
Erik Rush

Erik Rush is a New York-born columnist, author and speaker who writes sociopolitical commentary for numerous online and print publications. In February of 2007, Erik was the first to break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama’s ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright on a national level, which ignited a media firestorm that smolders to this day. Links to his work are available at Erikrush.com.

Most Recent Articles by Erik Rush:

Gun Control Mirroring Health Care Reform

Obama's Gun Control Mirroring Health Care Reform
Last week, I was taken to task by liberal stalwart Alan Colmes on his radio show over a statement I’d made in a recent column that the government (and the Obama administration in particular) want Americans’ firearms because they know that they already merit being removed by force of arms.
- Friday, March 15, 2013

Playing for Keeps on Gun Control

The inordinate backlash over the push for new, more stringent gun control laws in the United States is only “inordinate” to those who either understand nothing about the nation’s founding, the Constitution, and the Second Amendment, or those who wish to subvert same. Interestingly, the state of Colorado (where I happen to live) has become ground zero for the gun control discussion.
- Saturday, March 9, 2013

Look to South Africa

In my view, the most frustrating phenomenon relative to the reign of President Barack Obama is the unreserved sycophantic dedication held for him by the media. Indeed, a plethora of actions taken by his administration should have been enough to have him voted out of office, impeached, or indicted by now, but he has been shielded by the press and lionized by the entertainment media. The intellectual dishonesty and outright duplicity of the press is not restricted to on-air deceptions regarding Obama, or even domestic issues. The aggregate compromise of America’s representation globally is being misrepresented, as are international events.
- Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Fool Who Follows

My dearly departed mother had a great comeback for children who attempted to blame siblings or friends for their greater public transgressions. Not that I ever found myself on the receiving end of this axiom, of course, but it went like this: “Who is worse – the fool, or the fool who follows him?”
- Friday, February 22, 2013

You Don’t Negotiate With Terrorists – or Democrats

Leaving aside for the moment the likelihood that parties and party politics in America will become moot within the next few years (owing to the emergence of a single party or the country’s dissolution into civil war), conservatives and libertarians are finding themselves at an unpleasant crossroads. While some observers gave up on the leadership of the Republican Party long ago, it is now becoming apparent to rank-and-file Republicans that the GOP leadership and its prominent operatives are wholly complicit in the fundamental transformation of America.
- Saturday, February 16, 2013

Obamacare and the DSM-5: Be Afraid; Be Very Afraid

One of the many quaint media offerings of the Christmas season is “Harvey,” a 1950 film which starred James Stewart. Stewart plays Elwood P. Dowd, a middle-aged eccentric whose best friend is a 6-foot, 3.5-inch tall rabbit named Harvey, whom only Elwood can see.
- Saturday, February 9, 2013

Resurrecting Communism’s Glory Days

In his February 1 column, Dr. Steven Lambert reprinted in part a section of testimony that was given before the House of Representatives in 1963; this cited 45 declared goals the Communist Party in America had in their strategy for taking the country over. The entire reprint is available in several places online, so I won’t use up space to include them here.
- Saturday, February 2, 2013

No Need For Guns In America

For those of you who know me, you can pick your jaw up off the floor (after reading the title) and move on. There is a pseudo-discussion taking place all over America about gun ownership which consists of the actual “need” for firearms in citizens’ hands and limits that should be placed on American gun owners. As unlikely as it might seem, this is pure distraction.
- Friday, January 25, 2013

The Darkest Design of Barack Obama

For some time, there have been unsubstantiated reports of the Obama administration engaging in clandestine negotiations with China toward satisfying America’s debt to that nation via exchanges of land and resources. Such an arrangement would be illegal and treasonous of course, but given its deportment to date, that would not likely deter this administration.
- Monday, January 21, 2013

“Fundamental Transformation” to Chill the Blood

During an ABC Nightline interview broadcast on December 26, 2012, President Barack Obama said that one benefit of his re-election was the ability “to have men with guns around at all times.” This week, Obama signed a bill extending armed Secret Service protection for former US presidents to the remainder of their natural lives.
- Saturday, January 12, 2013

Apocalypse Sooner or Later

The snapshot of America does not look good. I realize this will appear to some a vast understatement, but bear in mind that not all readers here are part of the choir as yet. While I don’t believe that the momentum of statists (the political left) in the US can be abated at this point (short of civil war or Divine Intervention), anyone who wakes up along the way may be able to prepare themselves for the worst, thus attenuating their suffering.
- Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Communist in the Room

I personally abhor the term “gun control” because, like so many other idioms advanced by political operatives, it frames the discussion in peremptory language which maintains a presupposition; here, that controlling guns is necessary, further, that it is something the government is legitimately empowered to do. Political operatives have necessarily become experts in this word play, like the left using terms such as “homophobia” to place the onus of presumed dysfunction upon the “homophobe” rather than the homosexual.
- Saturday, December 29, 2012

Treat the Disease, Not the Symptoms

At the outset of the furor surrounding the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last week, many individuals of good conscience chimed in with the refrain that we ought not politicize this horror, using it to advance any agenda.
- Friday, December 21, 2012

Politics From the Dark Side

I came across a fascinating article in The Telegraph yesterday which cited Britain’s most recent census figures; these show that almost 180,000 people in the UK identify themselves as “Jedi Knights” (from the Star Wars films), making this the most popular faith in the “Other Religions" category on the Census and the seventh most popular “religion” overall.
- Friday, December 14, 2012

Is NYC Subway Pusher a “Hate Criminal?”

On December 3, Ki Suk Han, a 58-year-old Queens New York resident, was shoved into the path of an oncoming subway train at the 49th Street station in New York by another individual on the subway platform. Han was subsequently crushed by said train. The incident, which was witnessed by dozens of bystanders, was described as traumatic and gruesome.
- Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Is a Good, Old-Fashioned Purge in Order for the GOP?

On November 19, Pravda’s Xavier Lerma wrote an article asserting that President (I use the term loosely) Barack Obama had been re-elected “by an illiterate society.” Some conservatives have been wont to dismiss and ridicule some of the dead-on assessments of the former Soviet newspaper since it was once in fact a Soviet newspaper.
- Friday, November 30, 2012

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Some years back, I penned a column outlining the virtues of imperialism and the colonialist practices of America and European nations in bygone days. Of course, it came under fire by those who charged that this was tantamount to defending slavery or Jim Crow laws in the U.S. My argument was probably the same as that of many pro-colonialists of the period (from the 15th century through the mid-20th century). This consisted of the belief that colonialism was, in addition to being profitable, a better idea than allowing undeveloped societies to advance unchecked, while obtaining just enough knowledge and modern technology to threaten their neighbors.
- Monday, November 26, 2012

Showing Liberty the Door

It is a sad irony at this time when Thanksgiving Day is being celebrated in America, that one of the things Americans had to be most thankful about – their liberty – is going away. It is not simply in danger of going away, as it was throughout the last century and over the last thirteen years; it is on its way out.
- Thursday, November 22, 2012

Now it Gets Ugly

Americans are confused. I realize that’s probably the understatement of the year, but I am referring not to the apparent insensibility of those who continue to support President Barack Obama, but to the perplexed state of those who are attempting to make sense out of the election outcome itself, as well as events that have taken place since. In short, it is mind-boggling that the man was re-elected considering the shape America is in, and his being the most dismal record of any President in American history.
- Sunday, November 18, 2012

Did Civil War Just Become Inevitable?

So… Barack Obama won re-election to the office of President of the United States, and Republican challenger Mitt Romney has slipped into obscurity faster than any candidate I’ve ever seen. Aside from futile, quasi-navel gazing posturing on the part of Congress over the “fiscal cliff” upon which the American economy is perched, news coverage since the election has been rife with diversion and non-issues.
- Monday, November 12, 2012
