
Alan Caruba

Editor's Note: Alan passed away on June 15, 2015. He will be greatly missed

Alan Caruba: A candle that goes on flickering in the dark.

Older articles by Alan Caruba

Most Recent Articles by Alan Caruba:

Election Tutorial: Immigration

Oil and more precisely the price of a gallon of gas has emerged as probably the number one issue of the forthcoming national election, but right behind it will be immigration. Other than energy, population has the most impact on a way of life American’s prefer.
- Thursday, June 26, 2008

Election Day Scenarios. What’s Yours?

Predicting Election Day outcomes this far in advance is a fool’s game, but it’s fun to play around with possible scenarios.
- Wednesday, June 25, 2008

World to End. Vote Democrat

Sometimes having begun my working life as a journalist is an embarrassment. This is particularly true when I read stories like Saturday’s Associated Press garbage, “Everything Seemingly is Spinning Out of Control” by Alan Fram and Eileen Putnam.
- Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Obama’s Hesitancy, Expediency, and Credibility

I am not a political pundit although I occasionally write about the candidates. I have a post up at [url=http://www.anxietycenter.com]http://www.anxietycenter.com[/url] right now about Sen. Obama’s distaste and disdain for America’s corporations and the clear indication that he intends to grow the government even larger.
- Monday, June 23, 2008

Venezuela Goes to the Dogs

Coming just a week or so after Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) publicly said the U.S. government should nationalize the nation’s oil refineries, echoing a similar earlier threat by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) to nationalize the entire industry, it is instructive to see what has happened in Venezuela where a Communist wannabe dictator, Hugo Chavez, nationalized that nation’s oil industry.
- Sunday, June 22, 2008

Diplomatic Theatre

Recently, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in a lightning visit to Israel met with Mamoud Abbas of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a group purporting to represent Palestinians, but which is now confined to the West Bank, having been driven out of Gaza by Hamas, a militant group whose goal remains the destruction of Israel.
- Friday, June 20, 2008

Is the Democrat Party the CPUSA in Disguise?

It’s no secret that Democrats are liberal, but when you peel away their devotion to environmental policies that have left America vulnerable to foreign nations on whom we depend for the importation of oil, what has been revealed is an intention to nationalize our nation’s oil industry. That, simply stated, is communism.
- Thursday, June 19, 2008

Optimists and Pessimists

One’s outlook on life depends heavily on whether you are by nature an optimist or a pessimist. That is especially true of economists of whom Harry Truman once said he wanted a one-armed one to advise him because the ones he talked to were forever saying, “On one hand and on the other”, generally from the same set of statistics!
- Thursday, June 19, 2008

Democrats are Forever Looking Backwards

When former Vice President, Oscar and Nobel Prize winner, Albert Gore, Jr., endorsed Barack Hussein Obama, it demonstrated why the Democrat Party is always looking backward, as opposed to the future.
- Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Iraq Fades as News

Five years passed an extraordinarily successful invasion of Iraq and the taking of Baghdad, followed by several years of a slow and bloody learning curve, Iraq is fading from the front pages of our newspapers and reports on television precisely because Iraq has begun to learn how to govern itself, to develop a national identity out of its warring religious groups, and perhaps most importantly to create an army and police corps to provide a real measure of security.
- Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mother Nature and Man’s Foolish Games

Anyone who has spent any time outdoors knows that Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. She can be awesomely beautiful and astonishingly cruel. This no doubt accounts for the way early man concluded that prayers, rituals, and other efforts to cajole, flatter, and influence nature were necessary to explain and avoid the many ways nature will find to kill you if you are not prepared.
- Monday, June 16, 2008

A World Afloat on an Ocean of Oil

Considering how much untapped oil is known to exist, not just in the United States, but worldwide, one would think that its current price was some kind of anomaly and it is. It is more the result of speculation than anything else.
- Monday, June 16, 2008

No Drilling. No New Refineries. Get a Horse!

I keep wondering how long it will take Americans to connect the dots and figure out why the most powerful economy the world has ever seen cannot manage to drill for oil in its own backyard and then get it refined nearby.
- Friday, June 13, 2008

Why Can’t McCain Say “Oil”?

While grabbing a bite to eat for lunch, I turned on the television and MSNBC was broadcasting live a presentation John McCain was making somewhere. He does well in these relatively unscripted events, but when he got to the topic of the price of gasoline and how to reduce current and future pain at the pump, he could not bring himself to say “oil.”
- Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Heat Wave, But….

While the East Coast swelters in temperatures that are in the high 90’s, I waited for the usual environmental propaganda to say that this was proof of global warming, but it has not yet been pumped through the usual mainstream media system of lies about the climate.
- Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why the Electoral College Decides

Call it the Gore Curse. In 2000 Albert Gore had a slim margin of popular votes nationwide until the Supreme Court shut down what had already become an endless process of re-counting votes in Florida. When, as Vice President, Gore presided over the counting of the Electoral College votes in the Senate, it was George W. Bush who was the winner.
- Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hillary Surrenders

It was probably symbolic in some way that Hillary Clinton made every one of her supporters wait around nearly 45 minutes before she could finally make it to the podium to offer her surrender to Barack Obama and, by extension, the Democrat Party that was waiting around for it to be made official.
- Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!

I watch the TV news when I get up in the morning and when I have dinner. It's been Hillary, Hillary, Hillary all day long. When will she concede? Is she bargaining for the VP slot? Will she take the fight to the convention in Denver?
- Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Happiest Man in America

Guess who’s the happiest man in America today? No, it isn’t Barack Hussein Obama. It’s John McCain.
- Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Battle Between the Left and the Far Left

Watching the Democrat Party Committee decide to let Florida and Michigan delegates attend the convention in Denver, albeit with just a half-vote each, was greatly enlivened by those raucous folks who insisted on shouting their disapproval of the entire proceedings. The partisanship in the room between the Obama supporters and those demanding equal rights for poor Hillary was almost comical.
- Monday, June 2, 2008
