
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Armed men torch newspapers

The charred remains of the delivery truck ambushed while carrying The Zimbabwean on sunday - torched on sat night by gunmen toting AK-47s.  The driver Christmas Ramabulana.BY STAFF REPORTERS, The Zimbabwean For South African driver, Christmas Ramabulana, the weekly journey to Harare to deliver The Zimbabwean is normally an exercise in patient endurance. It is a long haul with his precious cargo of independent news for information-starved Zimbabweans. Formalities at the border can often take an excruciating 10-12 hour wait in the queue of trucks. And then there is the pot-hole ridden road northwards for 550kms. Week after week.
- Thursday, May 29, 2008

Firearms owners FIRE BACK against Toronto Mayor David Miller

In an unprecedented move, Canadian firearms owners have fired the next salvo in Toronto Mayor David Miller’s vicious war of extermination against Canada’s trustworthy firearms owners. On May 26th, Mayor Miller announced he would push forward a resolution to ban sport shooting clubs and businesses from the City of Toronto.
- Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Ahmed Bedier I Know

Joe Kaufman, FrontPageMagazine.com Samar Jarrah: “It’s fascinating that some people who are supposedly terrorism experts and are advising this country are spending time to write about you moving up and changing your career. I mean, it’s not like belittling you in any way, but I thought they would have much more important things to do.”
- Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is England the most crowded nation in Europe?

ENGLAND looks certain to become the most crowded major nation in Europe as a result of a massive influx of migrants. We now lie in third place in the table behind squashed Malta and packed Holland. But soaring immigration means England could soon rise up the table. The 2005 figures revealed show that there were 387 people per square kilometer in England.
- Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Iran spreading poison of terror in Moslem nations

Almost every day, we read news and commentaries in the international media about Iran´s direct or indirect participation in instigating terror as well as religious extremism. People in most of the Western capitals consider Iranian President Ahmadinejad as a devil. There are series of facts flooding in Western media about today´s ´Islamic Republic of Iran´ as well as its nuclear ambition and neo-conspiracy in patronizing global terror. Moslem press maintains particular silence in projecting such actions of Tehran in general, for quite obvious reason of religious bias.
- Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saudi maid verdict ‘outrageous’

Human Rights Watch has called on Saudi judges to overturn a decision to drop charges against a Saudi couple accused of severely abusing an Indonesian maid.
- Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Sun Definitely Not Special

For a long time there has been a latently held view that our Sun was special in that it was the only planet so far found to harbor life nearby. It had seemed that Earth was lucky to have developed life – through whatever means you choose to herald as the “right one” – in part due to its stellar parent.
- Monday, May 26, 2008

Senator Obama: Talk to Commanders or Meet with Dictators?

imageDear Vets for Freedom members: Yesterday, General Petraeus was back on Capitol Hill to testify before Congress. Senator Barack Obama was there too, but not for long. He stayed in the committee meeting long enough to ask one question, before ducking out to head back to the campaign trail. This wouldn't normally be a big deal, except Senator Obama has never sat down, one-on-one, with General Petraeus. Even worse, he hasn't visited Iraq, and our brave troops on the ground, in over two years. And on April 8, when two-dozen Illinois veterans went to his office for a meeting, Senator Obama was unwilling to meet with them. He was in his office, just wouldn't come out.
- Saturday, May 24, 2008

Prisoners of ambiguity

The Economist print edition UNTIL recently, Canadians who ended up in a foreign jail could be confident of help. The federal government backed any request by a convicted prisoner to be repatriated to a Canadian jail. For those sentenced to death, an appeal for clemency was automatic. While consular officials would not interfere in any reputable prosecution, once sentence was passed, they would help bring Canadians home.
- Friday, May 23, 2008

Finally -  Honest Food Labeling for Canadians

The Ontario Landowners Association applauds Prime Minister Stephen Harper for his announcement yesterday to dramatically change the food labeling practices in Canada so that Canadians can truly and honestly recognize Canadian food by allowing only Canadian grown food to be labeled Produced in Canada. The current food regulation allows any food, including packaging, that is 51% made in Canada to be labeled Produced in Canada.
- Friday, May 23, 2008

China Quake Used to Rail Against Overseas Dissent

By Matthew Little, Epoch Times Staff China's communist regime could be behind a rash of angry, sometimes violent, protests in the United States and Canada, said a retired Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agent and expert on the regime's clandestine operations in Canada.
- Friday, May 23, 2008

Brave Bangladeshi journalists asks for your help

Bangladesh government withdrew police protection from my residence suddenly on May 5, 2008. I made numerous requests to them to restore the protection. But, it was never done. My brother Dr. Richard L Benkin also made similar requests, but in vain. This afternoon, an official with Uttara Police Station [where my residence is located] told me on condition of anonymity that the police protection was withdrawn following a high-level instruction. I was also assured by several high officials that the police protection will be back. But it hasn't returned!
- Thursday, May 22, 2008
