
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

Inhumanity, When the Night Does Fall

“Today it is the unborn child; tomorrow it is likely to be the elderly or those who are incurably ill. Who knows but that a little later it may be anyone who has political or moral views that do not fit into the distorted new order?” – Attributed to Dr. Mildred Jefferson
- Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Smart Meters, Watching Our Lives

Under the guise of climate change advocacy which pretends to save the planet from a non-existent anthropogenic global warming, people across the globe have been forced by utilities and their governments to accept smart meters as readers of their electricity consumption. I called these smart meters in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” drones attached to our homes.
- Monday, October 5, 2015

The Living Nightmare of Socialized Medicine

When the government promises too much free medical care to too many people without making a significant investment in the medical infrastructure, its staff, and its professional delivery, innocent victims of a shortchanged, diluted, and inefficient service are likely to emerge. And the victims will suffer in silence physically or financially, paying for much reduced or unaffordable healthcare.
- Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Chemtrails. Just Another Conspiracy Theory?

While hiking through the woods, I am having a Rachel Carson “silent spring” moment. It’s early fall, nature is still beautiful, albeit a bit dry. There are no birds chirping, no squirrels, no snakes, just an annoying horse fly and a few mosquitoes. The fern gully is bone dry; all ferns have turned rusty brown from lack of rain. I finally spot a few small fishes darting about in the yellowish creek water.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Spirit of America 2015

A crowd of 7,500 patriotic Americans attended the U.S. Army’s 2015 Spirit of America show, a performance highlighting our proud history through the eyes of the American Soldier. Aptly named, the Patriot Center on the campus of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, was brimming with excited men, women, and children who came to pay their respects to our elite soldiers who have sworn to uphold our Constitution and to defend our country so that we may enjoy the freedoms that most take for granted.
- Sunday, September 20, 2015

The telltale truth of Syrian refugees left in garbage they leave behind

As I look at photos posted by witnesses at the Italian/Austrian border, Serbian/Hungarian border, and various train stations around Europe, I am wondering who is going to clean the mountains of trash left behind for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see, by the “refugees” from the Middle East.
- Thursday, September 17, 2015

U.N. Agenda 21 hiding behind Agenda 2030

After forty years of socialist indoctrination in schools and LGBT activism, the progressive agenda is finally bearing fruit. Gloating that the Women of the Left and GLAAD were victorious over our country, a recent Rush Limbaugh caller said that our country is in such a mess right now, that Christians won't even help their own when religious rights are trampled. The warping and destruction of our children's minds in schools is so complete, they now think the way feminist and LGBT militants want them to think, the caller concluded.
- Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cargo of Refugees, a Planned Invasion

Cargo after cargo of “refugees,” defiant young Muslims seeking a better life in non-Muslim countries with generous welfare programs, are arriving on the Mediterranean shores and at the border of small and much poorer countries than the rich Arab states bordering Syria. Even though they speak the same language, they are taking in zero “refugees” with the excuse that they are trying to minimize the threat of terrorism.
- Sunday, September 13, 2015

Refugees or Convenient Economic and Demographic Exodus?

The sudden and unexpected wave of economic refugees from Syria and Iraq appears to have similarities to the wave of young economic refugees fleeing Central America who started flooding our borders last year with several governments, including our own, as enablers and financers of forced settlement.
- Monday, September 7, 2015

The Terrifying Tentacles of One World Governance

The late Henry Lamb and Tom DeWeese have been working tirelessly for decades to unravel the thorny and terrifying tentacles of U.N.'s Agenda 21, a soft law signed in 1992 by 178 countries. But the idea of a one world government/order has been around since the turn of the 20th century. It suffices to look at the back of a dollar bill to see the evidence. Featured prominently under the Masonic Pyramid are the Latin words, Novus Ordo Seclorum, the New World Order.
- Monday, September 7, 2015

EPA Regulations forcing compliance on new appliances

If you ask an engineer, he will tell you that CO2 is not a pollutant, and burning fossil fuels has made the Earth greener because their emissions are rapidly assimilated by sunlight. As Dr. Klaus Kaiser had explained, “incomplete combustion can cause air quality problems, not because of CO2 but due to soot particles and nitrogen oxides,” particularly in high density urban areas where the air tends to be stagnant. There is a reason why Chicago, the ‘Windy City,’ has not had an air quality problem.
- Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hunger by Government Definition Is "Food Insecure"

As liberals complain that people are going hungry and the first lady transforms the school lunch fare to "healthy" offerings nobody seems to like, the federal government is spending plenty on "domestic food assistance to provide food for the hungry and other vulnerable populations in this country."
- Thursday, August 27, 2015

Willis Eschenbach and the Myth of the “Sixth Wave of Extinction”

Willis Eschenbach, who takes pride in saying that he is not a trained scientist but has logged thousands of hours of research on the subject, was the first person to file a FOIA request for the infamous data from the University of East Anglia CRU. Hackers downloaded emails from said university that had shown that scientists had manipulated the data to agree with the global warming theory.
- Tuesday, August 25, 2015

“The Extras on Life’s Stage”

As I sit at lunch across from young people in their early thirties, discussing the reasons why Americans have lost patriotism and respect for their own country, I am reminded of Dr. Savage’s monologue describing the average American in New York City who goes about his daily business as “extras on life’s stage,” not unlike the average Roman who only cared about, according to a quote from Cato the Elder, “the pebble in his shoe.” The young thirty-somethings’ opinions were rather interesting and I have paraphrased or directly quoted their statements as closely as possible to their original thoughts.
- Thursday, August 20, 2015

Explaining Emerging Infectious Diseases

"2015 was a very busy year for emerging infectious diseases." - Steven Hatfill, MD Dedicating his lecture to Médecins Sans Frontières, for their heroic actions in West Africa, Dr. Hatfill spoke to a captivated audience at the 33rd Annual Conference of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in California about the 43 newly emerging infectious diseases that jumped to a larger geographic area from their wild animal hosts to human populations in the past 30 years.
- Thursday, August 20, 2015

Pope Francis and Climatism

National Geographic published a fascinating article on his Holiness, Pope Francis. Robert Draper and Dave Yoder, who gained unprecedented access to the pope, wrote about and photographed the pope extensively.
- Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Climate Change Industry drastically depletes the Energy Market

Countries and companies around the globe have spent trillions of dollars to stop the Earth from warming and the Earth did not get the message, it responded by cooling. Not to worry, environmentalists who were blatantly wrong and tried to say that cooling is part of global warming, changed their golden goose agenda to climate change. Even though climate change is real, it is called seasons, critics of the climate change industry, of climatism, have been marginalized under the rubric of global warming heretic deniers.
- Wednesday, August 12, 2015

EPA De-Develops the US Through Nebulous Consensus Climate Change

Several presentations at the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Ontario, California, dealt with the issues of anthropogenic global warming promoted by the climate change industry. Dr. S. Fred Singer, founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), and Ken Haapala, current president of SEPP, discussed the “National Environment Assessment: Peeling the Speculative Onion.” Haapala spoke of “climate fears and finance” and our government’s limitations on CO2 emissions as a “policy in search of a problem.”
- Monday, August 10, 2015
