
Arnold Ahlert

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.

Most Recent Articles by Arnold Ahlert:

The ObamaCare Propaganda Campaign

In an effort that exemplifies both desperation and contempt for the public, the Obama administration, in coordination with its media cheerleading squad, is determined to rebrand ObamaCare. Toward that end, Families USA (FUSA) a self-described "national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans" was given a $1.1 million grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Their mission is to gather ObamaCare success stories and feed them to the media. Thus the American left embarks on yet another mission to "change the narrative" of a disaster entirely of their own making.
- Saturday, November 30, 2013

Emboldening Iran

In the last few days, an Obama administration desperate to turn Americans' attention away from the ObamaCare disaster has been touting its "historic" deal with Iran. Toward that end they released a document Saturday entitled, "Fact Sheet: First Step Understandings Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran's Nuclear Program," outlining the details. Those "facts" have been rejected--by the Iranians themselves.
- Thursday, November 28, 2013

HealthCare.gov's Date with Destiny

By now, most Americans probably know that the Obama administration has promised to fix the HealthCare.gov website by November 30. It is equally likely that a majority of Americans know this administration's definition of "fixed" is as elastic as the president's promise regarding one's ability to keep one's current insurance plan and/or doctors. Unfortunately for millions of angry and confused Americans, the current prediction it is likely to be as hollow--if not more so--than the last one.
- Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Reid Goes Nuclear

On Thursday, 225 years of Senate tradition was cast aside by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) when he invoked the so-called "nuclear option" and eliminated filibusters against most presidential nominations. "The American people believe Congress is broken. The American people believe the Senate is broken. And I believe they are right," Reid said Thursday on the Senate floor. "The need for change is so very, very obvious." What's just as obvious is the primary motive behind this effort: to tilt an evenly-divided U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit decidedly to the left.
- Friday, November 22, 2013

Homeland Insecurity: Al Qaeda 'Refugees' on Welfare

Unbelievably, the Obama administration finds itself embroiled in yet another scandal. ABC News is reporting that dozens of alleged Islamic terrorists with bomb-making skills may have been mistakenly allowed to take up residence in the United States, due to a flawed screening system.
- Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Persecution of Wisconsin Conservatives

Conservative political entities who supported Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker are being subjected to a secret investigation. Special Prosecutor Francis Schmitz has issued a series of subpoenas to 29 conservative groups, demanding that they submit all documentation related to the recall campaigns mounted by unions and their supporters against Walker in 2011 and 2012. The investigation is being conducted under the auspices of the state's John Doe law, which forbids the targets of subpoenas from revealing the contents of those subpoenas to anyone other than their lawyers.
- Wednesday, November 20, 2013

ObamaCare Fix as Bad as ObamaCare Itself

Last Thursday, in an effort to extricate himself from the political consequences of repeatedly and shamelessly lying to the American public, President Obama proposed a " fix" to ObamaCare. " Insurers can extend current plans that otherwise would be canceled into 2014 and Americans whose plans have been canceled can choose to re-enroll in the same kind of plan," the president said. " This fix won't solve every problem for every person, but it's going to help a lot of people.
- Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Numbers Aren't Adding Up for ObamaCare

The Obama administration did its best to inflate the number of ObamaCare enrollees yesterday, but it's clear even the administration's most vigorous efforts have fallen painfully short.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama's Economy: Wall Street Thrives, Main Street Dies

The man at the center of the storm has blown a giant hole in the notion that the Obama administration is looking out for middle class Americans. "Andrew Huszar: Confessions of a Quantitative Easer," is a piece written for the Wall Street Journal by Huszar himself, revealing that he was the person responsible "for executing the centerpiece program of the Fed's first plunge into the bond-buying experiment known as quantitative easing."
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gitmo Parting Gifts: Job Training & Islam Classes

In another triumph of idiocy, the Obama administration is negotiating with the Yemeni government to release Guantanamo Bay and Afghan terrorists to a "rehabilitation" facility to be constructed outside Yemen's capital city of Sana'a.
- Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kathleen Sebelius's Mea Culpa Tour

The real-life version of "Groundhog Day" moved from the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week to the Senate Finance Committee yesterday, as Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius brought her mea culpa tour to Congress's upper chamber. Despite the miserable rollout of President Obama's "signature achievement," Sebelius insisted that the healthcare.gov website had improved dramatically, even as she was forced to concede that "we're not there yet" with regard to full functionality.
- Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obama's Tour of Lies

President Barack Obama is a liar. Not a person who "misspoke," as the New York Times editorial board ridiculously asserted last Sunday. His promise that if Americans liked their healthcare plan they could keep it --made on at least 23 separate, videotaped occasions-- was not the "half true" statement the equally corrupt politifact.com website contended it was.
- Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How Obama Abandoned Iraq

President Obama's facility for lying has taken center stage once again, as Americans grapple with the reality that they in fact can't keep their health insurance if they like it. Yet while they remain focused on that debacle, another series of declarations made by the president, namely that al Qaeda was "on the run" and near "defeat," is looking equally deceitful.
- Monday, November 4, 2013

DMV Doctors

“I quit when medicine was placed under State control, some years ago,” said Dr. Hendricks. “Do you know what it takes to perform a brain operation? Do you know the kind of skill it demands, and the years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that go to acquire that skill? That was what I would not place at the disposal of men whose sole qualification to rule me was their capacity to spout the fraudulent generalities that got them elected to the privilege of enforcing their wishes at the point of a gun…” –from “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand In a debate last Friday, Kathleen Murphy, a Democrat running for the House of Delegates in the state of Virginia, decided that government's ability to enforce their wishes at the so-called point of a gun was an idea whose time has come.
- Monday, November 4, 2013

ObamaCare: Illegal Voter Mine for the Democratic Party?

While many Americans remain focused on the ominous implications of ObamaCare with regard to health insurance or the faulty website, a far more serious issue remains under the radar. On Wednesday, two national election watchdog groups alleged that ObamaCare is really a massive voter registration vehicle masquerading as a healthcare bill.
- Friday, November 1, 2013

Sebelius's Big Day of Big Lies

Those Americans who watched Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's testimony yesterday before the House Energy and Commerce Committee might be forgiven for thinking they were in an alternate universe. Despite her assertion that Americans should "hold me accountable" for the ongoing debacle, Sebelius later claimed she was never warned by anyone that the scheduled roll out of the Healthcare.gov website would be the disaster it turned out to be.
- Thursday, October 31, 2013

Obama’s Military Purge

Is the Obama administration in the midst of a military purge? This year alone, nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the administration, and retired generals and current commanders who have spoken to TheBlaze believe that political ideology is the primary impetus behind the effort. "I think they're using the opportunity of the shrinkage of the military to get rid of people that don't agree with them or not toe the party line," a senior retired general told website. "Remember, as Rahm Emanuel said, never waste a crisis." The general spoke on the condition of anonymity because he still provides the government with services and believes this administration would retaliate against him.
- Monday, October 28, 2013

Alan Grayson: ‘Spokesman’ of Nazi-Backed Occupy Wall Street

Democratic Party hack Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has stooped to a new low in the demonization of Republicans in general, and the Tea Party in particular. On Monday, he sent out a fundraising email using the racist imagery of a burning cross and equating the Tea Party with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). However, Alan Grayson would do well to acquaint himself with which party is in fact the home of the KKK--and while he's at it, he could perhaps explain why he is a self-described "spokesman" for the Nazi- and David Duke-backed Occupy Wall Street movement.
- Thursday, October 24, 2013

A New Court Battle for ObamaCare

In a bombshell development that could potentially cripple ObamaCare, U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman ruled that the lawsuit aimed at blocking health care subsidies in states not running their own healthcare exchanges could move forward. The judge denied a request by U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to dismiss the suit, but also declined to grant a preliminary injunction sought by the plaintiffs in the case. Friedman has promised to rule on the overall merits of case by mid-February.
- Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Don't Sign, Don't Pay the Fine

Recently, there have been many attempts to get a handle on why there is so much public discontent. I think all the reasoning can be boiled down to one idea: Americans feel powerless. Millions of us look at Washington, D.C. and see one thing and one thing only, namely a ruling class that is completely out of touch with ordinary Americans and their concerns.
- Tuesday, October 22, 2013
