
Doug Hagmann

Copyright © Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist history. [url="https://HagmannReport.com/donate"]Hagmann Report[/url] [url="https://HagmannStore.com"]HAGMANN COFFEE & MORE[/url] ON THE GO? SUBSCRIBE TO HAGMANN’S PODCAST: [url="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hagmann-report/id631558915?uo=4"]iTunes[/url] | [url="https://open.spotify.com/show/376mkckQHCPYTJssQN794g"]Spotify[/url] | [url="https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-hagmann-report-30926499/"]iHeart[/url] | [url="https://www.spreaker.com/show/hagmann-report"]Spreaker[/url] Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) FOLLOW HAGMANN AT: [url="https://parler.com/DouglasHagmann"]Parler[/url] | [url="https://gab.com/DougHagmann"]Gab[/url] | [url="https://gettr.com/user/doughagmann"]Gettr[/url] | [url="https://truthsocial.com/@DougHagmann"]Truth Social[/url]

Most Recent Articles by Doug Hagmann:

“Sir, you must come with us”

One man's tropical paradise is another man's prison. Imagine being "stuck" on Oahu. I'm sure you could think of worse situations, but really stop and think about the following true and evolving situation. You're a "normal" 34 year-old guy, live on the U.S. mainland in Gulfport, Mississippi, and recently married a woman who is a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy stationed in Okinawa.
- Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Something in the air

I attended a gun show yesterday morning, just over a quarter-century after attending my first and only gun show. The first venue was located less than a mile from the current venue. Despite the passage of time, the memories of attending my first event remain surprisingly fresh in my mind. I still recall many of the people and conversations from my first event, as well as the sights, sounds and even the "feel" of that particular gun show.
- Monday, October 15, 2012

Lemmings… At the precipice of WWIII

The 1958 Disney documentary 'White Wilderness' purported to show how furry little arctic rodents called Lemmings, lived and died in a natural cycle of life and death. The film convincingly told us how when their numbers exploded and the local food supply was in danger of being unable to support them, nature in her all wisdom would inexplicably cause the lemmings to migrate to cliffs and jump into the freezing arctic waters. Those that survived the fall didn't turn back after being roused to their senses by the icy cold. Instead they pressed on, a tangled mass of fur moving away from their natural element into ever deeper waters and their inevitable death. The film was beautifully shot and edited which earned the producers an Academy Award as a documentary film.
- Monday, October 8, 2012

Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack

By now, it is well known that something is very wrong with the official narrative pertaining to the controversial video known to everyone as Innocence of Muslims. The official government script we are asked to believe is that this video supposedly caused the September 11, 2012 attack on the consulate in Libya and ignited the ensuing violence and death across the Muslim world that continues without abatement today. Officially, the video was cited as the primary motive in the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. There are more than a few problems with this narrative. First, aside from the trailer, the video does not exist anywhere in any public forum. Not now, not ever.
- Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The greatest fraud in history

Too few Americans are prepared for what's coming our way. We are facing a grave crisis that will have a dramatic effect on every American citizen, our national security and our very way of life. It is the asymmetrical warfare of financial terrorism, and the U.S. politicians, the central bankers, the global leaders are the terrorists. Sound harsh? Absolutely. Frightening? Although a healthy dose of fear is indeed warranted, it should not paralyze you, but compel you to act. Preparation is an effective antidote for fear.
- Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ambassador Stevens & the Scorpion

Most people have heard the fable about the frog and the scorpion, but in the event you haven't, I'll briefly recount it here. A scorpion asks a frog to carry him on his back to the other side of a stream. The frog initially refuses, telling the scorpion that he would likely sting and kill him along the journey.
- Monday, September 17, 2012

Middle East Analysis: WWIII fuse has been lit

After extensive investigation and analysis of the events on September 11, 2012, in Libya and Egypt, there is only one conclusion I am able to reach: the official narrative of the details of these attacks, provided by U.S. officials and parroted by a complicit, unquestioning media, are being deliberately misrepresented with regard to what actually happened.
- Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beyond politics

As an investigator in the private sector, I've done more than my share of covert surveillance of individuals for various purposes - both in the civil and criminal venues. I've witnessed many incredible things, including people engaging in behavior that they would later deny, even after seeing themselves on video performing the very activity playing out on the TV monitor before them.
- Sunday, September 9, 2012

DHS Source: “It’s going hot”

"It's going hot." Those were the ominous opening and closing words from my source inside the Department of Homeland Security in two separate contacts we had within the last 72 hours. Readers to this website and listeners to my radio program know this source as "Rosebud," a source with access to high levels within the DHS administration.
- Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Guns N' Rose colored deals

The more research and investigation one does into the Obama-Napolitano-Holder ATF sanctioned Fast and Furious operation, greater is the stench that emanates from the ties between Obama, his minions and the global bankers. From claims of "executive privilege" by Obama to the outright persecution of whistleblowers trying to do the right thing, we are now seeing the actual unveiling of the incestuous ties between globalist bankers and the present power elite in Washington.
- Friday, August 24, 2012

Psychiatry as a weapon to silence religious and political opposition

Since reporting on the account of Jason Egroff, a 28-year-old Scranton, Pennsylvania web designer and Blog Talk Radio host of the weekly Revelation News Christian broadcast, I have received documentation of numerous cases where outspoken critics specific to the anti-Christian agenda of Barack Hussein Obama experienced similar encounters with "mental health professionals."
- Friday, August 24, 2012

Of Obama, Christians and crucifixions

Like most "average" Americans barraged by a daily onslaught of news headlines, sound bites and printed blurbs in newspapers and on the internet about current events, I've found it easy to become rather desensitized to the majority of "white noise" that has become the daily news. As such, it's easy to lose sight of significant events or "game changers" amid the chatter of everyone behind a microphone, television camera or typing at a news terminal.
- Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Accidental death or something more?

There are coincidences in life, but I've learned not to trust many of them. This "coincidence" involves the untimely and tragic "accidental drowning" death of 46 year-old Jennifer Ann Gallagher-Pinson of Denver, Colorado, and was brought to my attention by investigative researcher and senior contributor Randy Taylor.
- Monday, August 20, 2012

Christianity & gun owners in the crosshairs: Chilling tactic exposed

If you are an outspoken Christian in America, you need to be concerned. If you are an outspoken Christian in America who happens to be a gun owner, you need to be very concerned. And if you are a Christian gun owner who disagrees with the Progressive anti-Christian agenda in America and have a platform to inform others, you better believe that you are under intense scrutiny. Sound like paranoid propaganda? Read on. It's one thing to say that there is a war against Christianity and an active agenda to disarm Americans, but it's another thing altogether to watch it unfold, up close and personal. And yet another to actually document an insidious but effective tactic that is presently being used to silence and disarm Christians right here in America. In this report, I will expose a new tactic being used by the atheistic communist supporters of the Obama regime to silence Christian critics and to disarm them at the same time.
- Friday, August 17, 2012

Steve Quayle tonight on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

As worlds collide: the seen and unseen

How much more can be said about the events taking place in the U.S. and across the world today? What will it take for the majority of Americans to wake up, lose their normalcy bias and understand that we are nearing, or perhaps reached, the point of no return? Indeed, some people are waking up to the fact that there is something very wrong taking place right in front of us. A great divide is deepening within the U.S. and all across the globe. The drums of war are beating louder than at any time in recent history. Battle lines are being drawn in both the physical and spiritual world. Americans are not only at a crossroads, we are in the cross hairs. Not only as Americans, but as Christians and Jews, we are under attack. At present, there is still a thinly veiled subtlety associated with these attacks. Soon, however, the attacks will increase, worsen, become more overt, and even more accepted.
- Saturday, August 11, 2012

Barry Soetoro, the Invisible Man

Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee, successful Vegas odds maker, author and speaker, recently made headlines in the style of Donald Trump by publicly stating that he believes he knows why Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II continues to refuse to unseal and release his college transcripts.
- Friday, August 10, 2012

Behind the scenes: Obama and the NDAA

Additional research and investigation into the controversial National Defense Authorization Act found something very interesting is not apparently being reported by the U.S. media. Readers will recall that controversy that surrounded the liberty-threatening NDAA legislation, passed with bipartisan support in the House and Senate and signed into law by Barack Hussein Obama last New Year's Eve.
- Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Disarming America

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Those are the words directly from the mouth of Rahm Emmanuel, uttered in 2009 while he was Barack Hussein Obama's Chief of Staff. Although Emmanuel is gone from the White House, that sentiment, or perhaps more accurately described as a tactic, remains.
- Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Serious questions surround Colorado shooting

Northeast Intelligence Network 28 July 2012: It's been just over a week when a male identified by law enforcement officials as James Eagan Holmes entered a theater in Aurora, Colorado and allegedly killed 12 people and wounded 58 others. By now, nearly everyone with an internet connection, who watched the television news or read a newspaper has heard or read various accounts of the shooting. Considering that many initial reports are incorrect, and subsequent reports are often subject to multiple revisions, my silence on this incident has been deliberate. As a career investigator, I prefer to perform my own research and conduct my own inquiries for the sake of accuracy. I have also found that in nearly all cases described as "mass shootings," the facts are fairly straightforward.
- Monday, July 30, 2012
