
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

15-Minute Cities Are Climate Lockdowns

UN Agenda 21/2030 is closer than ever to completion. One component, the 15-minute city/neighborhood, is being imposed in the U.S. without the informed consent and vote of the community, just as they had introduced the ICLEI membership into many parts of the U.S. decades ago.

ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is now Local Governments for Sustainability. Environmental ‘Sustainability’ is the lynchpin of U.N. Agenda 21/2030 and ICLEI is the non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes it to local governments around the world.

- Friday, September 29, 2023

What Does Globalism Mean?

In a world now controlled by a few ultra rich people, what does globalism mean? Are we the people going to be better off economically, healthier, happier, and live longer? Will we be able to sit idly by each day while all our needs will be provided by someone else and it will be free? It is certainly what the new generations are expecting--everything free while they are busy on their Instagram influencing.

- Monday, September 25, 2023

Persecution Is Multi-Faceted

Persecution comes in many forms: persecution for religious beliefs, persecution by the police state, for those who do not follow the party line, persecution for ideology, persecution for personal beliefs in regards to one’s body, and persecution based on racial identification.

The main stream propaganda machine organizes persecution into four broad categories, religious, ethnic, political, and social.

- Saturday, September 23, 2023

Propaganda Always Ends Badly

Language is a very powerful tool in the propaganda war machine that nefarious individuals unleashed upon the world with the promise that they were going to make their lives freer, richer, happier, and easier. Under the guise of cleverly worded and false narratives, masses across the centuries have been misled to march toward disastrous outcomes that took many lives and a long time to reverse if ever.

Take for instance the current weaponization of language around the globe where reality and biology are being attacked for political purposes and rational, logical people are required to accept the insanity of a few or they become societally marginalized, and potentially lose their jobs.

- Sunday, September 10, 2023

Build Back Better in the Marxist Vision

Every Marxist Democrat has repeated the mantra, “build back better.” The phrase sounds innocuous but it actually means destroying everything that is good in this country and world-wide and build it back in the globalist image. Whether you like this image or not, remains to be seen. Klaus Schwab, however, assured us that “we will own nothing and be happy.” (World Economic Forum--Building Back Better: An Action Plan for the Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry, June 2020)

- Wednesday, September 6, 2023

‘Mandatory’ is the New Word of Control

Mandatory is an interesting word which has evolved from its intended use of “required by law or rules, compulsory.” It is misused and abused today to force people into compliance.

Under communist rule compliance was ‘mandatory.’ Most things in our lives were mandatory whether inscribed in law, mentioned as unwritten rules, and rules made up on the fly. Regardless of where the word ‘mandatory’ came from, you had to obey and follow the orders or else.

- Sunday, September 3, 2023

Political Correctness the Marxist Way

The Marxist left is so triggered by everything that they look for an insult in every gesture, word, or action. And academics are eager to provide euphemistic words and expressions that they deem non-threatening in order to pacify the insecure and mentally ill.

Words no longer mean what the dictionary and overt reality describe. Words and definitions are changed to express the abject insecurity of the communist left. People are not supposed to "judge" because reality is too painful to experience, they must sugarcoat everything to make the Marxist left “happy.”

- Thursday, August 24, 2023

Weaponized through Electronic Tracking

Photo: Shutterstock

Among the many taglines and slogans, the Marxists are busy inventing, none stands out so bold as “healthcare reinvented.” There is a lot of truth in this tagline as the technocrats are busy reinventing healthcare to better control the population with algorithms.

- Friday, August 11, 2023

Preserving History or Purging It

When it comes to history in school, most of us forget important events and dates as soon as we complete the course, pass the exams and get a passing grade. We use the excuse that life is too short and complicated--why bother to remember things and people who had long been dead and gone. What is there to learn?

However, if we don’t learn from history, if we neglect it, or even worse, change it to suit current ideologies and those in power, we no longer know where we came from, who we are, we lose that important connection to the past, and fail to appreciate the significant contributions famous men and women have made to humanity that still impact our lives today. We also fail to learn from the lessons of those who lived in infamy.

- Monday, July 24, 2023

The Global Constitution for the World

The call for a Constitutional Convention of States under Article V of the U.S. Constitution grows louder. The pretext used is the desire to reign in the out-of-control government spending and corruption in Congress. Governments across the globe are nudged by globalists to institute digital currency and, in the U.S., the Constitution stands in the way and it must be modified.

- Thursday, July 20, 2023

“Our Common Agenda”

United Nations’ road map to total globalist control, following the morphing of U.N. Agenda 21 (1992) into the U.N. Agenda 2030, has now taken the road to “Our Common Agenda” as expressed by U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. Secretary-General’s report on “Our Common Agenda” (un.org)

The United Nations General Assembly will host a summit in New York on September 22-23, 2024. The organizers are promoting the ‘once-in-a-generation opportunity’ to “strengthen global governance for the sake of present and future generations.” Nobody asked present generations, nor did they get the chance to vote, if they wanted to be ruled by global governance bodies at the United Nations. Event: Summit of the Future | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD

- Monday, July 17, 2023

Travel While You Can

Travel will soon become a thing of the past. Not only are the globalists getting ready to shut down commercial airports, destroying all the industries dependent on travel, but air transportation will no longer be available to the masses, it will only be allowed to those who have billions, who can afford their own jets, and have enough money for landing fees at the few remaining commercial and private airports.

- Sunday, July 2, 2023

No Gas Stoves, No Cars, No Electric Cars, and No Flying

People in many U.S. states keep voting more and more communists into office, on a wave of anti-American sentiment and hatred of the white race, replacing Americans who love our country and want what is best for their families and for our country. Leftists want open borders and a globalist government that will control everything and everybody, with the help of the corporatist technocracy and the police state.

The new politicians come from the radical left, those pretending to be Republicans to get elected, and from third world nations that do not care at all about the fabric of our American society, about our history, our language and culture. They do not wish to assimilate. They just want better lives now, as soon as they cross the southern border. Illegals are the new face of America and Islam is the new face of Europe. National Geographic told us so on its October 2016 cover titled, “the New Europeans.”

- Sunday, June 25, 2023

Rules for Woke Radical Activists

In case you wonder if the leftists have a modern version of Saul Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals for the Woke Marxist army of activists that are trained currently in the U.S., wonder no more – it is called Beautiful Trouble. As always, the Woke leftists use disinformation to describe their nefarious anti-American activities by using a website with an innocuous sounding title, Beautiful Trouble. Trouble is never beautiful, it is ugly and violent, but for the occasional surfer, the pairing of beautiful with trouble definitely “triggers” one’s curiosity because the two do not belong together at all.

- Friday, June 23, 2023

Communist Regimes of Lies and Terror Failed Spectacularly at Everything

One of the lynchpins of the communist philosophy is the dictatorship of the proletariat. This ruthless approach involves snitching on the entire population, terror, brute force, and unimaginable violence. Lenin used these methods amply to force the dictatorship of the proletariat on the Soviet subjects.

- Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Gaslighting in Democracy

Gaslighting is “the practice of psychologically manipulating someone into questioning their own sanity, memory, or powers of reasoning.” There are many daily examples of gaslighting coming from the media and corrupt politicians daily. The question remains, are those manipulated able to tell that they are manipulated and are they making corrections to the warped reality they have been convinced to believe and trust?

- Saturday, April 29, 2023

Survival and Respect for Our Food Sources

I am obsessed with the show ALONE for several reasons. Number one is the killing of animals which I could not do. I do eat meat and I know how and where my meat comes from.

I watched my Mom kill chickens and saw her holding its head while the body was dancing in the grass, dying. She then submerged the whole thing in boiling water to make it easier to pluck its feathers. I always left the tiny apartment because the smell made me sick to my stomach.

- Friday, April 21, 2023

The Forced Deconstruction of Reality

During Donald Trump’s entire presidency, the communist storm troopers fanned across the country, highly organized, and paid by wealthy elites with a slash and burn agenda, elites who suddenly developed a mentally deranged hatred for Donald Trump, their former friend.

These storm troopers, mostly young and white, created so much chaos that they made the country ungovernable and extremely violent. And nobody in power stopped them; police were defunded by Democrats and told to stand down and watch the burning, looting, and the killing of innocents. Democrat congresspeople and women encouraged them publicly to engage in this violent chaos and “civil disobedience.”

- Monday, April 17, 2023

American Socialism Roots and the Current Madness

One of the important vectors of the brand of socialist tyranny that developed into the type of equity/racism-based socialism we see in the United States today was the Industrial Revolution, an event that caused tremendous social and economic upheaval.

The American socialism promoted to us today used invented inflammatory constructs like “white supremacy,” “racism,” “equity,” “diversity,” “inclusion,” “transgenderism,” bending reality to multiple non-existent sexes. The lies extended to college-educated professionals who forgot how to define a woman and declared that men can have menses and give birth to babies.

- Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Communist Imperialism and Woke Society

According to historical record, following World War II, seven countries in Europe were seized by “communist imperialism.” Using Bolshevik apparatchiks sent from the Soviet Union, these nations copied the political, economic, and social life of the Soviet Union and became “people’s democracies,” known to the free world as Soviet satellites. Ordinary people, who had been completely deceived, had no idea at the time what these “democracies” would become and how they would fundamentally transform the peoples’ lives for the worse, much worse.

- Thursday, April 6, 2023
