
Roger Aronoff

Roger Aronoff is a member of Citizens Commission on National Security. Roger is the writer/director of Confronting Iraq: Conflict and Hope

Most Recent Articles by Roger Aronoff:

Obama Administration Fails the Transparency Test

Obama Administration Fails the Transparency Test Eight examples of how the administration is obstructing the media. Journalists who cover the White House say Obama's press aides have demanded--and received--changes in press-pool reports before the reports have been disseminated to other journalists
- Thursday, September 25, 2014

More Evidence of Benghazi Cover-Up

More Evidence of Benghazi Cover-Up Must now ask whether Hillary Clinton instigated or authorized a cover-up of the actions of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
- Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/11 Anniversary Brings New Revelations, New Investigations

9/11 Anniversary Brings New Revelations, New Investigations
September 11th will always be a somber date in American history. It has been 13 years since al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, murdering nearly 3,000 people. It has been two years since the tragic deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya after the attacks on our U.S. Special Mission Compound and Annex, attacks that a bipartisan Congressional report labeled "avoidable."
- Thursday, September 11, 2014

President Obama's Credibility Is in Short Supply

President Barack Obama has consistently deceived the American people when called out on statements that he's made in the past, but the media have not consistently reported on these often farcical inconsistencies. However, the President's recent "evolution" regarding the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a Sunni militant group active in those countries that has been beheading kidnapped American journalists, has been so obvious that it could not fail to spark some media criticism. So, too, are the President's contradictory comments on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And much, much more.
- Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Benghazi Investigation Heats Up with New Books, Hearings and a Documentary

With the anniversary of September 11, 2001, coming up next week, the left is lining up to undermine various and ongoing efforts to get to the truth about what led to the events of September 11, 2012. The latter terrorist attack took place two months before a presidential election. The U.S. Special Mission Compound (often mistakenly referred to as a consulate) in Benghazi, Libya, and the nearby CIA Annex were brutally attacked--killing our U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.
- Friday, September 5, 2014

The Media at War With the Obama Administration?

While the media are usually doing the bidding of President Obama and the Democrats, and are deep in the President’s pocket, there are cases in which they are very unhappy with his actions. New York Times reporter James Risen has become famous not only for his ongoing Espionage Act case, but also for his willingness to call President Obama the “greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation.”
- Friday, August 29, 2014

MSNBC’s Conflict of Interest: Al Sharpton

MSNBC’s Conflict of Interest: Al Sharpton
The day before Al Sharpton's particular brand of civil rights activism led him to speak at Michael Brown's funeral, The New York Times was celebrating him with a softball piece that outlined Sharpton's strong connections to the Obama administration, White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, and even New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. What do all these leaders have in common? They lean left--hard left. Or as the motto of MSNBC, where Sharpton has a weekday show, puts it, they "lean forward."
- Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Civil War in the Democratic Party?

While the media have feasted on the perceived civil war in the Republican Party, based on a few close races involving the Tea Party versus the establishment and differences in how to handle immigration reform, the makings of a very real civil war have emerged in the Democratic Party that has the left in a quandary. But now, just days after reports first broke about Hillary Clinton’s attacks on President Barack Obama’s weak and confused foreign policy decisions, Politico is reporting that Hillary has declared a cease-fire, for now, as the two met in Martha’s Vineyard Wednesday night at the home of one-time Democratic fixer Vernon Jordan.
- Friday, August 15, 2014

Time Runs Out on Counting Casualties in Gaza

Last week I received an email from Time magazine, asking if I “would be interested in contributing a piece for Time.com on the casualty numbers being reported in Gaza. These come mostly from Hamas, and we’re interested in a piece on how reliable/unreliable the numbers are,” the email said. But the magazine apparently wasn’t interested in the product they requested. I immediately responded that I would be willing to provide them with a piece, and, at their request, suggested what I would plan to say. They wrote back the following: “I think we need a piece that focuses on the reported casualties and how we can/should unpack those numbers as reliable or not. What source or sources should we be going to, and how should the casualty count be done? I don't think we need to address Israel being treated as the aggressor since I think many will be familiar with that perspective and its counter.” When I submitted a full piece targeted more toward what they suggested, they decided to pass. It wasn’t “quite what we’re looking for so will have to pass.”
- Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mr. Milbank's Muddled Misfire

The press is geared toward sensationalism, and this is understandable. But Milbank's misrepresentation of the facts is inexcusable
- Thursday, June 19, 2014

VA Crises Getting Lost in Scandal Overload

President Obama is embroiled in two Veterans Affairs scandals: 1) fabricated documents and secret waiting lists for health care, with dozens of veterans dying while waiting for appointments; and 2) waiting lists for disability benefits. The former is now the subject of a criminal investigation opened by the Phoenix office of the FBI just days after the release of a bipartisan letter from 21 U.S. senators to the Department of Justice calling for a criminal investigation.
- Thursday, June 12, 2014

CNN's "Chicagoland" Charade

It was recently revealed by the Chicago Tribune that CNN coordinated a series it aired called "Chicagoland" with Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The purpose was to make him look good, no question about it.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014
