
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Liberals Have No Standards: Newsom Recall Fails as US Dems Save Ailing Governor

Liberals Have No Standards: Newsom Recall Fails as US Dems Save Ailing Governor

Gavin Newsom survived a near death experience despite his California 'leadership' reeling from one Gilligan's Island level disaster to the next. A true child of Woke, Newsom fully embraced shutdowns, but was suddenly exposed as a maskless hypocrite at a gourmet diner. Newsom aped unscientific trends by mindlessly closing many small businesses, many then failing.

- Saturday, September 18, 2021

Missing Teen Gabby Petito: Why Murder is Likeliest Explanation

Missing Teen Gabby Petito: Why Murder is Likeliest Explanation

Why Petito Murder Likely:

Gabby Petito and boyfriend Brian Laundrie started a trip July 2nd, 2021, to cross the continent on a roadtrip which they documented by video and pics via internet when Petito stopped contacting her folks.  Given the strange details from her disappearance, Gabby seems doubtless dead, and probably murdered. Why? First, were she alive, boyfriend Brian Laundrie would not have returned alone in her vehicle, leaving her exposed to the elements or without support. Second, if Petito were missing, why did her boyfriend never report this, waiting weeks for her family to raise the alarm? Third, if Petito died by accident, Laundrie would have a defense and, without felonious intent, could honorably help return her body.

- Thursday, September 16, 2021

Was Joe Biden Forced to Abandon Americans?

Was Joe Biden Forced to Abandon Americans?

Two Questions:

When it comes to Afghanistan, there is only one question. And this one question will answer any other questions related to the exit. It will also decisively address what kind of a person is Joe Biden? And the Question is: Did Joe Biden have to leave Americans behind in Afghanistan when we exited? If so, Joe is a murderer and the worst kind of scoundrel ever elected to the USA.

- Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Reflection on 9/11, American Lessons Trashed by Biden Mayhem Machine

Reflection on 9/11, American Lessons Trashed by Biden Mayhem Machine

9/11 Lost Lessons:

Contemplating 9/11, who’d have guessed Joe Biden would so completely trash and invert American values & US Military so badly that exiting Afghanistan would turn into the Bay of Pigs? And yet it was inevitable because Joe Biden's only purpose in life, as First Zombie in Chief, is to repudiate all Trump policies, and to advocate for global socialism. Biden’s Administration is the Titanic, Columbia Space Shuttle, General Custer's last stand, Fast & Furious and Benedict Arnold all rolled into one. And is Barack Obama, apparent crypto-Muslim, the obdurate ringleader behind the crown?

- Sunday, September 12, 2021

It’s Time to Leave the Democrat Party: Anti-American, Bad Intentions & Incompetence

It’s Time to Leave the Democrat Party: Anti-American, Bad Intentions & Incompetence

Democrat Disarray & Abandon: Millions of ordinary American Democrats are now undoubtedly finally seeing the light, and by effect of disgust, or simply feeling disfellowshipped, are leaving the Democrat Party. For example, many spontaneous protests are occurring across the US during football games, with many fans loudly shouting “F*** Biden”, etc. Now, for many leftists, their politics replace religion, providing personal ethics, government theory, and a vision for the future. Obviously, many traditional Democrats realize they can’t accept the pure groupthink, constantly changing ‘sins’, hyper partisanship, corporate worship and failed policies. But where can the disillusioned go? Generally, think Independent, Libertarian, Republican, or even a new party. Now, follows the worst elements of the present Democratic Party.

- Saturday, September 11, 2021

American Feminism is Killing Afghan Women 

American Feminism is Killing Afghan Women

Truth in Feminism: There are strong feelings amongst many folks regarding the absolute truth of feminism, a conviction not held by the Taliban. In Afghanistan,women judges now hide from male defendants seeking revenge. In Kabul, a keen irony plays out. Tens of thousands of Afghan women who absorbed life lessons on women's rights from American tutors draw the devastating conclusion that to live as feminists means dying by the hand of the Taliban. So, is this another tragedy of radical Islam?

- Thursday, September 9, 2021

Biden's Lies: Why Joe Collapsed Into a Sea of Dishonesty

Biden's Lies: Why Joe Collapsed Into a Sea of Dishonesty

Joe B, Fountain of Lies:

Watching Biden mislead America on his Afghanistan departure, each subsequent hour and news conference brings more questions -- which then birth more bold lies. But, why? Following are brief suggestions for this question. But don't forget the most obvious source, dementia, which many people, including good friend ex-Sen. Joe Lieberman, who recently stated Biden suffers from diminished capacity. So why does Joe lie?

- Monday, September 6, 2021

Biden’s Functional Insanity is a Direct Threat to America’s Imminent Survival

Biden’s Functional Insanity is a Direct Threat to America’s Imminent Survival

After Biden's speech on his Afghan withdrawal, we discovered America has a helluva evacuation capability, while any mistakes were Trump’s fault, of course. But seriously, folks -- the US is in an incredibly dangerous position regarding our safety and global security. Because, if America accidentally mishandled Afghanistan so badly, then we are unfit to defend ourselves or our allies. But if Kabul was purposely bungled, say to harm America’s world standing, we are also unfit as a world leader. Either way, Biden is unfit to lead and must be removed immediately, because he is functionally insane as our leader.

- Friday, September 3, 2021

Mindless Criticizing of Trump Makes No Sense After Joe Biden’s Evil

900 lb. Gorilla:

Bearing in mind all the crazy recent news -- let’s tackle the 900 lb. gorilla in the room. It’s the overwhelmingly obvious fact that the days of Free Range Attacks on Trump are officially over. Why? Because, no matter what your beef is with Trump, it could only be 1/1,000th as bad as any of several dozens of horrible mistakes by decrepit Joe Biden, Pretender in Chief. Lurching around like a mortally sprayed cockroach, Biden can barely pay attention long enough to order a cheeseburger. Worse, he’s too old to hide his evil instincts anymore. Joe hates America.

- Thursday, September 2, 2021

Kabul Catastrophe: Did Democrats Finally Destroy Selves with Trump Destruction Fixation?

Kabul Catastrophe: Did Democrats Finally Destroy Selves with Trump Destruction Fixation?

Horrible Joe, Results of Trump: It’s inconceivable that a candidate as unexceptional and depleted as 'ole Joe Biden would be chosen as the presidential candidate for a mainstream party. Yet, it was the cult of anti-Trump which necessitated this. During the Trump presidency the Democrats chose their way of responding to Trump with all of his charisma, ideas and can-do mentality would not be to oppose him on policies. Instead, they decided to reject him on principle as claiming he was Neo-Hitler and Antichrist. Their decision to resist Donald by propaganda via media, on one hand -- and by total resistance of all policies, on the other. Now almost a year after the election, who can deny this short-term strategy, yoking a mentally spent fossil with a California biracial female lightweight, has blown up in their collective faces? And who can now possibly claim Trump was a worse person or president than Biden?

- Monday, August 30, 2021

Remove Biden: Dems Culpable for Afghan Deaths by Running Mentally Unfit Candidate

Remove Biden: Dems Culpable for Afghan Deaths by Running Mentally Unfit CandidateInfirm Candidate Snuck Into Election: The surreal public devolution of Afghanistan under Joe Biden is now complete, peppered with repeated dire warnings, despicable surrender strategies, and inevitable US casualties. A mentally degraded man guided by debased Dems to run for president, hidden from the public, handled with kid gloves by a complicit media, and maneuvered by colluding bureaucrats. But now the piper must be paid. Joe became the ultimate rubber stamp for a wild foray into progressive fantasies. But now, profoundly incompetent Joe signed off on the worst series of US military decisions perhaps ever.
- Saturday, August 28, 2021

America Must Stand Against Biden’s Tyranny, or Liberty’s Lamp Will be Extinguished

America Must Stand Against Biden’s Tyranny, or Liberty’s Lamp Will be ExtinguishedBiden: Pinata-in-Chief: In a wildly shocking revelation, Democrats and their Pinata-in-Chief Joe Biden, launched an experiment in anti-representative government, the keystone to the American experiment. There are several things to unravel here. First, Dems are inaugurating the advent of the Liberal Tyrant, who does whatever he wants and is under no Declaration, Constitution or Bill of Rights -- America’s founding documents. Second, the Dems are trying to inure and shock Americans by their absolutely reckless, illogical and dangerous policy decisions to further break down America’s spirit of liberty.
- Friday, August 27, 2021

Biden’s Absurdly Cruel Afghan Exit Exposes Left’s Bulwark of Lies

Biden’s Absurdly Cruel Afghan Exit Exposes Left’s Bulwark of LiesIntroduction: An Absurd Failure: American Democrats cannot feel the slightest sense of self-respect or ease about Biden’s ongoing failure in Afghanistan. This shocking rejection of American values overwhelms any proper response, which should fixate on public chastisement of mind-destroyed Biden and his dyspeptic team. The GOP must hasten Joe’s imminent removal. Predictably there is no demand by Dems to right the ship. For, in leftism, since there is no standard of performance, only party loyalty. And yet, what’s really bubbling beneath the surface of this astonishing event is the absolute collapse, both morally and ideologically, of one of America’s two historic parties. The fact is that Biden chose this course, not by logic or necessity or moral demand, but by will. Shock waves of the abandonment of virtue will be felt for decades.
- Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Afghan Disaster: Purposeful Choice by Far Left Dems To Destroy US Global Standing

Biden's 11 Afghan Disasters...So farAfghanistan -- Not by Accident: The disaster that is Afghanistan is so defective in so many profound and different ways that it has to be a purposeful decision to try and destroy America's standing in the world. Nobody could make so many mistakes at that level and have it all be by accident. We know the leftist Biden Administration has already done everything they can to sabotage America. And by creating such a gigantic avoidable disaster we are communicating to the world that we can't be trusted. 
- Sunday, August 22, 2021

Narcissist Joe’s Confabulation Means His Fevered Brain Automatically Spins Lies

Narcissist Joe’s Confabulation Means His Fevered Brain Automatically Spins LiesBiden’s Incredible Unforced Error: Joe Biden’s desultory approach to ending America’s occupation of Afghanistan is jaw-dropping in its horrifying simplicity. A jaded old codger, both in cognitive decline and increasingly disinterested in leadership, projected his indifference for Americans and Afghans onto the project. This is why we don’t ask folks in retirement homes to chair important projects. But the notion Democrats can run whomever they like for presidency, pretend they are competent, then laugh at the results has now had a horrifying result.
- Sunday, August 22, 2021

World’s Top Crisis: Joe Biden Incompetency

World’s Top Crisis: Joe Biden IncompetencyJoe failed spectacularly on Afghanistan’s center stage, pirouetting into the throat of a live volcano. There’s no going back. Biden is clearly functionally incompetent. We’re informed that Joe was confronted by a number of experts who explained the foolhardy nature of his plans. But he completely ignored these. Biden’s natural contrary nature and poor decision-making have been morphed into diminished capacity and careless old age. It’s a perfect storm of ineptitude driven by his naturally devilish instincts.
- Thursday, August 19, 2021

Afghanistan, Islam & Apostasy -- Rejection of Classic Faith

Afghanistan, Islam & Apostasy -- Rejection of Classic FaithAfghanis Under Taliban: As Afghanistan falls back into the hands of the Taliban, much concern regards how remaining residents will fare. The issue likely includes what religious fundamentalists consider ‘Apostasy.’ An apostate is a person who turned their backs on the one, true faith. While the Taliban promises to not mistreat the populace, ominous signs appear. Young girls being led away into ‘marriage,’ a door-to-door canvass for govt soldiers and the shooting of an unfortunate lady sans veil. So what  does the future hold for this nerve-wracked populace?
- Thursday, August 19, 2021

Biden's Afghan Disaster Exposes Exquisite Weakness of Neo-Socialist Delusions

Biden's Afghan Disaster Exposes Exquisite Weakness of Neo-Socialist DelusionsWoke Military = Disaster:Understand the US Military was more distracted the last few months by Woke politics than saving our Afghanistan allies from Taliban murderers! But it happened. Everywhere in BidenWorld, a sense of unreality clings like a deadly dust, suffocating all critical thinking. And so Joe Biden states, like Voltaire's Candide, that his decisions couldn't be better, despite the fact America left our allies and employees to die. In fact, Afghanis understood the future better than Biden by clinging to departing flights until they lost their grip thousands of feet in the air, plummeting to their deaths. Likewise, Socialism lures naive followers to their deaths by an unthinking political cult. 
- Wednesday, August 18, 2021
