
Doug Hagmann

Copyright © Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist history. [url="https://HagmannReport.com/donate"]Hagmann Report[/url] [url="https://HagmannStore.com"]HAGMANN COFFEE & MORE[/url] ON THE GO? SUBSCRIBE TO HAGMANN’S PODCAST: [url="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hagmann-report/id631558915?uo=4"]iTunes[/url] | [url="https://open.spotify.com/show/376mkckQHCPYTJssQN794g"]Spotify[/url] | [url="https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-hagmann-report-30926499/"]iHeart[/url] | [url="https://www.spreaker.com/show/hagmann-report"]Spreaker[/url] Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) FOLLOW HAGMANN AT: [url="https://parler.com/DouglasHagmann"]Parler[/url] | [url="https://gab.com/DougHagmann"]Gab[/url] | [url="https://gettr.com/user/doughagmann"]Gettr[/url] | [url="https://truthsocial.com/@DougHagmann"]Truth Social[/url]

Most Recent Articles by Doug Hagmann:

Intelligence insider speaks on the record about false flags & government lies

Our nation and all of humanity stands at a critical crossroads in history, with Syria as the epicenter of a looming global conflict that will leave no one untouched. Despite a nearly unanimous consensus of the American people against military action in Syria, elements of our government are determined to override the will of the people and push us headlong into war in Syria, which will lead to a much greater conflagration than most are willing to believe or imagine.
- Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Syria will be the Waco of the Middle East

Opening the gates of hell... for the children's sake
Events are now moving rapidly to accomplish the next step in the agenda of the globalists that will lead us into the unimaginable horrors of World War III. With each passing day, each passing hour, the curtain is being lifted a little more to expose the true agenda of the psychopaths and sociopaths who are leading the charge of war in our name, with our money and despite our apparent collective reluctance illustrated by a recent poll about intervention in Syria, our tacit approval for what is about to take place.
- Wednesday, September 4, 2013

CIA author’s ‘secret key’ unlocks CIA redactions

"I was in the belly of the beast. I began to see the lengths to which the CIA will go to conceal unconstitutional operations, hide information from Congress and silence anyone inside who challenges it." Those are the words of Kevin M. Shipp, a former category 1, highly decorated CIA agent who held positions as an agent on the protective detail of the director and deputy director of the CIA, a manager of ongoing operations, an internal Security Officer, a counterintelligence investigator tasked to ferret moles out of the CIA, a Counter Terrorism Center (CTC) officer, a protective operations team leader and a polygraph examiner.
- Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight

"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? That is something I ask all my prey." Those are the haunting sentences uttered by Jack Nicholson by his movie persona as the Joker in the 1989 "Batman" movie just before killing his victims.
- Friday, August 23, 2013

It’s bull

- Satire John Pistole, head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), granted this writer an exclusive interview late yesterday to discuss the Obama clown mask incident at the Missouri State Fair that caused an uproar among the Progressive left. Speaking from his summer home in 1936 Germany, Pistole stated that the Obama clown mask incident serves as a perfect example that illustrates the need for TSA expansion to other venues beyond airports, and the reason the TSA specifically named rodeos as a venue of coverage in their recent announcement.
- Thursday, August 15, 2013

Unmasking the embassy threat

There is one thing certain about the publicized threat to our embassies; it is not what it is presented to be. To accept the official explanation of a nebulous threat from al Qaeda as the reason for closing our embassies across the Middle East and North Africa is being dangerously naive and simplistic.
- Monday, August 5, 2013

Sex, lies & diversion

Are you growing tired of the continuing distractions created by the Obama-Holder regime of racial radicalization regarding the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman matter? I believe there is one way that this matter could be forever sent to the ever growing black hole of criminal activities perpetrated by this tyrannical regime and media complicity. Perhaps we could ask Mr. Zimmerman to legally change his name to Benjamin Ghazi, or Ben Ghazi, thereby assuring that his name and perhaps the incident itself would never be again spoken by Obama.
- Thursday, July 25, 2013

Selective silencing: Was Michael Hastings murdered?

Based on my research as a professionally licensed investigator with nearly 30 years of experience, I wish to be on record that it is my professional opinion that investigative journalist Michael Hastings was murdered.
- Saturday, July 20, 2013

TWA Flight 800: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Benghazi warm-up

Seventeen years ago today, the lives of 230 men, women and children were snuffed out and the lives of their families and friends were forever changed. At 8:31 p.m. ET on July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 fell from the sky in a sickening fireball of debris and human carnage, plunging into the Atlantic Ocean about 8 miles off the southern coast of Long Island, New York. It was only twelve minutes into its flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport en route to Rome, Italy, with a scheduled stopover in Paris when the flight, like the lives of those aboard, was abruptly and prematurely terminated.
- Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Watergate of Whistleblowers that could bring down Hillary Rodham Clinton

Being a whistleblower under the tyrannical rule of Barack Hussein Obama seems to be getting a bit "dicey" these days. So too is being a law firm representing such whistleblowers. If you're not subjected to extravagant 21st century NSA surveillance technology, you just might end up being the victim of a less-glitzy, low-tech 1970s Watergate-era style burglary. According to the mainstream media under Obama, of course, these things simply don't happen. Oh, except that they do, but you're just not supposed to know about them.
- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

America under tyrannical rule: what we must now do

With every new Executive Order, the options that we, the people, have to seek redress for the crimes committed by the United States government are becoming more limited. Have you sent a fax or e-mail to your elected representative lately about an issue of constitutional importance? How did that work out? Have you organized or attended a "rally" lately? Tell me, what has changed by your sincere efforts? Oh, and was the rally limited to a "First Amendment zone," (or "Free Speech zone") or a specified location where you were "allowed" to exercise your First Amendment rights granted by the U.S. Constitution? Did you even know such zones existed and if so, are they alright with you?
- Monday, July 15, 2013

Who is Barack Hussein Obama, or is it Barry Soetoro?

With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the United States is a "captured operation," and has been taken over from within. At the epicenter of the tyrannical takeover is none other than Barack Hussein Obama, a man also known as Barry Soetoro. The terrifying yet largely unreported fact is that after two elections and nearly five years, we still do not know with certainty the legal name, true legal identity or status of the man holding the highest office in America.
- Friday, July 12, 2013

A message from National Security Agency File Number 70900

"If you let them do this to me and get away with it, then you're giving them the eternal right to do the same damn thing to any one of you!" -Buford Pusser To a lie, truth is toxic. To the purveyors of lies, truth-tellers are a poisonous threat. To the corrupt men and women of government, exposure of corruption is a serious threat that cannot be permitted to see the light of day.
- Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The truth about the Snowden affair & why you should care

Some call Edward Snowden a traitor, while others call him a hero. One thing that is certain is that he cannot be both to the citizens of the United States. Interested by this stark difference of perception, I decided to investigate exactly what it was that he allegedly did that caused this drama that has captivated so many.
- Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Time is running out

As detailed by well known Erwin W. Lutzer in his book "When a Nation Forgets God," an unidentified Christian pastor shared a story with him of someone living in Germany during the Nazi takeover. The person sharing the story was a churchgoing Christian and a member of a small church located adjacent to railroad tracks.
- Monday, July 1, 2013

The bells toll for thee

Designated by Congress as the "National House of Prayer" and often identified as the church of our national leaders, the National Cathedral in Washington DC celebrated Wednesday's Supreme Court decisions regarding same-sex marriage by ringing its bells for 45 minutes at noon ET, followed by a celebratory prayer service that evening.
- Saturday, June 29, 2013

From Karen Silkwood to Michael Hastings, something is wrong

Just a few short years ago, I would have likely considered the death of Rolling Stone Reporter Michael Hastings an "open and shut" tragedy after a cursory review of the open source evidence associated with this event.
- Saturday, June 22, 2013
