
J.D. Longstreet

(Editor’s note: J.D. Longstreet passed away in 2014. He will be greatly missed.) Longstreet is a conservative Southern American (A native sandlapper and an adopted Tar Heel) with a deep passion for the history, heritage, and culture of the southern states of America. At the same time he is a deeply loyal American believing strongly in “America First”. He is a thirty-year veteran of the broadcasting business, as an “in the field” and “on-air” news reporter (contributing to radio, TV, and newspapers) and a conservative broadcast commentator. Longstreet is a veteran of the US Army and US Army Reserve. He is a member of the American Legion and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A lifelong Christian, Longstreet subscribes to “old Lutheranism” to express and exercise his faith.

Most Recent Articles by J.D. Longstreet:

Christie the Dem's Choice for GOP Presidential Candidate

There are lots of things that are sure and certain like: death, taxes, and democrats will cheat during elections. Now we can add another to the ever growing list. The Dems want Chris Christie, of New Jersey, to be the the GOP candidate for President in 2016.
- Monday, November 11, 2013

Just Say NO ... To Obamacare!

The lies about how America LOVES Obamacare continue to pour from the White House as water over Niagara Falls. But that is ALL they are ... LIES!
- Monday, October 21, 2013

Disagree with Obama?  You’re a Racist!

One of the things I most dreaded about Obama's election the first time, in 2008, was the certain claims of racism that would surely follow in the years ahead every time someone had the temerity to disagree with his position, his philosophy, his ideology, hell, even the color of his tie! That dread has turned out to be more than prescient.
- Friday, October 18, 2013

If Not America—Who?

I cannot, for the life of me, understand those Americans who would like the US to no longer be a super power and/or a world leader.
- Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Good Ole Days

An old friend and I were conversing recently and reminiscing about the world we grew up in as opposed to the world we actually live in today. It is something “old-timers” like us have been doing since the dawn of time.
- Friday, October 11, 2013

ObamaCare Worse Than Prohibition

I am fully aware that most Americans today have no clue as to the damage one federal law brought to -- and did to -- America. I refer to Prohibition. It was then, just as it is today with ObamaCare, all brought down on our heads by a bunch of people who were absolutely, positively, convinced they knew what was best for America and they were one hundred percent determined to "fundamentally change" America.
- Friday, October 4, 2013

Tom Clancy Has Gone Home

I feel as though I have lost a friend today. I refer to the passing of author Tom Clancy. Clancy died on October 1, 2013, in a Baltimore, Maryland, hospital. He was 66 years old. I never met the man, though, I think I "sorta" did through his writings. Clancy was a conservative and that makes him a brother. I have spent many, many hours pouring over his books, savoring every single word. He had a talent for painting what I call "word pictures." His mastery of the English language was such that, using words alone, he could paint a picture on the canvas of your mind and you could view the scene he described as though it were real and in vivid color.
- Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Senate MUST NOT Ratify UN Small Arms Treaty!

There can be no question the "Obamatons" have little regard for the US Constitution. It is but a speed bump in their drive toward establishment of a Socialist/Marxist America. And they will use whatever method or means necessary to accomplish their goal.
- Friday, September 27, 2013

Circling the Wagons

I find it totally impossible to feel empathy or sympathy for the democrats who have assisted Obama since the idea of America's first black President fueled their passion back in 2006 and 2007 and buoyed them through the Presidential Campaign to victory in 2008 and again in 2012.
- Monday, September 23, 2013

That Losing Summer At The Box Office

Hollywood has experienced one losing film after another this summer. It has been expensive, and it has been embarrassing, as well. Millions upon millions of dollars were pumped into those major movies and still -- they flopped.
- Friday, September 20, 2013

So Much For The 1st Amendment!

"A long life in journalism convinced me many presidents ago that there should be a large air space between a journalist and the head of a state."-- Walter Lippmann I was a member of "the press" for a number of decades. I carried press credentials in my wallet at all times. Even after retirement I carried that press card for many years, reluctant to part with it. Once a "news hound" always a news hound as the expression goes. (If you have not heard THAT one, you were never a reporter.)
- Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We Warned Putin Would Outsmart Obama

It's not that we conservative commentators are smarter than anyone else, because we most certainly are not. It is, I suppose, because we pay closer attention to current events, especially political current events, that we sometimes see/sense future events before they happen.
- Saturday, September 14, 2013

Obama Has Been Rolled!

Back in the day, to say someone had been "rolled" meant that that person had been out-smarted, out-maneuvered, made a public fool of, etc.
- Thursday, September 12, 2013

Beyond the Farthest Island: The Mars One Project

I read an article recently that would-be space pioneers are signing up in droves to be the first humans to rocket to Mars -- and remain there for the rest of their lives. No round trip, and no way back later, either. At last count over 30,000 US citizen had already signed up to go, well, APPLIED for a seat on the ship to Mars.
- Tuesday, September 10, 2013

America Needs A Real Leader

There are lots of different kinds of conservatives in the US. Social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, political conservatives, religious conservatives, and the list goes on. That is why it is so difficult to define exactly what a conservative is and who is a true conservative. Me? Well, I am a conservative who can identify with everyone of the categories above… and then some.
- Saturday, September 7, 2013

Watching History Unfold

For one to say: "These are perilous times," in reference to our current position on the time continuum, would be a vast understatement.
- Thursday, September 5, 2013

Believing His Own BS

Oh, this is embarrassing! Our wimp of a President trying to fit into the hat of the Commander-in-Chief. Geez! He could at least take the "Kick Me" sign off his back.
- Saturday, August 31, 2013
