
Doug Hagmann

Copyright © Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist history. [url="https://HagmannReport.com/donate"]Hagmann Report[/url] [url="https://HagmannStore.com"]HAGMANN COFFEE & MORE[/url] ON THE GO? SUBSCRIBE TO HAGMANN’S PODCAST: [url="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hagmann-report/id631558915?uo=4"]iTunes[/url] | [url="https://open.spotify.com/show/376mkckQHCPYTJssQN794g"]Spotify[/url] | [url="https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-hagmann-report-30926499/"]iHeart[/url] | [url="https://www.spreaker.com/show/hagmann-report"]Spreaker[/url] Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) FOLLOW HAGMANN AT: [url="https://parler.com/DouglasHagmann"]Parler[/url] | [url="https://gab.com/DougHagmann"]Gab[/url] | [url="https://gettr.com/user/doughagmann"]Gettr[/url] | [url="https://truthsocial.com/@DougHagmann"]Truth Social[/url]

Most Recent Articles by Doug Hagmann:

The stage is being set for World War III

Today, every American, everyone in the West needs to step away from their backyard barbeques and pool parties and pay close attention, look long and hard at what is being engineered in Iraq, for life as we know it will soon change. For Americans, Iraq is a half a world away. For others, it much closer. For everyone, though, it's soon to become very personal for all of us.
- Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Psychics in the White House Communications Agency

It's eerily undeniable. There is a psychic or perhaps even several working at the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) and the United States Secret Service. There's no other way to explain it, unless one is otherwise inclined to suggest that a vast inter-agency conspiracy exists deep within the bowels of the agency once controlled by the White House Military Office.
- Thursday, June 12, 2014

The single most dangerous question to Obama about Benghazi

Although numerous unanswered questions continue to plague the Obama White House about the criminal and murderous events of the Benghazi attacks on September 11, 2012, there is one single question that needs to be asked with absolute precision and answered with authenticated specificity.
- Friday, May 23, 2014

Investigative Findings: Benghazi video linked to the CIA?

Executive Summary Based on my extensive 18-month investigation, it is my professional conclusion that the Internet video known as Innocence of Muslims, the video allegedly responsible for Middle East violence and more importantly, the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that resulted in the death of four Americans can be directly tied to a covert intelligence operation and operational assets of the U.S. Department of Justice.
- Monday, May 19, 2014

Mission accomplished & message sent

"We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it." That single sentence, selected from an address given by former President John F. Kennedy to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961, is perhaps more relevant today than ever before.
- Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Public interest and the price of truth and justice

Public interest and the price of truth and justice, Death of Loretta Fuddy
“It’s not in the public’s interest.” That was the government’s response to the request of the waiver of the exceptionally hefty fee of $2,000.00 for records pertaining to the hard water landing of the plane carrying Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaiian Director of Health who certified the authenticity of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth record.
- Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Getting to the "Foggy Bottom" of Benghazi

"Follow the money." That was the directive given to Washington Post journalists Woodward and Bernstein by their confidential source code named "Deep Throat" to get to the bottom of the Nixon White House cover-up of the Watergate burglaries in 1972.
- Monday, May 12, 2014

Stifling dissent through police-state tactics

"I was arrested." It took a minute for me to wrap my mind around those words, uttered by a one of the most decent men I know. He is an attorney by profession, having worked in the prosecutor's office within the Five Boroughs of New York City.
- Friday, May 9, 2014

CIA Whistleblower faces the ire of an angry Justice Department over Benghazi questions

Longtime former CIA field operative turned whistleblower Robert "Tosh" Plumlee is currently in the crosshairs of a very angry Holder Justice Department for publicly posting 11 "questions" about Benghazi and the illegal weapons running operations being conducted by criminal elements within the U.S. government. Mr. Plumlee is no ordinary CIA whistleblower, however.
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

It is time to choose our side

The American Revolutionary War, or our war for independence from the oppression of the British that officially began in 1775 and birthed our nation, was a most pivotal time in our nation's history. Many men and women of average means and intelligence rose to become celebrated heroes and heroines.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

Governor Sandoval: Send in the Guard

By now most people are familiar with the potentially deadly situation emerging at the Bundy ranch in Nevada. Right now, the back-story is not nearly as important as the immediate necessity to de-escalate this life-and liberty threatening situation, although it does play an important role and must be addressed.
- Saturday, April 12, 2014

Exposing what lies beneath the bodies of dead bankers and what lies ahead for us

I feel that this is one of the most important investigations I've ever done. If my findings are correct, each of us might soon experience a severe, if not crippling blow to our personal finances, the confiscation of any wealth some of us have been able to accumulate over our lifetimes, and the end of the financial world as we once knew it. The evidence to support my findings exists in the trail of dead bodies of financial executives across the globe and a missing Wall Street Journal Reporter who was working at the Dow Jones news room at the time of his disappearance.
- Monday, February 17, 2014

Look behind the Iran warships headed to U.S. borders

It's easy to downplay or even dismiss the threat by Iranian warships said to be on their way to sail close to U.S. maritime borders if one merely looks at this move as taking place in a geopolitical vacuum.
- Monday, February 10, 2014

The face of the globalist agenda in Syria

Take a good long look at the face of this 4-year-old boy. He could be your child, your grandchild or nephew. The photo seems to reflect a childhood innocence, an innocence that is so treasured and so valued that it must be protected at all costs. Who among us could deny that this precious little boy deserves to be protected, deserves to experience the joys of a secure childhood like most of us had so long ago?
- Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Prepare for what?

The opening of the halftime show for last night's Super Bowl featured a group of children holding hands while standing in front of a large digital display flashing various images, beginning with portions of the American flag. The children began singing the lyrics from the song Billionaire. Well, not quite the exact lyrics, as they are neither suitable for children nor the venue.
- Monday, February 3, 2014

Threats at Sochi expose "a larger agenda," says intelligence source

"Knowing about the terror threat to the Olympic games at Sochi is one thing. Understanding the threat and what's behind it is quite another. There's a very important back-story that no one is reporting," stated this source. "Understanding what's happening behind the scenes will put things into a certain perspective, and it's a perspective from which nightmares are born," he added.
- Saturday, January 25, 2014

Understanding the Olympic terror threat

What and who is behind the current terror threat at the Olympic games in Sochi? I was asked this question last night in an interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM for their news segment.
- Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Death race to Damascus continues

On Wednesday, January 15, 2014, the highly anticipated Senate Intelligence Committee report on the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans was released. The primary investigative report, including redactions, consists of 42 pages with an additional 16 pages of appendices and another 25 pages of additional "majority views." While the report validates much of what I've written well in advance of media reports, it also appears to be deliberately deficient in a number of critical areas.
- Monday, January 20, 2014
