be implemented on Slovak territory," he declared in Bratislava.
- Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Competition Heats Up

Last night's CNN-sponsored GOP presidential debate at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA was promoted with the title "It's On: Watch Sparks Fly." Debate moderator Jake Tapper was joined by CNN's Dana Bash and radio host Hugh Hewitt, who posed additional questions to the 11 candidates, including Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, John Kasich and Chris Christie.
- Thursday, September 17, 2015

University of California Totalitarians Strike Again

In yet another descent into Orwellianism, on Thursday, the Regents of the University of California's Committee on Education Policy will attempt to formulate an agenda for students and faculty that amounts to nothing more than a censorship free pass by establishing a right not to be offended.
- Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Obama Mulls Resettling Thousands of Syrian 'Refugees'

The Obama administration is reportedly considering exacerbating a crisis largely of its own making. Following the immigration onslaught in Europe that has generated graphic images, including a 3-year-old Syrian boy washing up dead on a Turkish beach, thousands of migrants trapped in a Budapest train station, and 71 dead discovered in a truck abandoned on an Austrian roadway, Obama administration officials are considering the possibility of allowing more Syrian immigrants into the United States.
- Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Hillary Clinton: National Security Disaster

For an army of ethically compromised defenders in politics and the media, Hillary Clinton's email scandal is being framed as little more than a political attack aimed solely at derailing her presidential candidacy. Yet while each new revelation makes it harder to dismiss Hillary and Bill's seemingly endless effort to monetize the Clinton Foundation by virtually any means possible, most of it is beside the point. What's not beside the point is the reality that Hillary Clinton is a walking, talking national security disaster.
- Friday, September 4, 2015

Poisoning Afghan Schoolgirls

On Monday, as many as 126 teachers, schoolgirls and kindergartners were poisoned at the Habibul Mustafa School in Afghanistan's western Herat province. Herat provincial hospital spokesman Muhammad Rafiq Sherzai revealed some of the victims were vomiting and some were unconscious when they were admitted, but that they were all in stable condition.
- Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Combat Roles Hazardous to Women's Health

Last week, 1st Lt. Shaye Haver, 25, and Capt. Kristen Griest, 26, became the first women to earn their Ranger Tabs, graduating from the U.S. Army's Ranger School at Fort Benning, GA. Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, the guest speaker at the graduation ceremony, emphasized that both women were held to the same standards as their male counterparts, insisting "a 5-mile run is still a 5-mile run. Standards do not change. A 12-mile march is still a 12-mile march."
- Wednesday, August 26, 2015

St. Louis Back in Flames

A disturbing yet familiar scenario is playing out once again in St. Louis, where police made nine arrests and dispersed demonstrators protesting the shooting of black American Mansur Ball-Bey, 18, on Wednesday. According to police, Bell-Bey aimed a weapon at two white officers who returned fire, killing him. Unsurprisingly, the protesters are disputing police accounts of the incident. 
- Saturday, August 22, 2015

Democratic Dissidents

Democrats are known for many things, but chief among them is the relentless determination to maintain a rigid progressive orthodoxy within their ranks. Bucking that orthodoxy requires character and conviction because those who do can expect a certain level of contempt directed their way from their oh-so-tolerant brethren. Campbell Brown and Kirsten Powers are two women who have demonstrated a willingness to take positions decidedly at odds with the progressive establishment.
- Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Jeb Bush Takes On the Party of Defeat

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush got it right regarding Iraq in a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Tuesday night. "That premature withdrawal was the fatal error, creating the void that ISIS moved in to fill," he declared. "Where was the secretary of state, Secretary of State Clinton, in all of this? Like the president himself, she had opposed the surge, then joined in claiming credit for its success, then stood by as that hard-won victory by American and allied forces was thrown away."
- Friday, August 14, 2015

Black Lives Matter Racists Strike Again

Ferguson, MO turned once again into a scene of violent race hatred when a man police authorities say opened fire on them on the anniversary of Michael Brown's death was critically wounded when police returned fire. He released a "remarkable amount of gunfire" against the officers using a stolen handgun, explained St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar. That incident occurred shortly after "an exchange of gunfire between two groups" Belmar described as criminals, not protesters. "There is a small group of people out there that are intent on making sure that peace doesn't prevail," he said.
- Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Black Skin Privilege Tax?

On July 20, fake petition prankster Mark Dice aired a YouTube video in which he asks primarily minorities in San Diego, CA, to sign a petition advocating a one percent "White Privilege Tax" on the income of all Caucasian Americans. The signers were told the tax would be used to help fund social programs for minority communities as a means of countering the leftist fad known as "white privilege."
- Monday, August 10, 2015

Obama's Lies about Bush and Iraq

The president's speech on the Iranian deal, delivered at American University on Wednesday, was vintage Obama, as in a compendium of demagoguery, historical revisionism and outright lying. Nothing emphasized that more forcefully than the portion of the Obama's speech addressing the war in Iraq. Obama insisted U.S. involvement there was the result of "a mindset characterized by a preference for military action over diplomacy, a mindset that put a premium on unilateral U.S. action over the painstaking work of building international consensus, a mindset that exaggerated threats beyond what the intelligence supported."
- Friday, August 7, 2015

The Banality of Evil

The “banality of evil” became part of the cultural lexicon following the publication of German-born author Hannah Arendt’s 1963 book “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.” The book recounted the trial of Nazi Adolph Eichmann, who was chief of operations for the Gestapo-run Department for Jewish Affairs, and responsible for the deportation of three million Jews to extermination camps. Arendt hypothesized that people who carry out such barbarous crimes may not be inherently evil, but instead fairly ordinary individuals who simply accept the premises under which they operate.
- Monday, August 3, 2015

Canadian Islam Converts Plotted to Kill Jewish Children

A Canadian courtroom was the scene for another revelation about the twisted mindset that animates Islamists. Amanda Korody, found guilty for her part in orchestrating a terrorist bomb plot, wanted to infiltrate a synagogue where she could kill "small Jews" so these children would be spared eternal damnation in hell.
- Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Obama Renews His Amnesty Tyranny

President Obama and other administration officials continue to push their thumb-in-the-eye approach to legal and illegal immigration with a series of unilateral moves that once again reveal their contempt for the American public and the rule of law—when they’re not busy engaging in outright extortion.
- Friday, July 24, 2015

Iran Still Chanting 'Death to America'

There’s nothing quite like the astonishment of progressives whenever their profound and enduring ignorance of human nature is thrust in upon them. And so it is with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his reaction to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s speech last Saturday. It was a speech during which the Supreme Leader reminded the world the hostility that exists between his nation and the United States is not about to be extinguished by the nuclear arms agreement.
- Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The True Cost of Immigration

Democrats, along with a number of equally feckless Republicans, are extolling the virtues of "comprehensive immigration reform." Such jargon obscures their real agenda, which is the abandonment of the rule of law in favor of a political expediency that benefits the ruling class and its campaign contributors.
- Friday, July 17, 2015
