
J.D. Longstreet

(Editor’s note: J.D. Longstreet passed away in 2014. He will be greatly missed.) Longstreet is a conservative Southern American (A native sandlapper and an adopted Tar Heel) with a deep passion for the history, heritage, and culture of the southern states of America. At the same time he is a deeply loyal American believing strongly in “America First”. He is a thirty-year veteran of the broadcasting business, as an “in the field” and “on-air” news reporter (contributing to radio, TV, and newspapers) and a conservative broadcast commentator. Longstreet is a veteran of the US Army and US Army Reserve. He is a member of the American Legion and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A lifelong Christian, Longstreet subscribes to “old Lutheranism” to express and exercise his faith.

Most Recent Articles by J.D. Longstreet:

America’s Malaise Is BACK!

The dictionary defines malaise as: "an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of, or accompanying the onset of, an illness ... ." Malaise in an individual is bad. Malaise in a nation can be fatal.
- Tuesday, July 31, 2012

“Reasonable” Gun Control Laws?

First allow me to try and clear something up. The Second Amendment does not grant US citizens the right to own and bear arms. It recognizes that right, already granted by God, and makes darn sure the government KNOWS they (the government) cannot tamper with it.
- Monday, July 30, 2012

Now It Is Change And Hope

If there is anything quite as pathetic looking as a democrat after having been taken to the woodshed by either the President, or their party, I honestly don't know what it is.
- Thursday, July 26, 2012

Eye In The Sky

For millenia, man has cast an eye toward the sky in an unconscious gesture of yearning -- yearning, perhaps, for his home? Science certainly does not know.
- Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Guaranteed Minimum Income In The US?

If the Obama Administration and his fellow Socialist/Marxist/Progressives (who camouflage themselves as democrats) in the US government aren't sent packing in November, I fully expect the next step in securing a socialist state in America is a guaranteed annual (minimum) income for every American.
- Monday, July 23, 2012

The Colorado Movie Massacre and Gun Control

At the risk of seeming insensitive to the deaths in the Colorado movie massacre, I am going to point out the obvious, which may make us flinch.
- Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obama’s “RED” Is Showing!!!

If there was the slightest doubt about Obama's Marxism, his "put down" of the American capitalist system last weekend should have swept it completely away.
- Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where’s the Justice?

The story is told of a young Confederate soldier who committed an infraction of the Confederate Army's rules and regulations. He had, in some fashion, disobeyed an order. Whatever the infraction, it was bad enough that his commander, at the field level, thought if noxious enough that his case was ordered up the chain of command until the soldier was escorted to the command headquarters tent of General Robert E. Lee, the Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia.
- Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sick And Tired Of Obama

I sat at the keyboard for about an hour before I began pecking out these few sentences.
- Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gun Making: An American Cottage Industry

I made my first fully operational hand gun while I was in junior high school. I carried that weapon on my person every where I went for a long time.
- Friday, July 13, 2012

Russia’s Syrian Trap For Obama

The love/hate relationship between Russia and the US has been has been a back and forth phenomenon since the US kicked Russia out of the Northwestern territory and off the west coast.
- Thursday, July 12, 2012

Romney Needs to Throw A Fit

As a southern boy from South Carolina I'm a passionate fellow. Back before revisionists got a hold on American history, the state of South Carolina was famous, or infamous (depending upon your location north or south of the Mason-Dixon line.), as a passionate state. Sandlappers were first to secede from the Union and the only seceding state in which the vote to secede was unanimous!
- Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Coup d’état—American Style?

There is a feeling of deep unease in America today. That is especially so among those of us who keep an eye and an ear on the secretive power hungry Obama Administration.
- Monday, July 9, 2012

Obama’s Surprising October Surprise

The famous (or infamous) October surprise has become a thing of dread as presidential elections wind down to the last month, or so, of an election cycle.
- Friday, July 6, 2012

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

Four years ago this month -- on July 2nd, 2008 -- Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of a "Civilian National Security Force." He further promised it would be "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military."
- Thursday, July 5, 2012

America’s 50/50 Chance At Freedom

This July Fourth America celebrates her 236 birthday. To modern man, 236 years sounds like a long time. Its not. As the lifetimes of northern and western countries go, America is still a child, an infant, even.
- Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Death of a Nation

Americans are about to learn why the 11 states of the Old Confederacy decided to leave the Union back in the 1860s. State legislatures all across America, not just in the southern states, are about to feel the clinching mailed fist of the federal government. Some are bound to balk and get their hackles up and, eventually, want out.
- Saturday, June 30, 2012

America Is NOW A Socialist Police State

Obama and his fellow socialists in the White House and Congress probably did not realize that all the self congratulatory fist pumping , high fives, and atta-boys at the decision on Obamacare by the Supreme Court was a bit premature. Yes. They won the battle, but the war has only begun.
- Friday, June 29, 2012


Obama won in the Supreme Court but the Republican base in the American electorate has just been fired up and can't wait to get to the polls in November.
- Thursday, June 28, 2012
